National Day of Prayer 2022

Prayer for

The  National Day of Prayer




May 5, 2022

Click below for our most popular

Prayer for the National Day of Prayer 

Almighty God,

We come before you


cry out to you for our country.

Our country is running away from you at top speed.

We grieve as we see our country's sinfulness.

Come and stir the hearts of your people

to pray for our country - to cry out for a revival.

May we cry out for a return to

respect for you and your Word.

May we cry out for righteousness.

We are in need of godly leaders who put you first.

Merciful God,

Come and stir the hearts of our elected officials.

Come and stir the hearts of our civic leaders and our church leaders.

Come and stir the hearts of all our people
both small and great.

We pray for a renewed dedication to you.


we are all

prone to wander

away from you.

We all need to

dedicate or re-dedicate

ourselves to you.

We pray that we will

- as a nation - 

become tired of the stale fruits of sinfulness.

We pray that we will

become stirred

with a


for you and your guidance.

We pray that the fresh wind of the

Holy Spirit

will touch us and inspire us and motivate us

to follow you

in our words, in our deeds, in the laws we make,

and in the carrying out of the enforcement of our laws.

May we truly change our hearts

and thereby

change our country

so that

we are a nation

whose God is the Lord.

We pray

in the POWEFUL name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of

Psalm 115:13 - Psalm 49:1-2 both small and great

National Day of Prayer 2022

We all have a heart

that is prone to wander away from God.

Here is a

Great Classic Hymn that reminds us of that.


Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee;

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it.

Prone to leave the God I love;

Here's my heart, O take and seal it;

seal it for thy courts above.

Raise my Ebenezer

In 1 Samuel 7:12 the word translated "Ebenezer" is Strong's Hebrew # 72 which means "stone of help." So the song says, "Here I raise my  Ebenezer (stone of help) ."

Romans 12:1 says,

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God,

to present your bodies

a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God,

which is your spiritual service of worship.

Merciful God,

Forgive us.

Help us.

Save our country.


Tune our hearts to your heart.

In Jesus' Name we pray,


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National Day of Prayer pages click: Here 

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National Day of Prayer 2022 was first presented April 2022.

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