Prayer for Success

Energizing Prayer

for Success!

~ ~ ~

Your future is as bright

as the promises of God!

The Transforming Power

of Jesus Christ

is available

to you

this day!


This page has


power proclamations,


a short devotion

on the subject of Success.

Power Proclamation:


you are the full truth,


I will receive

the full truth into my life.

First Prayer

Dear Lord,

I come to you today speaking Powerful words that will inspire me to greater dedication to you.

Thank you, Lord, that you are getting me excited about your plans for me.

You have my day all lined up, and you are going to guide me through it. You are giving me awesome opportunities to serve you this day.

I know that whatever you tell me to do this day is in preparation for the great things you have planned for me to accomplish in my future. You are growing me and guiding me toward my destiny.

I am your child and heir to all of your promises.

Through the Power of Jesus Christ, I will make the promises of your Word appear in my life.

I will let your instructions capture my attention and ignite my determination.

I will see the invisible. I will do the impossible!

I pray these things in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2003 Beth McLendon of

Power Proclamation:

My God is an awesome God,


I will act like it!

Second Prayer for Success

Dear Lord,

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

All that you say in your Word is true.

Your Word never sleeps. Your Word is active. It will be actively working in me to change me both in the day and in the night.

Lord, at the Word of your direction, I will proceed to do what you say.

I will have faith in what you say.

Thank you that you are cleansing and purifying my mind with your Word.

My mind will be set on your Power and your Compassion.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


Copyright © 2003 Beth McLendon of


The second prayer

contains several Bible verses:

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

The Prayer above says: Your Word never sleeps. Your word is active. It will be actively working in me to change me both in the day and in the night.

This is based on Psalm 16:7 which says, "I will bless the Lord who counsels me; he gives me wisdom in the night. He tells me what to do." So I believe that verse says that God not only teaches us during the day but somehow during the night as well.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

Power Proclamation:

I declare that I am lifted up

by the Power

of Jesus Christ

to do the will of God

this day.

True Success

True Success

begins and ends

with God.

God is Omnicient. He knows everything.

I need God's wisdom to be successful.

God is Omnipotent. He is all powerful.

I need God's power to be successful.

God is Omnipresent. He is everywhere at one time.

God is always with me.

I need to create a moment-by-moment relationship with God in order to be fully successful.

To Access God's Success,

we must first be born again

and then

we must learn how to receive the

wisdom and power

of the One

who is all-successful.

The only way to truly be successful

is to

follow God

which includes:

Respecting his Word,

Following his ways,


Receiving his wisdom and power

In order to do those things, we will be:

  • Reading the Bible
  • Seeking to follow the Bible
  • Praying (including developing a good relationship with God)
  • Putting on the Full Armor of God
  • Learning Spiritual Warfare techniques and strategies to use against the enemy of our soul
  • Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
  • Learning to wait on the Lord.*  (Wait for God's timing)

*Take note:

The Lord is wonderfully good

to those who wait for him,

to those who seek him. 

Lamentations 3:25.

If you do not have a saving relationship

with Jesus Christ,

Please see our Prayer for Salvation page.

This Prayer for Success


has been written to inspire you and ignite your

determination to allow God to propel you to success.

If you enjoyed this Prayer for Success page,

we believe that you will also enjoy our page

Prayer for Courage

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