This page contains unique prayer
for New Year blessings
based on DISC personality styles.
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Happy New Year!
This page contains
a unique
New Year prayer
each of the
DISC personality styles.
DISC has blessed my life so much that
I now teach DISC information to others!
There will be a short introduction to DISC, and
The four prayers are given.
Quick Introduction:
There are four main personality styles.
Each style is a list of traits.
Each person is a blend of traits from all four
but most of our traits come from one of the styles.
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Our highest style,
and our second highest style,
greatly affect our thoughts and actions.
each of us is a unique person
a unique blend of personality traits.
The Four Styles are:
The “D” dominant style - They are outgoing and task-oriented.
The “I” inspiring style - They are outgoing and people-oriented.
The “S” supportive style - They are reserved and people-oriented.
The “C” cautious style - They are reserved and task-oriented.
These are also called the
Choleric, Sanguine, Phlagmatic, and Melancholy styles.
Personalized Prayer for New Year blessings
for the "D" personality style:
Lord God,
Powerful is your name, and mighty are your deeds. I praise you for you are worthy of honor and respect.
I thank you for each of the “D” individuals that you have made.
Lord, I praise you that “Ds” are so incredibly focused, powerful, and determined.
It is
amazing the amount of work they do. Yet, they sometimes do not perceive what
holds them back from further success.
Father, open their eyes so that they can see the blind spots that hinder them from even greater results.
Help them to realize that extending greater compassion and understanding to others will lead to greater cooperation with others and thus maximize their results.
Lord, I pray that this new year be a wonderful year for each of the "Ds" !
In Jesus' Name I pray,
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
Personalized Prayer for New Year blessings
for the "I" personality style:
Magnificent Lord,
You are the great Creator of the Universe!
I praise you for each awesome “I” that you have made!
I thank you for the joy that they add to everyone’s life.
I pray that this new year will truly be a happy new year filled with fun and excitement for each one. Thank you, Lord, for giving each one many opportunities to sparkle and shine this year.
Help all of the amazing "I" individuals to grow in the area of
focusing on - not only things
they want to do - but also on accomplishing your goals for them this year.
Give them insights into removing distractions from their day so that they can become even more impressive than they already are!
Lord, I pray that this new year be a wonderful year for each of the "Is" !
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
Personalized Prayer for New Year blessings
for the "S" personality style:
Faithful Father,
Your unchanging love surrounds us and protects us.
As we meditate on your promise of your constant care, we can more fully relax and rest in your hands.
Father, I thank you for the dependability and stability of the “S” style. Thank you for the helpfulness and kindness that they give to others.
Help them to fully receive appreciation and love from their family and friends.
Father, “Ss” have such a hard time dealing with new things. Give them extra encouragement and security when they have to step out into new situations in this coming year.
Lord, I pray that this new year will be a wonderful year for each of the "Ss".
I pray that their new year is filled with peace and contentment. May they enjoy a harmonious relationship with all those they love.
I pray these things in Jesus’ Name,
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
Personalized Prayer for New Year blessings
for the "C" personality style:
Dear Lord,
How excellent is your name in all the earth.
You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and you do all things perfectly.
Thank you for how marvelously and meticulously you made the “Cs”.
Thank you for the “Cs” deep desire to be helpful and for the excellent quality of their work.
Thank you that each one lives and breathes wanting to do what is right.
Lord, that is a mission straight from your heart.
Father, help each one to also embrace your mission to give grace to others (and to themselves), to accept others (and accept themselves), and to forgive others (and forgive themselves) when they fall short of perfection.
May each one walk in more mercy and compassion this year as each one inspires the rest of us to try to do our very best.
May this new year be a wonderful year for each of
the "Cs" !
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
If you would like to learn more about
DISC personality styles:
We have an audio teaching on our audio page (the March 18th teaching).
We also have several Bible devotion pages that include DISC information.
Scroll down on the Bible devotion page to the section on DISC.
I am Beth McLendon your host here at Inspirational Prayers.
I have written two books on DISC.
Praying for your Child
According to his or her personality style
which deals with helping people get out of debt.
When you get one or both of these books, your donation to our ministry helps us pay for this website and its contents.
If you would like to see more Holiday prayer and devotions:
Check out our Special Prayers Page.
We hope you liked our
Prayer for New Year Blessings!
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