New Year Prayer

Happy New Year!


New Year Prayer

                   Also consider visiting


New Year FAITH Prayer Page

Awesome God of Wonders,

I come before you to pray for the New Year.

This year is a fresh new year to live for you.

Each day is a fresh new page.

I dedicate this year to you
with loving thankfulness and praise.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

Wise Reflection

 Adding Wisdom to the New Year!

These thoughts are designed to help us grow spiritually.

Here are some sentence-starters that you might want to reflect on and perhaps pray about.

Note: "the Word" means speaking Bible verses.

This Year:

I will speak the Word about ______________.

I will speak the Word during __________________.


I will walk in faith about _________________.

I will walk in faith during __________________.


I will be at peace about ______________________.

I will be at peace during _____________________.

For Example:

I will speak the Word about - not being afraid.

I will speak the Word during - times of stress.

I will be at peace about - God's ability to provide for me.

I will be at peace during - traffic jams.

You might want to write the answers out and speak them out each day as Prayer Proclamations.

New Year Prayer

Prayer for

God's Divine Purpose in your Life

Dear Lord,

You have a plan and purpose for each day of this year.

I ask for your guidance and your direction.

I ask for motivational zeal to accomplish your goals.

I ask for compassion to help me move through my days with an ever increasing love for others.

In love and devotion I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

A New Year Thought

Let's make this year a year of forgiveness.

~ ~ ~

We tend to judge ourselves
by our intentions,
and we tend to judge others
by their actions.

author unknown

New Year POWER Prayer

Let's regularly put on the Full Armor of God

in order to access more of

God's overcoming POWER

and to experience more of


Full Armor of God

New Year Prayer

Dear Lord,

You are the God of All Truth.

You have given me powerful armor.

I will put my armor on today.

I will yield to you and allow all my armor to operate POWERFULLY in me today.  

I put on my Helmet of Salvation.

My Helmet encourages me to think godly thoughts and say godly words.

I put on my Belt of Truth.

My Belt speaks truth to me that will guide me to blessings and steer me away from evil.

I put on my Breastplate of Righteousness.

My Breastplate stirs me to protect my heart from impurity and negative attitudes.

I put on my Shoes of Peace.

My shoes softly whisper wisdom as I approach a decision or find myself in a jam.

I pick up my Shield of Faith.

My Shield of Faith rises up to destroy all doubt in God and in His Word.

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit.

My Sword defeats every enemy attack and renders them failed foes.

I speak out God’s Words with ZEAL, and God’s Word changes things in my life!

I will love God’s Word, and I will use God’s Word to become a MIGHTY OVERCOMER.

I will stand strong.
I will walk strong.
I will speak strong.
I will live strong!


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

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New Year Prayer

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