We are in need of
strengthening our churches.
Churches are facing very difficult times.
Pastors, church leaders, and church members
have the difficult task of taking the truth contained in God’s Word
and applying it to a world
that is sometimes upside-down.
Our churches need the wisdom and strength
of God Almighty.
The prayer and Bible devotion on this page are
based on a
sermon given by Pastor Terry Blair.
In the prayer, Pastor Terry Blair is asking the Lord
to guide him and to guide his flock
through the rough waters that are becoming more
and more prevalent.
Hopefully this prayer will inspire each one who reads it
to stir up the strength and determination that God
intends our churches to exhibit.
Father God,
We come today to ask you to strengthen us as a church and as individuals.
Help us to say what needs to be said.
Help us to sound the warning that the day is coming when men will turn away from the truth and will be turned to idols.
There is coming a day when men will be turned away from the truth of God to the lies of hell itself, simply for no other reason but to get along with the world.
Father, I pray today that your Word will go forth during this service, and that it will touch our hearts.
Father, I pray that your Word would convince us of its truth. We need to realize that we must do all we can do to remain different from this world. That is what you called us to be. You called us apart and set us aside that we might be different from the world.
We pray that the world may see that there is a difference a holy God can make in the lives of people.
Father, touch our hearts in this moment and speak to us as you will, so that you may be glorified.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
Used by permission of Terry Blair
Copyright © 2014 Pastor Terry Blair of Fish River Baptist, Fairhope, Alabama U.S.A
I propose two questions:
How different is the church from the world?
As we look at what we do and what we say and what we proclaim: Are we standing apart from this world and standing firmly on the truth of God?
Many churches are not.
Many churches have decided that it is easier to compromise the faith and get along, rather than stand apart in truth.
How different is your life from those in the world?
The church cannot be different unless God’s people stand apart and are different.
God tells us to love the people of the world. Yet God also tells us to separate ourselves from the world.
We are to love sinners. We need to share the Gospel with them. Yet there needs to be a separation.
2 Corinthians 6:17 says:
“Wherefore come out from among them and
be ye separate saith the Lord.”
In 2 Corinthians 6:17, the words
“Be Separate”
can be translated
“Set Boundaries.”
We are to set boundaries that we will not cross.
2 Corinthians 6:14
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
for what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness?
And what communion hath light with darkness?"
Many times people use 2 Corinthians 6:14
when talking to young people about marriage.
I’ve done that myself.
Yet this is not only talking about marriage.
We are to love sinners. We need to share the Gospel with them.
Yet there needs to be a separation.
It is not possible for darkness to get along with light.
We cannot maintain the difference
if we try
to get along with the world.
In John 17:15, Jesus prays,
“Father I don’t pray that you take them out of the world,
but that you should keep them from the evil.”
God did not intend that we separate ourselves so much that we don’t share the Gospel with people. That is not what the scripture means.
We must love and care about unbelievers enough to share the Gospel of Jesus with them. When they accept Jesus, then we can build a relationship with them.
We need to season this world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We cannot do that when we are trying to compromise and get along with the world.
We have to separate ourselves from this world.
We have to stand differently than what this world proposes to us.
But in standing apart, we develop a relationship with our Lord.
Used by permission of Terry Blair
Copyright © 2014 Pastor Terry Blair of Fish River Baptist, Fairhope, Alabama U.S.A
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