Prayer for a Troubled Marriage

Prayer for a Troubled Marriage

This page contains

warm, encouraging prayer

for a troubled marriage.

We have

lots of different prayers

on this page.


Consider scrolling all the way down

to find prayers

that relate

to your marriage situation.

Also consider our:

Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration


Healing Prayer for Marriages


Prayers for my Addicted Spouse

Marriage Miracles for Women

Marriage Miracles for Men


a link to all our marriage pages: Here


Note that

some of these prayers

are specifically for


And we have a healing from infidelity - video page.

Some of these prayers are written


to a wife


some specifically

to a husband.

Note that you can easily

adapt these prayers to your needs.


Most of these prayers were originally written several years ago by Beth when she was a volunteer for a prayer ministry.

The prayers were written and sent to hurting people who submitted prayer cards to that ministry.

Note that there are


at the bottom of the page to bless marriages.

And at the very bottom of the page is a video
of Fireproof - the Movie.

That movie and the book that goes with it,
have been used
to help save many marriages.

First is a general prayer

for your marriage.


Prayer for Marriage Restoration

We begin with

Prayer for a friend or a

church group

to pray for marriages that are in trouble.

Lord of Miracles,

We come before you and lay this marriage in your hands.

We ask that you would revive this husband and this wife, and draw them toward happy matrimony.

We ask that you would renew their love and passion for one another.

We ask that you would untangle the conflicts and strife, and heal the hurts.

We ask that you would bring understanding and tenderness of heart.

May they both embrace the miracle that you desire to do for them and with them.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

A Prayer

for you

to pray...

Lord of Miracles,

Look at every detail of my marriage and the pain I feel.

Bring me your strength.

Bring my mate your heart of love and compassion for me.

Bring me a right mind-set and a right heart toward you and my mate.

Deepen my love and compassion for my mate.

Heal our hurts.

Inspire us with right thoughts.

Bring us a MIRACLE.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written to a wife

who is married to a man

who is not close to God.

Father God,

We pray for your precious daughter who is hurting this day.

Lord, she is weary and her heart is aching.

Thank you for your steadfast love that reaches out to hurting people.

Lord, we know that whatever has taken place in this relationship, your desire is for love, tenderness, and forgiveness to fill their hearts.

We pray that this woman and her husband would find the determination to continually yield themselves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit as you guide them to follow your will for their lives.


we lift up this husband to you.

By faith we believe that he is being raised up to be a mighty man of God. He is being molded and shaped by the hand of the Master Potter.

By faith we believe that he will be stirred by your drawing each day. By faith we believe that his heart is becoming tender toward you and tender toward his wife.

We ask that you would bring people into his life who will live out the Christian life before him and make him hungry to have that life also.

Lord, your Word says in Proverbs 11:17 TLB “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind.” I pray that this husband will feel nourished and contented when he is kind. I pray that his emotions will draw him to desire to manifest kindness and understanding to his family.

We acknowledge the powerful presence of Jehovah Shalom – the Lord who is peace.

We stand in awe of your power to change situations.

We lift up this woman into your arms.

We pray that you would help her receive your peace and

encouragement during this difficult time.

We pray that this woman would be able to give you time to heal this marriage.

Lord, we pray that your beloved daughter would welcome your thoughts and learn how to stir up strength, and receive hope, and be able to extend supernatural love to her husband.

We ask that the you would daily remind her of things that she can do to bring more harmony and unity into her home. We thank you that you will nudge her as she is beginning to say or do something that will cause unnecessary strife. Help her to see the good in her husband and speak those observations to him. Refresh her as she seeks to make their situation better.

Lord, help her to see how your heart is breaking because her heart is breaking. Help her to know that you love her and want her to be cherished by her husband.

Help her to believe that you are setting her husband up with opportunities to grow in his kindness and love to her and the children. Help her to see a vision of what can be and the determination to steadily walk with you to build that vision into a reality.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of


War Room

is for those who have a troubled marriage.

Here are miracle testimonies

from people who watched it.

The following prayer for a troubled marriage 

was written to a wife.

Lord God - Maker of Miracles,

I pray for  ________ and for her marriage.

I come against strife in Jesus’ name.

Lord, I ask that you would give _______ the understanding of how to bring greater peace to her marriage and how to receive the motivation to do things that will improve her marriage.

Help ________ to have faith  that you really are working to bring her out of this difficult situation.

Lord, I pray for ________'s  emotions. I pray that her emotions would move upward as she remembers who you are, what power you have, and what love you have for her. Encourage her to ponder your everlasting love for her.

I pray that ________ will feel you steadying her feet.

Remind _________ that you are working to improve her situation. Remind her that small beginnings are still good beginnings.

Bring her clear thinking to combat confusion.

Bring her comfort through your Word.

Help her to fully receive the hope that lies in you.

In Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

colorful cross

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written

for a man

who has a wife who is not close to God.


We lift up this husband to you.

