Prayer Against Pride

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Prayer against Pride

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A fool thinks he needs no advice,

but a wise man listens to others.

Proverbs 12:15 TLB


A  Talk with God


What man or woman can truly understand pride?

Who can truly see the extent that pride has infiltrated his or her life?

How can I ever see the extent that the choices I make have been influenced by pride?

Without receiving your wisdom, I will shove your agenda out of the way.

Without receiving your wisdom, I will be an instrument to wound other people. 

Without awareness of what I am allowing, I am doomed to experience regret.

Thank you for your forgiveness, compassion, and mercy.

Thank you for cleansing my sins and for opening my eyes to see.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of


Prayer for Pride

Dear Lord,

You are the God above all gods. Your name is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

You sit on the throne of heaven. When YOU speak, who dare change your plans? When YOU move, who dare stop you?

Lord, I have knowingly and I have ignorantly

come against your will and your ways.

I have spoken words of total surrender to you,

and yet

I have been so ready to protect myself

from godly advice and godly change.

I have been so ready to defend myself against humility.

Open my eyes to the blessings of humility. Let me not see humility as the world sees it, but in its beauty and fullness of joy.

I am comforted with the knowledge that you are full of mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love.


Copyright © 2004 from the book Praying for your Child
by Beth McLendon and Robert A. Rohm

The above prayer is the beginning of a prayer

found in the book:

Praying for your Child


For the complete prayer,

scroll down to the

very bottom of the page.

Short Prayers against Pride

  Lord, I will allow You and Your Word

to transform me.

Miraculous Lord,

I come to you in prayer.

Change me, Lord.

Change me from the inside.

I will cooperate with you, Lord.

I will allow you to transform me.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

            Change me from the Inside Out

Dear Lord,

I am so full of thoughts of me and what I want.

My selfishness pulls on me to make sure that I am taken care of.

My selfishness is driving me to ungodly decisions and actions.

I need your help to change.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

A man's pride shall bring him low.

Proverbs 29:23 KJV


Identifying and Removing Pride

is the first topic

on this video.

Recognizing and Combating Pride

This involves:

Cultivating Humility

Practicing Empathy

Opening oneself to vulnerability


Becoming more like Jesus

Prayer against Pride


My heart beats independently of you too often.

My agenda sits on the throne too often.

Forgive me, Lord.

I am determined to become more like Jesus.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of


More like Jesus

Prayer against Pride

Almighty God,

I pray this prayer by faith:

Today, my heart will grow in love, compassion, tenderness, and mercy.

I will dwell on godly thoughts.

My thoughts will be more pure, holy, and righteous than they were yesterday.

I declare that the pull of my sinful nature is fading.

Today I give my will to you, Lord, so that you can turn my heart in whatever way you desire.

I will make your desires my desires.

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

I Exalt You, Lord, above everything in my life.

I exalt Thee.

God delights in me.

Loving Lord,

Your love for me is nourishing and refreshing.

Your desire for me is to help me grow.

Your Word reminds me that you take joy in me.

You actually delight in me.

And I am learning to delight in you.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

The LORD your God is in your midst;

he is a warrior who can deliver.

He takes great delight in you;

he renews you by his love;

he shouts for joy over you.

Zephaniah 3:17 NET


A Thought-Provoking Prayer Against Pride

O Lord,

When I reflect on my many attempts to selfishly control circumstances in my life, I realize that I am full of pride. 

Meditating on my pride is painful.

It is a challenge to move selfishness out of the way and look at what you are saying to me.

Give me courage as I look at me.  I need your strength.

As I look, I see that pride has infiltrated my life.

Lord, my agenda sits on the throne of my heart.

My selfishness has, at times,  driven me to ungodly decisions and actions.

As my eyes are being opened, I realize that I will never fully see the extent of damage that has occurred through the influence of pride in my life.

I need your strength, and I need your mercy.

Forgive me, Lord.

You tell us that pride comes before a fall.

Without becoming more aware of my pride, I will continue to stumble and fall.

I want out of the darkness.

Dear Lord, let me see.

Let me walk in the light, so that I can be aware of truth, and avoid stumbling over the footstool of pride that my actions put in front of me.

Pride is destructive.

It destroys the harmony and unity of relationships with other people and with you.

Two-part harmony is beautiful.

I will seek to be unified with you.

If I do not harmonize with you, I become that clanging cymbal in 1 Corinthians 13. I become a startling sound and a noisy tool of the enemy  - used to cut others down instead of building others up.

Lord, I am beginning to see the true face of pride.

Pride mars the beauty of who you created us to be. You created each of us to be a masterpiece, and we splatter your masterpiece with the ugly paint of selfishness, and it mars the beauty.

There is nothing that shines so beautifully as the love of Christ radiating out of my hands, my feet, my countenance, and my words.

I am desperate to love  the way you designed me to love.

Only as I lay down my agenda and lay down my selfish thoughts, can I receive the love that I need in order to live life abundantly.

I need to respect your commands. I realize that I need to think like you.

Lord, I need to pursue you, respect you, and respect your Word.

Today I dedicate myself to you.

Help me to demonstrate the kind of attitude of respect for your Word that is pleasing unto you.

In the powerful name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

 Proverbs 16:18


The Complete
Prayer against Pride

This is the full "Prayer for Pride" found in my book

Praying for your Child

Dear Lord,

You are the God above all gods. Your name is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. You sit on the throne of heaven. When YOU speak, who dare change your plans? When YOU move, who dare stop you?

Lord, I have knowingly and I have ignorantly come against your will and your ways. I have spoken words of total surrender to you, and yet I have been so ready to protect myself from godly advice and godly change. I have been so ready to defend myself against humility.

Open my eyes to the blessings of humility. Let me not see humility as the world sees it, but in its beauty and fullness of joy.

I am comforted with the knowledge that you are full of mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love.

Your love is so perfect and complete toward me and toward my child.

My child will work to sabotage your plans for his life if he does not begin to understand what self-centeredness does to a person’s life. I pray that selfishness will become distasteful in my child’s mouth. 

Lord, I pray that my child will pursue you and respect you.

I will be contented in the fact that you have heard my prayer, and that you are lovingly ready to help my child and me walk the path of humbleness. 


Copyright © 2004 from the book Praying for your Child

by Beth McLendon and Robert A. Rohm

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