Find out the two
Power Words
that will transform your life!
“Don't despise small beginnings.”
Zechariah 4:10
That is one of my favorite verses. God has used that verse to help me get moving and keep moving concerning many areas of my spiritual growth.
Another scripture
that is helpful to me is 1 Samuel 30: 6. It says that David
encouraged himself in the Lord. I realize I need to do that.
It motivates me when I encourage myself in my small steps of progress.
Improvement deserves celebration.
Everyone wants to become better in some area.
Everyone wants to move forward in some area.
I have discovered two power words that when put together become a powerful tool in spiritual growth.
These two Power Words are:
I will.
In my walk with God, I take note of what I want more of in my life and then I make “I will” statements. When I use those two power words, I add determination to what I am saying.
Here are some
examples of “I will” statements:
As you can see, the words
“I will”
can be very helpful in growing us.... up
in whatever area we need growth.
I call these “I will” statements – Proclamations.
How the Power Words work:
I have found that by using the words “I will”
I increase my motivation and my determination.
I grow my faith that I can and will improve in this area.
Breakthrough Prayer page
is also a helpful complement to this page.
I am an expert in DISC personality material.
Next to the Bible, it has been the body of knowledge that has helped me the most in my life.
I love to share about the 4 DISC personality styles.
The way I teach DISC,
DISC doesn't label anyone.
It does not pigeon-hole anyone.
It does not limit anyone.
In fact, it empowers everyone in everything they do.
DISC is about understanding people.
DISC involves 4 main personality styles.
They are the "D" style,
the "I" style,
the "S" style
the "C" style.
Each of us is a blend of traits
all four
of the personality styles.
The style that contains most of your personality traits would be called your personality style.
The next section shares some specific “I will” statements to help each of the four personality styles in their walk with the Lord.
DISC has 4 main Personality Styles.
The first style is the “D” style.
“Ds” have traits such as dominant, direct,
determined, and demanding.
The “D” style is so strong, direct, impatient and blunt that they frequently run over other people during the day.
“Ds” often leave people bruised and wounded. They usually have difficulty being gentle enough.
If a “D” wants to grow in this area, he or she might want to consider using the Power Words in an “I will” statement. An example would be:
“I will make caring about the feelings of others more important to me today.”
Another "I will" statement they could use is:
“I will slow down and notice the needs of others today.”
And all the other styles say to the “Ds”, “Amen!”
The next style is the “I” style.
The “I” style has traits such as inspiring,
enthusiastic, and energetic.
They love to start things.
They are great starters
but they aren't always great finishers.
If that is an area that they want to grow in - they could use the power words to create some “I will” statements to help motivate them to finish projects.
Some examples would be:
“Is” - you may want to ask a friend to encourage you
and help cheer you on........
in order to help you finish what you start.
You might also want to ask a friend
to send you an e-mail reminder
of upcoming deadlines.
As an “I”,
you may never become the best finisher
of all the personality styles –
you can certainly
become the
best finisher
of all the “Is” you know!
The “Is” really like attention!
They really love applause!
They really love to be celebrated!
So let's celebrate the “I” style –
Whoo Hoo!
Way to go, “Is”!
The next style is the “S” style.
The “S” style has traits such as supportive, stable, steady, easygoing, and kind.
They love routine and sameness.
They generally do not like change.
But sometimes God's plan for them will involve change.
In fact, spiritual growth usually involves change.
“Ss” can use their power words to help them with change.
Hint - “Ss - ” it helps if you emphasize the words “I will”.
Examples of statements for change would be:
And “Ss” how about this “I will” statement - “I will thank God when he lets me keep certain things the same!”
The last style is the “C” style.
The “C” style has traits such as cautious, careful, consistent, correct, organized, and analytical.
People who have lots of “C” traits usually have trouble with worry.
“Cs” can use the “I will” technique to help them defeat worry.
When worry tries to capture their attention and drag them down, they can use their power words and say sentences such as:
Sometimes people fast food – they fast eating food – which means they don't eat food for a certain amount of time.
Sometimes it helps “Cs” to make a proclamation that they will fast worry for one day. Telling a “C” to stop worrying cold turkey (suddenly) usually doesn't work. It helps to start with small goals.
So “Cs” - consider saying, “I will fast worry today......or maybe
I will fast worry this morning!
And “Cs” when you do a good job, cheer yourself on! Don't expect perfection from yourself every day.
Praying for your Child
In my book Praying for your Child, I go into more depth about each of those personality issues that I just highlighted. I give a lot of information on how to develop spiritual growth in each of the four personality styles.
This is not a book just about parenting. The book gives many principles about spiritual growth that are helpful for adults as well as children.
To view the book click: Praying for your Child
In my book MONEYstyles, I go into depth about how to get out of debt and get out of debt faster with DISC personality style information.
This unique book fills in the gaps left by other "get out of debt" books.
Find out
What Your Buying Habits Are,
Why You Buy What you Do,
How to Start Shopping Smarter, and
if you are married.....
How to Work as a Team with your Spouse!
To learn more click here: MONEYstyles
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