Prayers to help my child in difficulties

For my Adult Child:

Prayers to help my child

during difficulties

We also have general prayers for

Adult Sons

Adult Daughters

The following prayer is written for a son.

Please adapt for a daughter.

Almighty God,

Bless my son.

Be to my son a Rock -

Stable, Steady, and Strong.

Inspire him to turn to you

each day for

Wisdom, Encouragement, and Direction!

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dealing with Difficult People

The following prayer is written for a son.

Please adapt for a daughter.

Almighty God,

I pray for my son.

I pray that you would strengthen him and steady him.

Help him to have a vision of how to interact with those in his life who are difficult.

Help him to have a vision of how to be a Mighty Man of God.

And help him to gain motivation to translate that vision into action.

I pray that this year will be a Great Year for my child!

I pray all these things in the Mighty name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dealing with Difficult Situations

The following prayer is written for a daughter.

Please adapt for a son.

Dear Lord,

I pray for my daughter. Uplift her and comfort her during difficult times.

In her troubles, remind her that you are her anchor and you are her safe harbor during every storm.

In her sadness, remind her that you are her most valuable friend.

In her times of sickness, remind her that you are her heavenly doctor.

In her times of confusion and difficulty, remind her that you are her teacher and her life coach.

I pray these things in Jesus’ name,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

The prayer below is written for a son.

Please adapt for a daughter.

Dear Lord,

I pray for my son. 

I pray that you would bless him.


I lift up to you

his every trial, every difficulty, every hindrance.


Speak your Words to his heart.


Stir him

with massive motivation

to follow you and continually do your will.


Give him wisdom and understanding

so that he can walk with courage and strength.


Raise him up to be a Mighty Man of God.


In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of


Help my child

get through


life-changing moments.

Prayer for

Dealing with Difficult people

 The prayer below is written for a son.

Please adapt for a daughter.

Powerful Lord,

I pray for my son. I pray that he will hear your voice as he deals with difficult people.

I pray that he will stay close to you and walk in the fullness of the salvation that you purchased for him.

Save him from the plots and schemes that the demonic forces have planned for him.

Lord, I pray that early each day, he will stir up his faith in you.

I pray that daily he will face each difficulty and each temptation with a response of self-control and with strong faith in you.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for Health from Prolonged Problems

Prayer for my child

who has

physical issues and has suffered so much

The following prayer is written for a daughter.

Please adapt for a son.

Dear Lord,

I lift up ___________ to you. 

She is your precious, beloved daughter.

You have seen the years of suffering that she has endured.

You know her frustrations.

You know all the set-backs that she has had to endure.

You know all the stress.

You know how all of this has pressed against her self-esteem.

It can be hard to feel your love when she has so many challenges.

Lord, I do not understand why she has had to endure all these things. But I come to you -  still trusting you and still loving you.

I come to you still praying for your miraculous healing to be manifested in her body.

You tell us that we can come boldly to your throne.

I come boldly to ask for GREAT miracles.

Father, look at the great needs of my child and do Great things for her.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of

More Prayers to Help my child in Difficulties

Prayer for daughter.

Please adapt for a son.

Loving Lord,


I pray for  my daughter.


I pray that you will give ______ a renewed sense of strength and peace when she wakes up in the morning.


I pray that she will be more aware of your guidance and more aware of the direction you want her to go today.


I pray that she will be more aware of the POWER you have given her today to overcome obstacles and temptations.


And I pray you will give her the understanding of how to access that POWER  more fully today than she has been able to do previously.


Father, I ask that you give her a feeling of joy and a feeling of freshness as she awakens to a new day.


Show her the opportunities you are putting before her.


Warn her of the traps that she will encounter along her path.


May she allow herself to soak in your love and acceptance today.


May she be able to kneel before you each night and feel satisfied that she is your beloved daughter and that she is valued and precious to you.


In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for Emotional Healing

Prayer for my son

for all

Emotional Wounding


Emotional Upheaval

Please adapt for a daughter

Dear Lord,

I pray for my son and his difficulties.

I ask that the stormy seas inside of him will soon settle.

Bring healing to every disturbing memory and every negative past emotion.

Prepare him and guide him so that he can more easily receive your love, acceptance, and guidance.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for Spiritual Help and Growth

The following prayer is written for a son.

Please adapt for a daughter.

Loving Lord,

I pray for your wisdom and guidance for my child.

I ask that you would speak to my child when he encounters a temptation or decision.

Give my child your thoughts.

Put a check in his spirit when he begins to turn away from your path.

Let him feel your peace when he makes wise choices and follows your path.

May he desire your will above all things.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2003 Beth McLendon of

The following prayer is written for a daughter.

Please adapt for a son.

Dear Lord,

Bless my daughter's every step.

May she never wander far from you.

May she be so nourished
by being close to you
that she will not be tempted to stray.

Help her to have faith that every word in the Bible is true. 

May she be comfortable in godly situations
doing godly things
uncomfortable in ungodly situations doing ungodly things.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for Christian friendships

Strong Christian Friends

encourage us and enable us

to stand taller, firmer, and stronger

for Jesus.

~ ~ ~

The following prayer is written for a son.

Please adapt for a daughter.

Father God.

I lift up my son to you.

I lift up every problem, every frustration, every weakness, and every temptation.

I ask that you would fill his heart with hope during challenging times.

I pray for his friendships. Encourage him to pursue friendships with strong Christian men.

Help him to have the wisdom and determination to set aside time to be with men who love you.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

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