Is "Jesus Calling" a good book?
I gently want to tell you -
The Short Answer is No.
This page will explain.
I know it is very hard to hear
that a book you love is not a good book.
Sarah's Jesus
is very warm and relatable.
As Christians
we are not to be guided by our feelings.
must compare everything
what the Bible says.
On this page
I highlight
Doreen Virtue and Warren B. Smith
who were in
The New Age Movement
for many years.
It is easier for them to see
New Age Practices in this book
they are so familiar with those practices.
They are more alert
to the subtle deceptions in the book.
Many Christians
are unaware
that some of the
new things
coming into the church
are coming from the
New Age Movement.
In early editions of
Jesus Calling
Sarah Young tells readers that
her inspiration
to write
Jesus Calling
was from reading the book
God Calling.
Sarah Young
took all references to God Calling
of later editions
when readers complained to the publisher.
alerted the publisher
God Calling
is a new age book
in which
the authors got messages in occultic ways.
More about God Calling
God Calling is a book of messages reputedly delivered by Jesus Christ to two women in England in the 1930s.(1) The women referred to themselves as “The Two Listeners,” and the messages they received from “Jesus” were conveyed through an occult process known as spiritual dictation. This is when a spiritual entity conveys information from the spirit world to willing people who act as “channels.”
The Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs published by Harvest House Christian Publishers describes
God Calling
as a channeled New Age book.
It explains that channeling is a form of mediumship and that this practice is expressly forbidden in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18: 9-12).
In the Encyclopedia chapter on channeling, in a section titled “Impersonations and Denials of Christianity,” the reader is warned that God Calling is “replete with denials of biblical teaching.”
This section taken from....
Also see this Youtube short:
Jesus Calling
has been revised many times.
Cut and Paste into Browser
Doreen Virtue
gives an example
Sarah Young
updating what Jesus said in her book
because readers
were writing the publisher
and showing that the book does not agree with Scripture.
consider listening to the video below.
Disclaimer: I do not always agree with Doreen.
Also note that I think some self-help books are fine.
A deceptive example:
At 19 minutes 45 seconds Doreen highlights...
The book's "Feb 28" devotion says...
"Stop judging and evaluating yourself for this is not your role."
Doreen explains,
"Christians are supposed to take an inventory of ourselves."
The Bible tells us to evaluate ourselves -
see the Scriptures below....
2 Corinthians 13:5,
2 Tim. 3:16,
Lamentations 3:40,
Proverbs 4:26, Ephesians 5:15, 1 Cor. 11:28, 1 Tim. 4:16,
Also consider our Luke 6:37 Judge not page.
The "Jesus" in her book is not the Jesus of the Bible.
Jesus warned us that
there would be false Christs.
The next video has
Great Information
Warren B. Smith
gives a lot of helpful information about problems in
"Jesus Calling"
and he shares
about ways that
the devil deceives people.
Warren B. Smith wrote a book exposing Sarah's book.
It is called "Another Jesus Calling."
The video below starts with talking about
A Course in Miracles
and then goes to
Jesus Calling.
Disclaimer: I endorse this video. I am not saying that I agree with everything Warren B. Smith says in other videos.
Sarah put words in the mouth of Jesus that are not biblical.
Speaking for Jesus, no matter how well-intentioned, is not a good idea.
Here is a second video by
Doreen Virtue
Here is a link to an article about Jesus Calling.
We have lots of information about
The New Age and the occult.
For example:
Oprah and the new age movement
Contemplative Prayer is not biblical
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"Is Jesus Calling a good book" was presented in the autumn of 2024.
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