Prayer for Teachers

Prayer for Teachers

to pray



Insights into

Blessing your Students


There are several sections on this page.

Be sure



all the way down.

A thought to Ponder

Children are playing

Follow the Leader

even when we don't realize it.

Prayer for a Great Day!

Heavenly Father,

I come to you this morning to thank you for this upcoming day.

I thank you for the wonderful opportunity to teach children as my career.

I need your help today in order to do the very best job I can for my students.

Help me to hear your guiding words today.

Help me to truly show

patience and compassion

to each student,

no matter how

my personal day is going

or how I feel physically or emotionally.

Keep me from ungodly thoughts and ungodly attitudes.

I want to be a vessel of godly light and love to my students.

I pray these things in Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Inspirational Insights!

As a former classroom teacher with a

bachelor's degree in education,

I know the joys of teaching children.

My best advice

to those who are in the teaching field

is to get a good working knowledge


DISC personality styles.

Understanding the four personality styles

will help to give insights

into the different perspectives,

and preferences

of the children in your classroom.

DISC information

has helped me understand

how to better

encourage, motivate and discipline children!

Below is a


written for


I'm Beth McLendon

the woman

who created this page.


I used to work with Dr. Rohm.

I edited the book featured above.

If you would like to learn more about

DISC Personality Styles

click: Here!

Prayer for Teachers

Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving me a job where I can

help children.

Thank you for giving me a job

where I can spend my days

enjoying and delighting in children.

Father, I want to grow in wisdom and understanding.

I want to gain insights

into how to be a better teacher.

I want to learn how to be a

better encourager and motivator!

Guide me to new information

that can help me connect with each child.

I need to understand personality styles

in addition to perceiving the uniqueness of each child.

I am ready to rededicate myself

to you and to this wonderful career

that you have given me.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Praying for your Students

You have been positioned by God

to not only teach children

but to pray for those children.

In your position, you have a bird's eye view

to the learning difficulties

of your students.


In addition, you often perceive


you are given information

about a child's home environment situation

that needs prayer.


For example, you will generally be told


a death in the family or an upcoming divorce.


This gives you the ability to be

- perhaps the one person -

who is praying for that child during this difficult time.


I urge you 

each day

to think - 

Which child

is God seeking to put on my heart

to pray about today?

Prayer Starter

Dear Lord,

I want to be faithful to you to pray for my students.

You seem to be putting ___________ on my mind.

I will pray for this precious child.

I pray for this child's struggles at school and at home.

(Continue with your prayer by giving specifics to God.)

Protecting Children

The school environment

is like a second home to children.

If there is anything going on

in the school

that the

administration is

ignoring or condoning

that is potentially harmful to children,

it needs to be

addressed and stopped.

Teachers are on the front lines

of what is happening in our schools.

* *

You are

our parents (and our churches)

"eyes and ears"

in the school environment.

If you see things that are hurting children


could potentially hurt children,


ask God for wisdom about what to do.

Prayer for

Protecting our Children

Dear Lord,

If and when I encounter

the administration of my school

doing things or allowing things

that could harm children,

stir me up to do something.


Help me as I seek your strength

to stand up for what is right.


If and when I am in a position

where my job requires me

or implies to me

that I am to participate


look the other way

concerning things that could harm children,

remind me of my duty to those children.


My first allegiance is to you, Lord, and to serving you.

Guide me and Help me

As I seek to be courageous and bold...

Even if it gets me in hot water.


Remind me that it is

my duty,

and my responsibility

to protect children.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Someone once said:

If you

 - never -

get involved,

you never serve God.

Sometimes God places us

in a position

where he needs us to

stand for what is right.

* *

We are sometimes in a position like


who God positioned

to save her people

from harm.

We hope that you will consider

e-mailing other teachers

a link to this page

or posting it on your Facebook page.

To visit our other prayer pages

click: Prayer for all Occasions

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This page contains teachers prayer -  teacher's prayer.

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