Prayer for Food Addiction

by Mary K

Dear Heavenly Father,
You alone, know ALL my needs, and all my body's needs, having created it.

Food has been my "comforter" for wayyyy too long. JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY comforter I NEED!!

Daddy, help me to make food choices that are GOOD for my body....When I am...(fill in the emotion,) help me to not "stuff" my feelings down with food as a crutch, when I should be seeking Your Face, instead.

Fill me up. Fill up all the "empty" spots that I'm trying to fill with food. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I BIND THE SPIRIT OF GLUTTONY. I loose the Holy Spirit over my body, and whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven, according to Matthew 18:18.

When I eat of boredom, remind me that YOU are always there to entertain me with YOUR word, and I can do something that honors and glorifies YOU, instead of hurting myself...I am covered by the blood, and washed by the water, white as snow.

You have cast my sins as far as the east is from the west....When I fall, help me to shut out the whispers from the enemy telling me how worthless and useless I am, and how I can never succeed or amount to anything...THOSE ARE LIES FROM THE PIT OF HELL!! I AM A DAUGHTER OF THE GOD MOST HIGH, AND THAT MAKES ME A PRINCESS OF THE KING!! I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! PRAISE AND GLORIFY YOUR NAME, FATHER, IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!!!

Comments for Prayer for Food Addiction

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Apr 07, 2016
You're a Blessing
by: Vee

I was in a crisis just now and Jesus lead me to this. Thank you so much. May God Bless you!

Feb 21, 2016
Food Addiction
by: YJW

Thank you, I needed this - I too suffer from food addiction.

Jan 06, 2016
thank you
by: Brittany

thank you for posting this simple prayer, i truly needed this!

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