For yielding to the Lord
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Glorious Lord, you are my Creator.
Mighty God, you are my Sustainer.
Your everlasting love blesses my life.
You are my everything.
Reign in me this day.
Prayer for Yielding
Glorious Lord, Mighty God,
I worship you.
You are my King.
You are my everything.
I give my life to you.
Reign in me.
In my happy times, you are my joy.
In my unhappy times, you are my strength.
I will yield to you so you can reign in me.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
Lord of All,
I will be still
and know
that you are God.
Lord, Reign in me
Holy Spirit lead me!
Heavenly Father,
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Your Word teaches me wisdom and fills me with newness of life.
As I come to you today, I bring my needs to you. Help me to lay down all my problems at your feet. Help me to lay down all my tangled thoughts and restless emotions.
Lord, I am seeking your peace and your patience. I want to learn to wait patiently for you to bring your answers to my prayers. I want to cooperate with your plans for me. Thank you for assuring me that your plans for me are good.
As I wait on you, I will continue to turn to your Word for comfort and direction. Your Word is solid and reliable.
Your Word steadies me. Your Word brings me truth. Your Word gives me strength. Your Word chases away my worry and my fears. Your Word refreshes me.
Thank you for your Word.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
Scripture: Psalm 119:105 and Jeremiah 29:11
The Above Prayer was taken from our page called
Prayer for Yielding
Loving Lord,
I want to be humble before you.
Teach me your ways.
I will walk with you.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
Prayer for Yielding
Shepherd of my heart,
I will follow you.
Even in times when no one walks with me,
I will walk with you.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
I will hear you drawing me today.
I give you my life.
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