Prayer for
Dealing with Strife
Living with Strife
makes life difficult.
We need help from God!
In Ephesians chapter 6,
God teaches us
1. Put on his Power Armor
2. Pray!
On this page, we will do both!
Full Armor of God
Prayer for Victory
God of Miracles and Wonders,
Thank you for everything you are doing to bring peace between _________ and myself.
I put on the Helmet of Salvation.
Thank you for saving me from strife with ________.
Thank you for saving me from being a victim of agitation, frustration, anger, and unforgiveness with ________ this day.
I will have the mind of Christ this day. I will be filled with love and compassion.
I put on the Belt of Truth.
Your Word says in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle not with flesh and blood but
with principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world.
I will remember the truth that __________ is not my real problem. It is the evil forces of darkness that seek to interfere with our relationship.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Thank you for the honor of wearing the Righteousness of Christ.
I will seek to display wisdom and righteousness in my life today - even during situations that have to do with __________.
Lord, your Word says in Daniel 12:3-4, “Those
who are wise will shine like the
brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the
stars for ever and ever." * *
Lord, I want to be like the stars. I want to shine for you.
I will be a Strong Champion for Christ today.
I put on the Shoes of Peace.
I will walk in peace this day.
I will not let anything ______ does move me from a position of walking in love and peace.
Following the advice of Romans 12:18, I declare that as far as it depends on me, I will live peaceable with ______.
I will throw off any offense and anger that tries to attach to me.
In Matthew 5:9, Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." I want to be blessed this day. I will be determined to live in peace with _____ and with all people.
I pick up the Shield of Faith.
I will raise my Shield of Faith to "quench and defeat" every firey agitating whisper
of the enemy concerning my situation with ________. *
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit
which is the Word of God.
The Word of God says, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”
I declare that no weapon of strife, agitation, frustration, anger, irritation, offense, or unforgiveness will prosper in me this day.
I will walk The Path of Champions this day!
I will be FAITHFUL.
I will be STEADY.
I will be FOCUSED on pleasing God.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of
* Whispers of the enemy - The enemy is the devil and his evil forces.
* * The way we lead people to righteousness
is to be
a model of it in our life.
(Daniel 12:3-4)
Father God,
Thank you for guiding me
so that
I will please you
by walking in a godly manner.
God tells us to forgive - but that doesn't always mean
that you need to
have contact with the person.
It helps me to forgive when I remind myself that:
The person I have had strife with is a victim too -
a victim of the manipulation
of the devil and his forces.
The devil and his forces are
using him or her for their purposes.
Note that:
We have lots of pages for - Help for Forgiving
See the Bible devotion page for all our Forgiveness pages.
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