Give yourself a treat
and learn some great Praise Dance Moves!
These beautiful Messianic praise dance steps
will make you want to get up and
worship the Lord!
Also see our page called - Praise Dance Steps
I am Beth McLendon
your host here at Inspirational-Prayers.
I became interested in this type of dancing
when I went to a Paul Wilbur concert.
Paul Wilbur sings Messianic Jewish Praise
Messianic Jewish
is a term used to describe music
that Jews who believe that
Jesus is Messiah enjoy
and Christians
who love their Jewish roots enjoy!
I am a Gentile Christian
who is grafted into the family of God.
My Jewish friends are the ones
who handed down to me the Old Testament
and the treasured traditions of the past.
It is a cultural delight to share with our Jewish friends
the great Jewish traditional dance steps
listen to their Jewish - flavored music
full of comforting peace and beauty.
I have learned much from
attending Messianic Jewish services
at a Messianic Jewish congregation.
If you haven't visited one already,
I encourage you to reach out and step out
and try something new.
There are praise dance moves
for fast and slow songs.
When you are dancing to Messianic songs, be sure to reach out to young and old. It is a beautiful sight to see young children and teens run up to join a circle of dancers. I have been amazed how the music draws very young children and even teenaged boys!
One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen was when I was part of a circle of dancers at a Paul Wilbur concert and I looked around. There was an already formed circle of children from ages four to ten. They had formed their own circle and were trying to imitate the praise dance steps from our adult circle.
One of the wonderful things about a Paul Wilbur concert is that all ages are free to join in and worship in their own personal and unique ways. There is a freedom that is exhilarating!
The four videos on this page feature Paul Wilbur
singing Messianic praise music.
first song is "Days of Elijah", then "Worthy," and then
"Draw Me, Lord,"
and finally an upbeat song based on Psalm 118:15.
The Next Song is Based on Psalm 118...
Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents
of the
righteous of the Lord!
Psalm 118:15
We invite you to our Psalm 122 - Pray for Israel - page.
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