Prayer for Provision

Prayer for Provision

is a page of

inspiration designed to

strengthen our faith as we wait on the Lord.

O Lord, my God,

You are very great:

You are clothed with honor and majesty.

Psalm 104:1b NKJV


At the bottom of the page

we have a short and encouraging teaching

on the purpose of prayer.

Provision Power Proclamation:

I will declare that you, Lord, are mighty,

and that you are able

to take care of me.

Dear Loving Lord,

I give you exuberant praise.

I bless the Lord who fills me with faith.

I will declare that you are mighty, and that you are able to take care of me.

I will meditate on your Word. Your Word chases doubt out of me.

I see my faith becoming strong. I am being drawn to a new level of trust and obedience to you. My heart will be steadfast.

You give your children good gifts. You are giving me
new understanding, new motivation, and new hope.

You are my Lord, and you make all things new.        


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

The above  Prayer for Provision was previously on one of our daily inspirational pages.

Surely goodness and mercy

shall follow me

all the days of my life.

Psalm 23:6 KJV

Shepherd of my Soul,

I abide in you.

And your words abide in me.  

Your words nourish me and strengthen me.

Your everlasting love provides my daily sustenance.

I will relax in your goodness.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

John 15:7

 We invite you to learn more

about the Lord our Shepherd

by visiting our page called:

Jesus the Good Shepherd

God says to us,

“I want you to respond in faith today.”


The Bible tells us

multiple times that

God wants us to deepen our faith

with regards to his love and his provision.


God wants us to approach

every trial, every test, and every decision

with faith in him.


As we begin to learn to

operate in faith,

we will become less afraid and worried.

Many of you are facing dire situations.

Prayer is powerful, and it does change things.

God calls us to pray.

One reason is that

prayer ignites God's power

and gets things moving in the spirit world.

And - that shortens our time of waiting.

Prayer also draws us closer to God.

That is also one of God's main reasons for prayer.


One of the fastest ways to feel better


is to

seek to uplift your thoughts and strengthen your


so the waiting is easier.

We pray that this page has helped you.

Below are other pages you might find helpful.

More inspiration on the subject of:  Waiting on the Lord

We also have prayer on the subject of: Receiving Strength

And we have Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Concerning financial issues, we have many pages
such as : Prayers for Employment and
Prayer for Money

For a list of all our prayers: Prayers for all Occasions

Jump to the top of Prayer for Provision

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February 18.


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