We pray that you would help him receive your peace and encouragement during this difficult time.

We lift up this wife to you. Touch her heart. Soften the hard, dry areas in her heart. Draw her down a path that leads into your arms. May she grew to desire to love and serve you with all her heart. May she come to enjoy following you, and may she come to enjoy her husband and her marriage.

Lord, we pray that this husband will be determined to welcome your thoughts.

We pray that you would teach this man how to stir up strength, and receive hope, and be able to extend supernatural love to his wife.

We pray that he would allow your peace to prevent him from doing and saying things that would cause unnecessary strife.

We ask that you would give him thoughts of ways to reduce the tension between them.

Help him recognize your hand of intervention and restoration.

Remind him of good memories and warm moments.

Encourage him to reach out with kindness to his wife. Give him new compassion and insights into the needs of his wife.

Give him determination for the tough days and nights. May he be tenacious in holding on to your grace for his marriage.

Refresh your beloved son as he seeks to become a man after God's own heart.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer was written in

October 2021

in response to a prayer request

from a wife...

They have been separated for a year

and the wife is crying out for help.

Father of Gentleness and Love,

I pray for this woman and this situation.

I pray that you would put your loving arms around this woman and heal her emotional wounds and her hurting heart. I pray that she will feel your love and compassion. I pray that you will guide her to a place where she will allow forgiveness to flow freely from her heart.

I pray for the children. Heal their emotional wounds and bring peace to their heart. Drain away the frustrations and upset hearts in this family - and leave your peace with them.

Gently bring a heart of forgiveness to each family member.

I pray for this man. He feels overwhelmed at the mess his life has become, and he feels hopeless that he can fix it. I pray that this man can come to the end of his rope and look to you to fix the tangled mess that his life has become.

I pray that you would put your loving arms around him and guide him toward you.  Help him to feel love from you and hope from you. Help him come to grips with the hurts he has caused other people, and encourage him to reach out and try to make things right.

Help him to realize the power and the blessing that a genuine apology can bring. 

He needs a vision of how to be a good husband and a good father. He needs hope that he can make his family happy again. Draw him to reading your Bible and praying. Help him see the value of a close relationship with you.

Raise him up as a Mighty Man of God who is learning to yield to you to gain wisdom, gentleness, and compassion. I pray that he will see a vision of the Champion for Christ that he can be and help him eagerly move forward to become that man.

Give both of these people a vision of starting over – fresh -  and better equipped in mind and heart - to handle problems.  

I pray this couple will allow themselves to fall in love again. I pray this couple will allow forgiveness, love, compassion, and fun & laughter to propel them to a new kind of God-centered relationship that is filled with blessings.

Bring new experiences of fun and laughter that will decrease the tension and increase the joy in their relationship.

I pray these things in Jesus’ name,


Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written

to a wife

who is dealing with adultery.



This prayer, and each of these prayers,

can easily be converted


being for a wife to being for a husband or husband to a wife.

Holy Father,

We come into your presence with thanksgiving remembering that you are still on the throne and that you hear the prayers of your people.

We ask that you would move mightily in this situation.

We stand against the sin of adultery. We lift up this marriage and ask that you would come against the forces that are pulling this marriage apart.

Mighty Prince of Peace, bring repentance and restoration we pray.

We ask that this husband would draw his attention and affections away from this ungodly relationship. We ask that he would miss his family and feel uncomfortable continuing this lifestyle.

We ask for this wife that she would be able to fully forgive and welcome her husband back.

We ask that these children would be protected from pain and sorrow and that they would soon have their father back in their home. We thank you that you are moving in this situation.

Bring comfort to this family and cover this family with your protection and mercy.

In Jesus’ name,


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for a Troubled Marriage continues

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written to a wife

who is married to a man

who has committed adultery.

Father God,

We lift up this wife to you this day. Lord, her heart is aching.

Thank you for your steadfast love that reaches out to hurting people.

__________ is your precious daughter, and you love her deeply.

Lord, the enemy has drawn her husband away from his marriage commitment, but we are reminded that you are the God who does mighty miracles and wonders. Your plan is for powerful love and amazing tenderness to fill their hearts afresh.

We ask that you would touch this man and daily draw him toward your will for his life.

Thank you for making stale this husband's feelings for anyone other than his wife, and making fresh and passionate his feelings for his wife.

By faith, we will believe that you are leading his thoughts back toward the happy memories and joyful times they had together.

We ask that you would help this woman to supernaturally love her husband. We pray that you would guide this wife to do the work she needs to do to be able to forgive and genuinely fall back in love with her husband.

We ask that you would remind her of things that she can do to bring more harmony and unity into her home.

We thank you that you will nudge this woman as she is beginning to say or do something destructive that comes from the pain that this husband has created.

Refresh your beloved daughter as she seeks to make her marriage situation better.

Lord, help this precious woman to believe that you love her and want her to be cherished by her husband.

