Prayer for the
National Day of Prayer 2015
for the United States of America
May 7, 2015
Also see our popular - National Day of Prayer 2013.
Will you join me in prayer
for our country?
Almighty God,
We come today to honor you. We come to acknowledge that you are the only one who can rightly lead and guide our country.
You are mighty and you are merciful.
We need your might and we need your mercy.
It is 2015. (Change to current year)
Lord, let it be time.
Let it be time for our country to come back to you.
Let it be time for each of us in this nation to personally approach you in humbleness - ready to listen to your wisdom, and ready to walk in integrity and love toward you and each other.
Lord, we pray that all the hatred and violence in our country would give way to a new season of godliness - overflowing with an abundance of your love and peace.
Help us all to deeply yearn for a new era of kindness and respect.
We pray for our leaders. Touch them, stir them, and draw them toward selflessness and wisdom. Change their focus and their goals so that their actions match up with your will for our country.
We pray for all our military men and women. We ask that you would abundantly bless in every way each service man and woman, each veteran, and each military family past and present. Today we pause to honor them, and remember that our country owes them a huge debt of gratitude. We pray that our country will enter a new season of respect and gratitude for those who have sacrificed so much in order to serve our country.
We specifically pray for divine protection for all our military personnel - both here and around the world. Surround them and deflect harm from them as they daily seek to protect and defend us. Ease their difficulties and encourage them each day.
God, we acknowledge that our country's problems are big, but we will remember that our God is bigger.
We come before you today to rededicate ourselves to listening to you and following you.
In Jesus' name we pray,
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."
1 Timothy 2:1-2 NKJV
"Have two goals:
wisdom - that is knowing and doing right -
and common sense.
Don't let them slip away."
Proverbs 3:21 TLB
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