Prayer for Unsaved Loved Ones

Heartfelt and Fervent Prayer


Unsaved Loved Ones

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Prayer for family and friends

who are not right with God


Take note that we also have similar prayer on these pages:

Daily Prayer for teens and adult children
who are not right
with God

Prayer for Children

Prodigal Child Prayer

My Prayer

Dear Lord,

Today I lift up to you my loved ones who are not right with you.

I ask that you would reveal yourself to each one again this day, and send them a sense of urgency that they need to get right with you.

Give them understanding of how to find their way into your arms.

Thank you for giving each one another opportunity to choose you, Lord.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

My Prayer

Dear God,

I ask that you would bless _____, _____, and _____ with the knowledge that they need in order to get right with you.

I ask that you would bless them with the urgency they need in order to get right with you.

And then, I ask that you would bless them with the steadfastness they need in order to stay right with you.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

Prayer for Unsaved Loved Ones

Here are some ways to begin

your own heartfelt prayer to God.

Hopefully these will be helpful.

I fervently pray....

Lord, today I want to lift up

specific loved ones

who are not right with you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today your love will surround __________ and cause a longing in his/her heart to get right with you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would get revelations that would propel his/her life toward you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would see the need for you in his/her life.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would acknowledge his/her need for you.  Guide him/her into a solid relationship with you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would get on his/her knees and ask you to be Lord in his/her life.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would get revelations that would solidify his/her life in you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would come to the end of his/her wayward journey and begin to run back to you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________'s thoughts and feelings would compel him/her to get right with you. Help him/her to make an unshakable commitment to you.

Lord, I fervently pray that today ____________ would get revelations and ponder thoughts that would change his/her life and bring him/her into a right relationship with you.


Take note of our pages:

Explaining Salvation


Prayer for Salvation

This page contains prayer for the lost.

These prayers were first presented on Beth's Blog.

Jump to the top of Prayer for unsaved loved ones.

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