Help her to believe that you are working to create opportunities for her husband to choose to follow you more closely. Help her to believe that you are working to create opportunities for her husband to increase his dedication to his wife.

Help this woman to see a vision of what can be and the determination to steadily walk with you to build that vision into a reality.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written

to a husband

who is married to a woman

who has committed adultery.


We lift up your beloved son who is experiencing great emotional pain.

We pray for your supernatural wisdom and strength to flow to him. We pray that during this difficult time he will choose to move toward you and that he will be determined to refuse any temptations to move away from you.

We pray that this man would receive hope for the future of his marriage. We pray that he will be filled with your strength to press forward toward saving his marriage.

Bring new thoughts to him that will enable him to lesson tensions between himself and his wife.

Nudge him if he is beginning to say or do something that will cause unnecessary strife.

I pray that this man would find the strength to be loving and kind even when his wife is cold and hard and sarcastic. Let him not rationalize receiving the thoughts of the enemy but let him submit to allowing you to create in him a new heart and a right spirit.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written to a husband

who is married to a woman

who has committed adultery.

Dear Lord,

We pray for this wayward wife.

We pray that her eyes will be open to your truth and her heart will be open to love and restoration with her husband.

We pray that she will become teachable toward you. We pray that she will become aware of the lies that she has been believing and that she will come to feel godly sorrow.

May she yearn for the joy that she and her husband used to have. 

May she have a passionate desire for her husband. May she understand how to help turn her marriage around and how to bring healing to her marriage.

We pray that you would strengthen this husband so that he will continually choose to be a compassionate and forgiving man and a wise and godly leader in their home.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written for a wife

whose husband has left home

and is seeking a divorce.

Dear Lord of Miracles,

We pray for this wife and her marriage.

We pray that you would destroy all the plans against this marriage.

Expose the lies that this husband believes that are leading him away
from his wife.

Open this husband’s eyes to your truth and to the joy that is found in your will for his life.

Make fresh and passionate this man’s feelings for his wife.

Stir happy memories and uplifted feelings in this husband.

Bring restoration, harmony, and happiness to this marriage.

We pray all these things in Jesus’ name,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of


Hold my hand

during this

marriage storm.

The following prayer for a troubled marriage

was written

for a wife

whose husband

is disconnecting

from his wife.

Dear Lord,

I know that your heart is stirred with compassion for this suffering wife.   

You love this couple and want this marriage to thrive.

Bring lots of loving feelings and strong marriage commitment back to this marriage.

Give this husband your thoughts.

Expose the lies he believes.

Stir his feelings for being a good husband and father.

Wake him up in spiritual areas where he is drowsy.

Remind him of thoughts that will bring him closer to being the man you have created him to be.

Strengthen this wife so that she can weather this storm.

Help her to yield to you and stand strong in love and forgiveness.

Thank you for everything you are doing for this marriage and this family.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of


“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.” Romans 15:5 NIV

“Gentle words cause life and health.” Proverbs 15:4 TLB

“Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us.” Ephesians 5:1 KJV

"Follow God’s example in everything you do

just as a much loved child imitates his father.

 Be full of love for others,

following the example of Christ

who loved you

and gave himself to God as a sacrifice

to take away your sins.

And God was pleased,

for Christ’s love for you was like sweet perfume to him."

Ephesians 5:1 -2 TLB


Most marriages can be healed!

Beth says:

Part of my purpose on this earth is to encourage and bless marriages. Along the path of my life I have found several things that are powerful to heal marriages.

DISC personality information
reduces marriage tension.

Click here for my DISC insights page

I have several devotions about DISC on this site.
(See my Bible devotion page.)

I also have written a book about DISC.

My book gives incredible insights into all four styles.

It shares with the reader

how to understand

your child - or your mate!

Understanding your spouse

decreases tensions


increases fun and joy in your marriage.

Praying for your Child  - book

Many people use the prayers to pray

for their spouse!

Many people have told me how

DISC has saved their marriage!

~ ~ ~

Seek to grow a tender heart.
Two tenderhearted people will not divorce.
Every divorce has at least one hard heart.


Remember Prayer is Powerful

You can pray Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration !


"Fireproof" the movie

is great for troubled marriages

and there is a powerful book that goes with it!

Important information:

Women need to feel beautiful and cherished.

Men need to feel like a hero.

Don't focus on your need right now


focus on the need of your spouse.

Love doesn't mean never having to say you are sorry.

True love says,

"I am sorry."

True love is not satisfied to ignore someone

who feels emotional hurt and pain.

If you have the "God kind of love"

you will seek to be loving and kind

all through your marriage -

even if your spouse is determined to get a divorce.

Seek to draw closer to God and keep him first in your life.


Get up each day and try to daily love your spouse

and love God with all your heart. 

Most marriages can be healed!

Note that :
This site has Marriage Tips
and other helpful devotions on our
Bible Devotions page.

Please consider watching FireProof AND War Room.

You haven't done everything you can do yet!

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