Miracle Prayer For Pacriatic Cancer

Hello, I’m asking for miracle healing prayer for my great grandma who is 95 years of age.

She was able to take care of herself, drive, attend church, and teach womens bible study every Thursday until about 7/8 months ago when she started having different health issues that caused her to be in and out of the hospital every other month then every few weeks to every other day.

That’s when we found out she has a blockage in her small intestine that not allowing her food to digest properly. They did some x rays, mri and say they believe it’s pancreatic cancer.

They’re unable to do a biopsy because she declined, because she’s so scared of going all the way under. She is a minister, and has helped lots and lots of people. She is such a strong woman to have endured this type of pain for so long and still holding on. She hasn’t had any chemo, surgeries etc.

I’m asking for a miracle healing prayer for Minister A.Taylor.

Thank you so much! May God bless each and every one of you...

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