Morning Prayer for my Daughter
Teen or Adult Daughter
First Prayer - For A Daughter who Follows Jesus.
Second Prayer - For a Daughter who is not following Jesus.
Also consider our pages:
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lots more prayers
for my Daughter: Here
Morning Prayer for a
Daughter who Follows Jesus.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my daughter. I celebrate you, and I celebrate the daughter you gave me.
I lift up my daughter in prayer to you today.
I pray that today would be a day that includes joy and laughter.
I pray that today would be a day of dedication to you.
I pray that today would be a day of closeness to you.
I pray that today she would lift up prayer to you and read your Word. May she drink from your living water * and be refreshed and re-focused on you.
Loving Lord, strengthen her and keep her steadily following you as she encounters frustrations and irritations. May she hear your wisdom each time she encounters a difficulty, a problem, or a choice.
May she be a woman who enjoys walking in wisdom, love, and compassion.
I praise you that she is becoming a Mighty Woman of God.
In the Life-Blessing name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of
* The Living Water contained in the Bible.
Morning Prayer for a
Daughter who is not following Jesus.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my daughter. I celebrate you, and I celebrate the daughter you gave me.
I lift up my daughter in prayer to you today.
I pray that you would do mighty things to bring my daughter into a right relationship with you. Thank you for every opportunity that you give to my daughter to choose closeness with you.
I pray that today would be a day that includes joy and laughter.
I pray that soon every day would be a day of dedication to you.
I pray that soon every day would be a day of drawing closer to you. I pray that soon - every day would include prayer to you and reading your Word. I pray that soon - she would daily drink from your living water * so that she will be refreshed and re-focused on you.
Loving Lord, whisper your wisdom to her when she encounters frustrations and irritations. I pray that she will view your Wisdom Words as valuable and as good advice. May she hear your wisdom each time she encounters a difficulty, a problem, or a choice.
I pray that she will be a woman who enjoys walking in wisdom, love, and compassion.
I pray that she will soon choose to receive you as Lord of her life.
I pray that soon she will daily walk the path of becoming a Mighty Woman of God.
In the Life-Blessing name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of
* The Living Water contained in the Bible.
Take note:
God will not overwhelm your daughter's will
because God gave her free will.
But God will use your prayers
to give her opportunities
to soften her heart toward God
soften her heart toward God's Word.
Consider our
Prayers for loved ones
who need to give their life to God and live for him.
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Morning Prayers for my daughter
was first presented
January 2023.
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