prayer request

by nancy

I just want to ask you all to pray with me that my boyfriend of almost 2 years and I can overcome the challenges we are facing now and talk to each other.

It has been a month of no communication.

I pray for peace of mind and heart and if this is what God has planned for us then I pray for the strength and courage to accept the outcome.

I still love him deeply and miss him a lot.

I pray he feels the same way and that when we find our way back to each other - by his grace this period will have made us appreciate and respect each other more and love each other by relying and depending on the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ on love.

I pray for a happy future for us and every time I pray I see us in that future. That is why I still have faith and hope that we will be together.

Comments for prayer request

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Nov 05, 2016
Son is having surgery.
by: Marilyn

My Son Ron is having surgery on Monday at 7.00 AM. Please pray for him, it is his back. He has to have his Vertibras fused together and need to go through his stomach. He only has 1 and 1/2 lungs so I'm concerned for him. He just recently got Married about 1 month ago so I'm sure this is going to be hard on his new wife too. He lives in Texas and I'm in Michigan. I'm not able to travel so this is very difficult not to be there. Please pray that his children will help during his recovery and while he is in the Hospital they get along with the other children. I'm thanking God in advance. Thank you for your prayers. God Bless.

Apr 03, 2016
Please pray for my sickness
by: Anonymous

Dear sir,
Please pray for miracle by the name of God
to heal from my sickness.
God bless you.

Jul 16, 2015
prayer for my unborn child
by: Monica

Please pray for me when I was 3 months pregnant I had an ultrasound done and they weren't able to see a baby.

Today I went in for an ultrasound but the lady who performed it wasn't able to tell me any thing she said my doctor would let me know tomorrow at my appt.

Please pray for me that they able to see a baby this time pray that he was just to small to see the last time.

Jun 11, 2015
My daughter was born with a heart defect
by: Amber

My daughter Haley Russell was born with a heart defect and is going to have a heart Cath in the morning.

Could you please send a prayer for her that we receive great news and her procedure goes well?

She has come along way.

She is 9 years old. She has had 3 open heart surgeries and 4 heart Cath procedures done.

The doctors tell me her heart muscle is getting stronger and I know it's because of her faith in God and the prayers from everyone. Thank you all so much.

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