This page has
Prayer for Past Mistakes
and a Bible devotion.
Both are written to help you unchain yourself
from the emotions resulting from
previous unwise decisions.
Continually reliving the past
will hinder
living your life in the present.
Prayer for Past Mistakes
So many times I have said no when I should have said yes and yes when I should have said no.
My past haunts me - decisions gone bad, relationships that fell apart, opportunities that fear stole from me.
I replay the notes to old songs of my life. I retrace my steps and beg you for a second chance.
So many things did not turn out like I planned.
Painful realities regularly revisit me. They desire to be my constant companions. But the Bible says that there is hope in you, Lord.
I will see hope in you.
I will believe that in days to come, I will be able to turn back and look at my past and see beauty for ashes.
Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
The Lord gives beauty for ashes.
Isaiah 61:3
When I see
Broken beyond Repair
God sees
Healing beyond Belief.
Past mistakes can bring
intense emotional pain to us,
and it can hinder our closeness with God.
God wants to bring healing.
This following Bible devotion is written
to help you process your pain and move forward.
It is based on a true story.
Past Mistakes - One Man’s Story
Yes, my friend, there was a time of great pain in my life. The pain lasted for several days, but at the time it seemed like years.
I remember my thoughts – waves of shame, guilt, regret - deep regret. How could I have hurt my very best friend? How could I have left him alone when he needed me? Where was the peace that I had felt before in my life?
Hours dragged by.
There was no peace.
There was no stability reminding me
that everything was going to work out alright.
I remember the probing questions I was asked during that time. All eyes were on me. Fear gripped me, and I lied. I let my best friend down. It was his greatest hour of need, and I deserted him.
I became afraid that I could not bear
to live with
what I had done.
Total despair flooded my mind.
How could I go on with my life?
Several times I found myself whispering, “Where can I go from here?”
Wanting to run was my greatest desire.
I wanted to go somewhere and wash myself clean
from what I had done.
I remember wondering, “How could the Lord ever forgive me for doing something like this?”
But now I see.
Now when I look back, I not only see my massive mistake, but I see God’s transforming love.
not even my sin,
could keep me from God’s love
and his plan for me.
Years have passed and my confusion is gone. I am now anchored in God’s love and forgiveness. By his grace, I am now being used to bring others to an understanding of the forgiveness and love of God.
There have been other times in my life where I have regretted my actions or words. I have not perfected my walk with the Lord. But the lesson I learned so many years ago about accepting God's forgiveness, has always made the healing time quicker.
I hope this letter is used to help you with your painful past experiences.
If I could only have seen at that time, that I would one day write the words I am expressing to you today.
I am the one who originally wrote the words below,
and I am writing them to you today:
“Casting all your cares upon him;
for he careth for you.”
1 Peter 5:7
Sometimes, like Peter, we struggle to
and move past the emotions.
We pray that the prayer for past mistakes and the Bible devotion will be a blessing to you.
We at Inspirational – Prayers hope that you will give yourself grace as you move past your pain.
This page was updated February 20, 2017.
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