Gaining Comfort
Music and Prayer
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Lord, I hurt so much
that I feel like
I can't stand it.
Help me!
In Despair.
I'm waiting on you, God, to do...
Copyright © 2005 Beth McLendon of
I am in the midst of terrible pain.....
I am in the midst of terrible suffering.....
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those
who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18 NIV 1984
I have an ache that nothing but you can heal.
Please ease this terrible anguish that I feel.
Help me to find comfort in you.
Take my tears and soothe my soul.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
Here I am,
On my knees.
I'm hurting.
I'm suffering.
Help me, Mighty God.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
Hear my Heart.
Wise Idea:
Seek out music that helps you stay close to God.
- the Lion of Judah -
hugging you
The above video is helpful to me as I draw close to Jesus.
It shows a Mighty Lion –
a lion who would easily
create fear in any person.
Yet the lion in the video
showers his tenderness and his love
on the one he loves.
Water is soothing to most people.
Looking at
a waterfall, the ocean, or a lake
is often
It takes a long time to begin to heal
after the death of a child.
If you keep holding on to God,
you will get out of the ditch.
You will feel strong again.
But of course, you will never feel normal again.
You will have to get used to a new normal.
Helping you Heal
Here are some suggestions to consider:
1. Give yourself grace. Pamper yourself more than usual. Add extra sleep or give yourself extra treats.
2. Remind yourself that healing will probably be slow.
3. Ponder how big and powerful God really is. He is able to help you. He wants to help you.
4. Stay close to God - even if you just rest in his arms and watch an uplifting T.V. show.
5. Give all your strength to protecting yourself against choosing sin as a comfort.
6. Compliment and encourage yourself as you refuse the sin invitations that come into your life.
7. Be wise in choosing your companions.
8. Stay in church or get started going to a church.
9. Consider writing your own Prayers to God or writing your thoughts in a journal.
10. Seek music that helps you to stay close to God.
And Number 11...
If you are married,
do not let this horrible tragedy
turn into two tragedies.
Draw close to your spouse.
Your healing may be slow.
Sometimes it may be imperceptible,
but it is happening.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is give yourself grace and pamper yourself some.
Be easy on yourself on things that aren't that important, and pray that God will help you to be firm on yourself in avoiding sin solutions.
Give all your strength to protecting yourself so that you do not fall into sin.
Don't allow the comforts of sin to be your comforts.
Be wise in choosing your companions.
Your companions
will either
encourage you to sin
encourage you to follow God.
Your friendship choices
will reap
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When you are weak, it is easy to fall into sins
that you would otherwise reject.
Seek out music
that helps you stay close to God.
If you like hymns,
we have Hymns that Heal.
Lord, when I don't know what to do,
I'm reaching out to you...
What Direction are you Choosing?
In times of despair,
some people turn away from God
some people draw closer to God.
Everyone has times when they pull away from God
for a few hours
or a day or two,
but I encourage you
not to make it more than a a couple of days.
Days of pulling away from God
will greatly hinder
not only your relationship with God
but it will have an effect on every area of your life.
In the Gospel of John chapter six, Jesus was speaking to a crowd. At that meeting, he presented a difficult teaching. The crowd didn't like what he said, and so they left.
Jesus turned to the disciples and asked, "Are you going to leave, too?"
Peter responded, "Where would we go, Lord? Only you possess eternal life."
What is your response?
The death of a child is one of the worst things that could happen to someone.
When the death of a close loved one happened to me, God reminded me of that verse. I knew he was asking me:
"Are you going to leave, just like those in that Scripture?"
I said out-loud, "Lord, I love you. Lord, you possess the gift of eternal life. There is no where to go. I will stay with you."
In your times of despair, what will your answer be?
~ ~ ~
There is an old hymn with lyrics that say:
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back; no turning back.
Though none go with me, still I will follow.
No turning back; no turning back.Receiving Comfort from God
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This page - My child died - was presented in March 2019.
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