The Passion Translation
Is it done by a qualified person?
Are there any red flags concerning the translation?
Is it a good translation?
Let's check it out!
Brian Simmons wrote
The Passion Bible
on his own.
is a quick introduction to
Brian Simmons.
Take Note:
The speaker should have been more clear that Jehovah's Witnesses is classified a cult and is not a good solid Bible-believing church. For example, their views on Jesus are incorrect.
The next video is
Brian Simmons verbally giving his credentials.
If you read the words on the screen,
you will see that those credentials
are exposed as
by the very people
Brian Simmons
claims to have given him those credentials.
Do you tend to
trust someone
who lies about his or her credentials?
Brian Simmons tells us that he got
The Passion Translation
from information
given to him from
angels and even straight from God.
He tells us that he had access to a library in heaven.
He said that
Jesus gave him secrets that no one else
has ever gotten.
those are red flags.
Several false religions have started
by the founder of the religion
giving those kinds of stories.
a more in-depth
The Passion Translation
off its site in early 2022.
The next video was recorded before 2022 and
it mentioned The Passion Translation was still
on Biblegateway as of the day of their recording.
review of
The Passion Translation of
Song of Solomon
with a
Bible translation Expert.
See below the video
for some helpful notes to watch for while viewing.
Song of Solomon
Dr. Tremper Longman
The Passion Translation is deeply flawed.
Go to the 16 minutes 30 second mark
in the video
where it shows a clip of
Brian saying that a demon
comes to people and keeps people from viewing
Song of Solomon the way he does.
Then Dr. Longman responds.
Important segments...
16 minutes through 22 minutes..
25 minutes and for several minutes - note the NIV translation next to the Passion Translation. VERY DIFFERENT
34 minutes - 39 minutes - footnotes talking about what "most scholars say" but not giving information so we can evaluate his statements.... We are asked to take his word for it. ... There are clips of Brian talking about his supernatural claims.
38:47 Factual error #1 – En Gedi means goat, not lamb.
41:15 Factual error #2 – Sharon does not mean “his song”.
44:32 Factual error #3 – Seal does not mean “prison cell”.
47min 05 second - Dr. Longman says some of the translation is coming from Brian Simmons' imagination
48 minutes - 52 minutes How does a good translation get written?
Beth says -
Brian Simmons clearly paints a picture of a Jesus who
pals around with him in such a familiar way that
people will be tempted to think that they MUST receive
Brian as an expert and not question his translation.
Cut and paste the link above
for more videos
featuring translation experts reviewing
other books of the Bible that Brian Simmons
has translated
such as
Ephesians, Romans, and 1 Corinthians.
Another video
from a different
Youtube channel
Joseph Smith was the founder of the false religion of Mormonism.
He said an angel came to him multiple times and mentored him and
guided him. The angel showed him engraved plates and told him to
translate those plates.
Joseph Smith's writings contradicts the Bible in many areas.
For more information see our page... Mormonism.
Also Note That Galatians 1:8
gives warnings to those who get information from angels.
Many sincere Christians
are not examining this man and his translation
and instead,
they are accepting it before checking it out.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
God does not want us to be gullible.
It is wise to check something out
we swallow it
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
God gave us 66 inspired books of the Bible
from many
human authors.
And Jesus himself put HIS stamp of approval
on all the Old Testament.
Jesus affirmed
that the Old Testament was correct.
The article below has multitudes of examples.
For example -
Luke 24:25-27
Luke 16:31
Matthew 5:17-18
Matthew 15:3-4
John 5:39-40
Take Note
Brian Simmons
never gives us any reasons to
abandon our current Bibles.
And I remind you that the
is supposed to be our sole authority on truth -
NOT a supernatural experience.
Jesus told us in
Matthew 24:5
and deceive people.
Galatians 1:8
warns us that wicked demonic angels
can come and fool people.
2 Corinthians 11:14
tells us that Satan himself comes as an angel of light.
Note that Christians who are being drawn toward
teachers who are emphasizing
supernatural signs, wonders, and experiences
tend to prefer
The Passion Translation.
Many people are hungry for signs and wonders.
But ... God tells us to be hungry for righteousness.
Running after signs and wonders
will take you to places that God does not want you to go.
God will not show up on cue and do signs and wonders
but demons will - if
you enter their realm.
You can enter their realm unknowingly or knowingly.
See our Contemplative Prayer page
for ways to enter unknowingly.
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