Daily Inspirational Thoughts

 Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.

Monday through Thursday


These are written by Beth McLendon
unless otherwise noted.

Monday July 15, 2013

I cannot change the past
but I can rise above it.

Tuesday July 16, 2013

I will not be problem-minded.
I will be solution-minded.

Wednesday July 17, 2013

God is using my ordinary days and
stringing them together
to make an extraordinary future.

Thursday July 18, 2013

I cannot submit unto the Lord
and it not change me.

Highlighted Bible Verse

"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.

Is there anything too hard for Me?"

Jeremiah 32:27  NKJV


Below is an excerpt

 from our Bible Devotion

"Doing the Impossible"

A young girl named Mary was approached by God.

The angel Gabriel was sent to Mary. The angel told her that she was destined to do the impossible. Mary was puzzled by the words. She didn't know how this plan could happen.

But Mary didn't reason with the visitor about all the problems involved in this impossible task. She didn't talk and talk about how unworthy she was. She didn't try to say that she was not the best choice.

Mary simply said, "Be it unto me according to thy word."

Mary accepted God's plan with faith.

Mary reacted in the right way.

During your life, God is going to ask you to do impossible things. Some of them may be along the same lines as Moses or Gideon - you may lead a group of people into and through an impossible task.

But some of the impossible commands of God come to us so quietly that we miss them.

Sometimes God asks us to do the impossible and that means to be kind to the unlovable ones in our life.

Sometimes God asks us to do the impossible and that means to have a good attitude during a difficult time in our life.

Sometimes God asks us to do the impossible and that means to keep our mouth shut when we want to speak some words that we shouldn't.

Sometimes the greatest miracles are a person's small acts of obedience to God that are done over and over and over and over. Faithfulness is powerful.

I encourage you to step up to your God-given destiny. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior and your Lord, I encourage you to meditate on your position of being a son or daughter of the King.

You were created to do great things for God. You were created to follow him and speak his words and do his great deeds for all the world to see.

No one will be perfect at this. BUT God isn't calling perfect people. He is calling willing people. People willing to try. People willing to try again when they mess up.

Jesus said we would do greater things than he did.

I've heard a lot of people argue about what that means.

Whatever it means,
I am a long way from fulfilling that verse.

In order to step into my destiny, I've got to believe that God can do impossible things through me!

I've got to be willing.

If I am willing and I try,
I'm certainly going to do a lot more for God than
if I am unwilling and don't try!

Copyright © 2011 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com

The above excerpt was taken from

Doing the Impossible

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