
One of the main topics of our prayers is:


God gave us an awesome body.


After the fall of man,

that body sometimes does not work properly.

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Praise God that He gave us an avenue to ask him to
bless our body.

On this site, we have many pages about Healing. 

This is the newest page.

On this new healing page, I have tried to look at healing from a different angle.

I have pondered what causes problems in our body.

Several things have jumped out at me.

Here are some of the main reasons

we pray for healing.

Our body needs:

Repair - sometimes our body malfunctions

A Creative Miracle - for example, we need a body part that we don't have

Something needs to move or change positions - for example, something may be pressing on something thus causing pain

Something may need to get out of our body - for example, cancer, tumors, etc.

And sometimes we don't know


is causing our problem.

The following prayer is given to ask for God's attention
on the above problems.

The Lord is my Creator, my Healer,

my Provider, and my Deliverer.

Prayer for Healing

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my wonderful body.

Thank you that you encourage me to pray for the needs of my body.

Lord, my body needs your loving attention.

I ask that you would bless my body this day.

Lord, I ask that you would touch my body
and heal anything and everything
that needs to be healed.

I ask that you would bless my body and heal me of every sickness, illness, disease, flu, virus, and plague.

Lord, I ask that you would touch my body
and move anything and everything
that needs to be moved.

I ask for your touch so that all my bones, nerves, organs, and all parts of my body are in their proper place. 

I also specifically ask for strength, protection, and provision for my skeletal system and each system in my body.

Lord, I ask that you would touch my body
and fix anything and everything
that needs to be fixed.

I ask you to bless my body and heal every malfunction. 
I ask you to touch my body, so that each cell  - and every part of my body -  functions in the way it was intended to function.

Lord, I ask that you would touch my body
and destroy and disintegrate
anything and everything
that needs to be removed.

I need deliverance from anything and everything in my body that is harmful to me. I ask you to bless my body and rid it of all harmful things such as tumors, cancers, lumps, growths, cysts, and polyps.

Lord, I ask that you would touch my body
and create anything and everything
that needs to be created.

I ask that you would bless me with anything and everything that I am missing. I ask you to create what I need and then properly position it in me.

Lord, I also lift up any injury that I have and ask you to make me healthy, healed, and whole.

Lord, you are the compassionate healer who loves me and cares for me.

I thank you and praise you for all the blessings in my body and in my life.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

We invite you to our

Miracle Prayer page

where we highlight miracles that

God has done in recent months.

Many illnesses are caused by


Heavenly Father,

I ask that you would protect me from inflammation and from infections.

I pray that you would pour strength and healing power into my body this day.

I praise you, Lord,


No one knows the reasons
someone has not received his or her healing yet.

But let's not let that stop us
from praying with boldness to our Lord.

By His Stripes,

I am healed.

1 Peter 2:24 and Isaiah 53:4-5

Loving Shepherd,

Thank you that 2,000 years ago, you did what needed to be done so that I could walk in divine health.

Thank you that you did what needed to be done so that I could be healed of all diseases, illnesses, sicknesses, plagues, viruses, and all types of flu.

Thank you that you did what needed to be done so that I could live free of malfunction in my body.

Thank you that you did what needed to be done so that I could receive divine creative miracles in my body.

Thank you that you did what needed to be done so that my body could receive your divine touch that destroys invaders in my body and cells that have become harmful.

You are my loving Shepherd, and I give you abundant praise.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

When we follow Jesus as our Savior and Lord of our life,

we get to use the name of Jesus

to unleash power on our behalf.

Dear Lord,

You sent out 70 of your disciples to heal the sick.

I am your disciple.

You told believers to speak to mountains.

I will speak to mountains.

You gave believers power and authority.

I will seek to respectfully use the power and authority you gave us as believers.

Lord, you told believers that we can respectfully use your name.

I will respectfully use

your name:

In the name of Jesus, I command anything and everything in my body that needs to go – Go – in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command anything and everything in my body that needs to be fixed  – Be Fixed – in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command anything and everything in my body that needs to be moved – Be Moved – in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command anything and everything in my body that needs to be healed – Be Healed – in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command anything and everything in my body that needs to be created – Be Created – in Jesus’ name.

I give all glory and all praise to you, God.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you do for me.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Jesus sent out 70 disciples - Luke 10:1 and Luke 10:9

We have many prayer and inspirational pages

about healing.

Here are some of them:


A Teaching on Healing

A weekly devotional about healing

Prayer for the Sick

Prayer for a
Sick Child

Cancer Prayer

Prayers for Healing

Prayers for Surgery


Prayer and Tips
for Rebounding

I am the Lord that healeth thee.

Exodus 15:26 KJV

Yes, You are the Lord that healeth me.

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We hope you are blessed by these new
healing prayers.

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

Fun with kids

Prayer for the weary

Prayer for addictions and temptations

Prayer for selling a house 


Prayer for buying a home

Newest Pages:

Psalm 103:7 Prayer


"If" I get to heaven...


Questions of Life

Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

went out

February 18.


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