Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God

is a safe place -

a warm accepting place.

God is reaching out to you

right now

wanting you to feel closer to him.

God wants you to feel

close to him and safe with him.

This page contains prayer and encouragement.

Intimacy with your Heavenly Father

is not something to fear


feel uncomfortable about.

Intimacy with God is like

wrapping up with a warm blanket

and a steamy cup of hot chocolate.


To be close to God

is to be

in the middle of liquid love.


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Please join me in the following prayer written

to enjoy God and to create closeness with God.

Loving Lord,

You have filled the oceans with countless creatures that proclaim the beauty of your thoughts. Galloping sea horses, fan-tailed flounder, and sleek stingrays make their homes amid the salty depths. Waddling walruses and whiskered sea lions delight to dive into their liquid playgrounds. Lord, you notice each hungry creation as it spots its savory supper. You keep a watchful eye on all of them.

You take great interest in every marine creature, but your loving gaze is reserved for me.

Your enjoyment of the sea is always eclipsed by your desire to closely follow the course of my movements. I am refreshed as I realize that the tiniest part of my day has not escaped your thoughtful gaze. The promise of your strength, the promise of your intellect working for me, the promise of your goodness and mercy, they are producing confidence in me this day.

I will be nourished today by your Word and thoughts of you.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

Intimacy with God is something to look forward to!


If we let our

Heavenly Father,

he will lavish his love on us.

He wants you to talk with him and

enjoy him

just as you would an earthly person.

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The Father's Love.....

He knows all your thoughts and all your actions. Nothing is hidden from him.

He knows all about you, and yet even knowing you fully, he still wants more opportunities to share time with you.

Pondering that thought can give you ammunition to defeat thoughts that attack your self-concept. Will you stop and ponder that thought?

God loves you

even if

you have not given your heart to him.

Even though God loves you,

you must 

accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord

in order to go to heaven when you die. 

Only then, will you be able to fully receive and enjoy

all the love that Father God wants to give you.

The Bible writes:

But as for me,

my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing you

and knowing

all is well between us.

And when I awake in heaven,

I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face-to-face.

Psalm 17:15 TLB

We have an Explaining Salvation page.

If you liked this intimacy with God page,

you may want to visit

Father's Love Links and 

our morning prayers or evening prayers .

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