Prayer for Despair

Prayer for Despair

to touch the heart of the hurting.


Sometimes the thought that you are the only one on earth

who is hurting

makes you feel isolated and alone.


May this page keep you from feeling all alone. 


If you are in

Deep Despair

you will probably prefer our

Psalm 88 Prayer for Despair

Dear God,

I’ve come to a dead end.

Everything I’ve tried has failed.

Previously, I have entertained despair, and now I find it to be a constant companion.

I’ve been through cycle after cycle of defeat - picking myself back up just to find myself thrown back down in the dirt and crushed.

I can’t get any traction on the track of life. It is like trying to walk on a butter-covered road.

I cry out for you to blink, and let me be over this situation.

I feel constrained; I cannot move.

I am boxed in. I cannot go anywhere.

I’ve begged and pleaded.

Even though you do not respond, I know you hear me.

God tell me how to get out of here.

I’ll do anything you want. Or I'll do nothing, if that is what you want.

I’ll say anything. Or, if you want, I'll say nothing.

Where is the rule book to tell me what I do next? What sacrifice can I give to appease your silence? I just want out of here! I’m in a box that is too small, too tight, and too dark.

The only clue I have is that you must want me to learn to be content here.

But here, God? This place is so desolate. Oh God, what you ask is so hard. My perplexed thoughts spin around in my mind.

I will face the truth that you give me. I cannot refuse you.

Lord, my love for you makes me not want to refuse you.

Teach me to be content here. Please teach me. I lie still and quiet like a baby who has cried herself to sleep. I rest in your arms that bind me from my will.

Your love for me and my love for you  - unite today  - to give me strength to patiently wait on you. I will sense your provision for me today. I will believe that you can sustain me, today. And tomorrow, I’ll pray this prayer again if I need to.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

There's a Longing in my Heart, O Lord


This gentle song is presented with a picture of a wonderful hug from Jesus.

The picture of the hug is the reason I chose this version of this song.

May the Lord comfort you this day.

In His Time

In His Time


His promises will prove true!


"Reassure me that your promises are for me,

for I trust and revere you."

Psalm 119:38 TLB

What Direction are you Choosing?

In times of despair,

some people turn away from God


some people draw closer to God.

Everyone has times when they pull away from God for a few hours, but I encourage you not to make it more than a few hours.

Days of pulling away from God will greatly hinder 
not only your relationship with God
but it will have an effect on every area of your life.

Are you going to leave, too?

In the Gospel of John chapter six, Jesus was speaking to a crowd. At that meeting, he presented a difficult teaching. The crowd didn't like what he said, and so they left.

Jesus turned to the disciples and asked, "Are you going to leave, too?"

Peter responded, "Where would we go, Lord? Only you possess eternal life."

What is your response?

Every Christian has times when, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, we experience a difficult time.

When that happens to me, I hear Jesus ask me, "Are you going to leave, too?"

I answer Jesus, "Lord, I love you. Lord, you possess the gift of eternal life. There is no where to go. I will stay with you."

In your times of despair, what will your answer be?

~ ~ ~

There is an old hymn with lyrics that say:

I have decided to follow Jesus.

I have decided to follow Jesus.

I have decided to follow Jesus.

No turning back; no turning back.

Though none go with me, still I will follow.

No turning back; no turning back.

 A Declaration of Trusting God

I encourage you to consider

this next song which

brings strength

into me as I renew my dedication to my Lord.

We invite you to also visit:

Inspirational Comfort from God


Prayer for a Broken Heart


Prayer for Emotional Pain


Click: For a list of all our prayers

The title of this page is Prayer for Despair, but it is also prayer for dashed hopes, prayer for anguish, prayer for misery, prayer for desperation, prayer for despondency, and prayer for hopelessness.

Jump to the top of Prayer of Despair

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