Is the Bible true?
Let's look at the
and see
if it is true.
This page is written
for those who
and for those
who want to
help others who question.
Presented by Beth McLendon
6 part devotional
GREAT videos -
Be sure to scroll down and check them all out!
Part 1
Very Quick
Video Overview
Start us off.
Where will we go first?
I am going to tackle the question...
Did the disciples of Jesus
Did they lie about all his miracles and teachings?
Did they lie about the resurrection of Jesus?
It is one thing
to die for something
you believe is true.
It is another thing to die for a hoax.
In all seriousness
it is ridiculous
to believe
that these men lied about Jesus
only to get persecuted and brutally murdered…
They literally
had nothing to gain
from lying,
they would have all had to keep
this a secret
until their brutal deaths
without cracking.
This just doesn’t happen.
Nobody dies
for what they know is a lie
without anything to gain from it.
And take note:
These are the
same disciples
ran away and abandoned Jesus
when he was arrested by the soldiers.
Only John did not run away.
I remind you that
Peter denied Jesus 3 times because of fear.
must have happened
to change
those disciples into courageous, fearless, witnesses of Christ
who are able to
endure great suffering...
The Resurrection
what happened!
Part 2
What about the Roman Guards?
Roman guards wouldn’t just fall asleep on the job
and let the
disciples steal the body.
If you fell asleep on guard duty,
the punishment was being executed.
I don't like
of Jesus
on the video below.
But it is a powerful video.
Please ignore the picture if it bothers you also.
Can the
New Testament
be proven to be historically correct?
Even atheist scholars will say, "YES!"
Dr. Gary Habermas is featured.
He was one of my professors.
Part 3
Two Videos
on the topic of
Why I Believe the Bible.
Second video
is short yet Powerful.
First video about
Why I Believe the Bible.
Consider our page:
Psalm 22
Second video about
Why I Believe the Bible.
A Short Video
Part 4
Next topic
Is the Old Testament True?
Two sections:
Jesus believed the Old Testament to be totally true.
Which is enough for me.
There is abundant evidence that the
Old Testament
was handed down accurately to us.
First Section
We could cite many reasons
for the Old Testament being God’s Word,
but the strongest argument
comes from the Lord Jesus himself.
As God in human flesh,
Jesus speaks with final authority.
his testimony regarding the Old Testament is loud and clear.
Jesus believed that the Old Testament was divinely inspired, the veritable Word of God.
He said, ‘The Scripture cannot be broken’ (John 10:35).
He referred to Scripture as ‘the commandment of God’ (Matthew 15:3) and as the ‘Word of God’ (Mark 7:13).
He also indicated that it was indestructible: ‘Until Heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the law, until all is accomplished’ (Matthew 5:18).
When dealing with the people of his day, whether it was with the disciples or religious rulers, Jesus constantly referred to the Old Testament: ‘Have you not read that which was spoken to you by God?’ (Matthew 22:31); ‘Yea; and have you never read, “Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babes thou has prepared praise for thyself”?’ (Matthew 21:16, citing Psalm 8:2); and ‘Have you not read what David did?’ (Matthew 12:3). Examples could be multiplied to demonstrate that Jesus was conversant with the Old Testament and its content.
He quoted from it often and he trusted it totally.
This section came from:
Jesus saw the Old Testament
as a document that spoke primarily about Him.
His life and ministry were the fulfillment of Old Testament teachings.
He said to the religious leaders of His day:
John 5:39-40 NLT
“You search the Scriptures
[Old Testament Scriptures]
because you think they give you eternal life.
But the Scriptures point to me!
Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life."
Here is a
to a very helpful page
that gives
lots of verses of
Jesus affirming the Old Testament.
This section is taken from:
the accuracy of the
Old Testament.
Over and Over
Jesus told
that the Old Testament
is true.
Part 5
Next Question:
Has the Bible
been preserved accurately?
Below a quick and simple video.
we have a
in-depth video.
Part 6
we have a video that comes at the topic
from a
different angle.
And it is more entertaining than the other two videos -
Did monks or other individuals
change the Bible?
If you have a background
in the false religion of
the following video link
is a
GREAT resource
for strengthening your Faith in the Bible
and for sharing with
loved ones who are still in Mormonism.
Cut and Paste in Browser...
Everybody comes to the Bible
I have hardly ever listened to Voddie Baucham.
But I have recently found that he has done some good work on this topic.
The Word of God in the hand
is fine.
The Word of God in the head
is better.
The Word of God in the heart
is what transforms us
matures us in Christ.
can help
to get a point across
We close with a
look at...
Did the disciples lie?
Some of the paragraphs on this page came directly from comments under the video above.
I was blessed as I read the comments, and I wanted to share them.
Consider our page:
Jump to the top of Is the Bible true?
This page - Is the Bible true? - was presented April 2024.
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