There are four main parenting types
that relate to the four temperaments.
This page highlights one of the four styles
and gives a prayer for this style.
On the previous page, you answered that
you are mainly reserved and task-oriented.
So your Parenting Style is the
“C” type
or the Melancholy type.
"C" parents are Cautious and Careful.
People with the "C" style have traits such as
cautious, careful, contemplative, and detail-oriented.
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"C" parents care very deeply.
"C" parents are usually deep thinkers.
Here are possible issues to be aware of for the "C" Parent:
“C” parents tend to make everything
complicated and complex.
They tend to be
too picky, too critical, too serious, and too hard to please.
Dear God,
You possess all wisdom and all truth. I will worship you.
I want to know you. I want to understand your will and your ways. I desperately want to do things right. I want to know the hidden things that will allow me to follow you more closely.
Lord, I feel such a compelling desire to have things neat and orderly. It is so hard to overlook a mess. It draws my attention and overtakes my senses. I struggle with keeping this in balance. I don't even know what balance is in this area. Help me to become less picky, so that I do not damage my relationship with my child.
Lord, I struggle with being critical. Teach me how to become less critical. I do not want to push my child and others away with my attitudes. Rearrange the priorities of my heart. Open my eyes to see in greater color and depth the power that you want to give me to change myself. Help me to receive that the greatest of my missions in life is to change me into a living picture of Jesus.
I confess that I make everything complicated. I make a big deal out of everything. A simple outing becomes a main event. My heart truly wants to be helpful and make everything better. But sometimes it doesn't turn out that way.
Lord, guide me to more joy and delight in my life. You will become my hope, my motivation, and my happy attitude. I am going to enjoy every bite of goodness that you send to me this day. I will learn to appreciate the simple things in life. I will stop and smell the roses. I will take time to share special moments with my child. I will become that awesome parent that you see in my future.
© 2004 from the book Praying for your Children by Beth McLendon and
Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Praying for your Child
explains DISC to Parents!
"Parents need to read this book! I teach parenting all the time, and this should be on every parent’s must-read list." -
Pete Hinojosa
Pete Hinojosa is the Community Coordinator for Spring Branch Independent School District in Houston, Texas, where he speaks to students and families in fourteen schools. He is a former classroom teacher and has been recognized three times as an Outstanding Secondary Educator in the Nation as well as five times for Who’s Who in American High School Teachers.
"Beth McLendon’s book, Praying for Your Child, has proven to be a spiritual tool for me as I pray for my grandchildren. Every parent who desires to pray effectively for their children will find understanding and inspiration in the pages of this book." - Germaine Copeland
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