Oprah and the New Age Movement


and the

New Age Movement


Oprah says she is a Christian.


her beliefs are in direct opposition

to the teachings

found in

the Bible


The videos below will 

make clear

that Oprah is not

a true



This page starts out with videos about Oprah

and ends with

Steven Barcarz explaining the New Age to Christians.


Our First Video is a quick one.

Jesus said,

in John 14:6,

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Oprah Disagrees.

This is a quick link to the above video ...


From the above video..

Oprah brought up the question -

"What if people live in a remote area and never hear about Jesus? Can they go to heaven?"

We answer that question

on our Psalm 19 page.

Scroll down to.... 

"Those who have never heard of Jesus"

  Psalm 19





overview of

Oprah and the New Age.

Oprah says she is a Christian.

What does Jesus say?

In Matthew 7:21-23, 

Jesus says...

“Not everyone who says to Me,

‘Lord, Lord,’

shall enter the kingdom of heaven,

but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

22 Many will say to Me in that day,

‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,

cast out demons in Your name,

and done many wonders in Your name?’

23 And then I will declare to them,

‘I never knew you; depart from Me,

you who practice lawlessness!’


is living in disobedience to the Words of Jesus

in your heart and by your actions.

You either practice

righteousness or lawlessness.

Think of a musical instrument.

You practice to get better and better.

You are practicing righteousness 


You are practicing lawlessness.


Again I repeat,

Jesus said,

“I am

the way,

the truth,

and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me."

But Oprah doesn't believe Jesus.

She speaks of...

Your Truth vs. My Truth

Doreen Virtue

was a famous

new age teacher

who was on the Oprah show.

A couple of years ago,

she gave her life to Jesus.

Doreen Virtue gives information about


and the New Age Movement

She also gives information about other New Age Teachers

Oprah says nothing

as God is


on her behalf.

Doreen Virtue

helps people

to understand


New Age


Before we continue with our page...

Take Note:

Doreen does a great job of teaching

How to witness to a new ager.

We have her video on a page with that title - Here

And later...

Check out our page about



Steven Bancarz

was a famous New Age teacher.

Now he is a Born - Again Christian.

Here is

Steven Bancarz

teaching on 

The New Age.

Steven Bancarz wrote the following article....

Click to read this article...

A majority of Christians hold at least one New Age belief.

For more videos showing the conflicts between

New Age religious beliefs

and the Bible,

see our page:

New Age Beliefs

Jump to the top of
Oprah and the New Age Movement

I hope you found Oprah and the New Age Movement helpful to your understanding.

Oprah and the New Age Movement

was presented in March 2023.

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