Prayer of Adoration

Prayer of Adoration


Music and Prayer

to Adore God 


This page is filled with

worship and adoration to the Lord.

Also consider our Psalm 16 page.

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Oh Lord our Lord,

how excellent is thy name

in all the earth!

Psalm 8:1b KJV

Our First Adoration Prayer to the Lord

Alpha and Omega,

You are the Beginning and the End,

You are everything to me.

I long to fall at your feet and honor you.

Marvelous is your creation.

Miraculous are your deeds.

Magnetic is your power to draw me to you this day.


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of

Your majesty,

And on Your wondrous works.

Psalm 145:5 NKJV


Beautiful Song

Holy Forever


I come today to honor you.


I praise your grace, your mercy, and your love.

You are too marvelous for words.

I stand in awe of you.


My Lord,

I come today to celebrate your love for me.

I come today to draw close to you.

I come today to give you my heart and my soul.

It is my desire to honor you.


Adore him, O his people!

Psalm 149:6 TLB

Lord of my heart,

I adore you.

I will always adore you.



My heart proclaims,

"More than anything, I just want to be with you."

My Creator,

My Provider,

My Eternal Father,

Your everlasting love has captured my heart.

My soul leaps at the thought of being in your heavenly presence.

Earthly words cannot express the joy that I feel as I meditate on your splendor.

As the music of worship begins to play, I feel compelled to draw close to you.

Oh Lord, the curtain between earth and heaven seems so restraining.

I dream of meeting you in a heavenly place where I can see your smile and hear your voice telling me you love me.

As the worship music flows, my heart compels me to sing supernatural notes of total devotion to you.

I adore you.

I will always adore you.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

More than Anything,

I want Your Presence.

Prayer of Adoration

Lord of all Creation,

You are the author of all that is beautiful.

Delicate butterflies dancing among fragrant flowers - you made them.

Strong oak trees towering over blades of gentle green grass - you made them.

You watchfully reign over all your creation.

Your creativity astounds me.

Your variety delights me.

As I meditate on the beauty and the wonder of creation, I am refreshed.

As I meditate on the vastness and splendor of the universe, I am humbled.

You are above all and over all.

Keep me ever close to your heart, for I have chosen you as my first love.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

I will give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name.

Based on Psalm 29:2 b KJV


I exalt you.

A New 2025 Prayer

Oh, Lord,

How wonderful it is - 

to know you.

How wonderful it is - 

to serve you.

You bless my days and enrich my life.

I will give you praise.


Copyright © 2025 Beth McLendon of


I want to be ever closer to you.


And ye shall seek me, and find me,

when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 KJV


I want to know you in greater depth.

Your Word tells me that if I seek you with all my heart,

I will find you.

So I will seek you with all my heart!



But as for me, I get as close to him as I can!

Psalm 73:28a  TLB

Your Love is Far Better than...

Anything and Everything

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