
Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.

A Daily Devotional


Beth McLendon

The topic this week is:

Obedience is better than Sacrifice

1 Samuel 15:22

Lots of Powerful Insights

on this page.


Wise words about Obedience.


Obedience explained by teens...

We can learn a lot

from these young people

as we

watch their skit.

Turn your sound up.

How did the teens handle their Dad's instructions


"Clean the house"


Instead of obeying - they...

Go over and over Dad's exact words and memorize what he said.

Look at the context - What did Dad say before and after that sentence?

Spend time examining Dad's words in other languages.

Look at blueprints of the house to get a better idea of how to clean the house.

Take a long time to analyze where to start. How about the attic? The attic is the top of the house. 

Create a song about cleaning and about their appreciation of their Father.

What do You do

instead of obeying Father God?

Are your thoughts


pleasing yourself,

pleasing your friends, or

pleasing God?

Many times we have

our personal ideas

of what

we want to do for God;

and those ideas

crowd out

what God tells us to do for him.

Obedience is daily living of God's word.

You [God]  have commanded us

to keep your precepts,

that we should observe them


Psalm 119:4 AMPC


In God's eyes...

Obedience is > Greater than > Sacrifice

Obedience > Sacrifice

So we need to:

Yield to God as he nudges us

to have

a more willing heart to obey.

The man below shares

great insights

into this topic. 

Holy Spirit

Lead Me

I will yield to you.


We all struggle with obedience sometimes.

It is not unusual

for people to turn away


what God wants them to do

and instead

they give God a sacrifice.

For example -

Instead of obedience, we give God...

a sacrifice of money to the church

or a sacrifice of time to a worthy cause

But God doesn't want a sacrifice.

He wants obedience.


Below is a video in which

John Bevere

gives us an example of


he chose to

Give God


Sacrifice instead of Obedience.

Too many times

we tell God,

"I'll do it..... but I'll do it  -  later.

John Bevere has followed God for years

and he knew the voice of God telling him to

stop everything and pray.

But he chose to ignore God's voice.

Beth McLendon

of Inspirational Prayers says:

One morning I was laying in bed.

Suddenly I heard an urgent voice

very clearly say in my head,

"Get up!"


I knew God was speaking to me.


my amazement captured my attention

instead of obedience

capturing my attention.

I lay there and just soaked in the beauty of

hearing God's voice more clearly

than I think I had ever heard him before. 

I lay there for at least 5 minutes and just pondered the

blessing of hearing God's voice so clearly.

Then I realized that I was not obeying!

God said, "GET UP!"

Then I began to think....

"What if a tree was coming down right on the bed
and I was too busy
enjoying the beauty of God's voice to OBEY?"

No matter why God wanted me to quickly get up,

his words were important for me to obey.

I asked God
to forgive me for not obeying and
I asked God
to help me remember this event
so that
I will be ready to obey quickly the next time
I hear his voice.


God doesn't


for us to do

what we think we should do

for him...

God is calling us

to obey him.

Obedience doesn't make God love you more

but it does


your love for God.

Jesus said...

If a man loves me,

he will keep my words.

John 14:23

Jesus said...

 If ye love me,

keep my commandments.

John 14:15

You would think that

the most Powerful Being

to ever walk the face of the earth

would come to earth and do what HE wanted to do.


Jesus (God in human flesh)

came to earth to 

fully obey Father God

and sacrifice himself

for the blessing of each of us.

Obedience was Jesus Christ's goal.

And it is obedience that

Jesus tells us is our goal. 

We take


every thought

to make it obedient to


I will say...

"Yes, Lord."

If you do not understand 

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

click here for our Trinity page


Sometimes obedience

is choosing a good attitude

when you want to release a bad attitude out to the world.


If you struggle with obedience

because of sermons you've heard

that play down the idea of sin...

consider our page:

The New False Jesus being preached.

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray declares

Obedience is

the very essence of salvation.

Below are quotes about obedience


Andrew Murray


First Quote beginning with Scripture

Jesus says:

If ye keep my commandments,

ye shall abide in my love;

even as I have kept

my Father's commandments,

and abide in his love.

John 15:10 KJV

Andrew Murray says...

How often and how earnestly

we have asked


to be able to

abide continually in Christ.

We have thought of

more study of the Word,

more faith,

more prayer,

more communion with God,

and we have overlooked the simple truth

that Jesus teaches so clearly, 

If ye keep My commandments,

ye shall abide in My love,’

with its divine sanction,

‘Even as I kept My Father’s commandments,

and abide in His love.’

"May not a single moment of my life

be spent outside the

light, love, and joy of God's presence."

Andrew Murray

More from Andrew Murray


By Andrew Murray


    Here we think

at once


our blessed Lord [Jesus], and

the prominence He gives

to obedience

as the one thing

for which He was come into the world. 

Jesus who entered it with His

Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God,’

ever confessed to men,

I seek not My own will,

but the will of Him that sent Me.’

Of all He did and of all He suffered,

even to the death,

He said,

This commandment have I received of My Father.’

If we turn to His teaching,

we find everywhere,

that the obedience He rendered

is what

He claims

from everyone who would be His disciple.

During His whole ministry,

from beginning to end,

Obedience is


Beth McLendon of



In order to create and prepare this page,

I have re-listened to each video multiple times

and re-read each word

multiple times.

The repetition has allowed the wisdom of this page

to sink ever deeper into my heart.

I pray that you would be

inspired and motivated by this page.

Consider our page: Yes or No

Jump to the top of Obedience

Obedience was first presented January 2022.

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

What are you hungry for?

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Questions of Life

Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Bible Devotions
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Psalm list


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All our Addiction pages

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an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

goes out

February 18.


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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
