Prayer to Prepare Teens

Prayer for



Prayer to Prepare




The following prayers are written for a daughter.

Please adapt for a son.

Dear Lord,

I pray for my child as she finishes up her high school experience.

Prepare _________'s mind to be ready for adulthood.

Help ________ to have positive thoughts about being mature and taking proper responsibility for her life.

Help _________ to be more future-oriented and less impulse-oriented.

Give my child inspirational thoughts about the rewards of increasing her self-control and living in a godly way.

Help my child to see clearly the results of the path of wisdom vs. the path of foolishness.

Thank you for everything you are doing to prepare my child for her first steps into adulthood.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

high school
a big event!

Dear Lord,

Guide _________ as she thinks about her career goals and as she plans her beginning career steps.

Put your goals in her heart and show her how to work step-by-step each day.

Help her to realize and value the strengthens you have given her.

Help her to realize and value the opportunities you have given her.

And help her to learn how to stir up the motivation necessary for her to complete her goals and move forward in your plans for her.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

You child will choose one or more of 

these career paths -

a military path,

a job path,

a technical / training school path,


a college path.


Whatever path my child chooses,

I pray that my child

will always stay close to you


seek to please you.



Prayer to Prepare Teens

Dear Lord,

I pray that you would help my child to form a vision of the person she wants to be as an adult. 

Help her to picture her future self as a joyful, happy,
fun - loving adult who can harness her self - control when needed.

Help her to see herself as a hard - working adult who has compassion for others in need.

Guide her to create a vision of herself as a woman of wisdom, purity, honesty, and integrity.

I pray these things in Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

I pray that you would bless my child.

I pray that you would guide my child to properly protect her heart with regard to love.

I pray that she will be attracted to boys - and later men - who have a heart that is devoted to you.

I pray that she will be attracted to men who are deeply kind and caring.

I pray that she will marry a man who will be steadfast in his love for you and for her - a man who will always be tender and loving toward her.

Thank you for everything you are doing to protect my daughter as she transitions into adulthood.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

I pray that my child will always seek to listen to you. I pray that she will never intentionally ignore your voice.

In Jesus' name I pray,



Thank you for leading my child

toward you.

Almighty God,

I pray for ______.

I pray that you would smooth the transition path from teen to adulthood for my child.

Lord, as your word says in Isaiah 26:7, your will is to smooth the path before us.

I pray that my child's heart will be set on you, and that she will easily yield to you.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Isaiah 26:7 NLT 

But for those who are righteous,  

the way is not steep and rough.

You are a God who does what is right,

    and you smooth out the path ahead of them.

Father God,

Stir my child

toward the


of putting

Scripture in her heart.



Psalm 119:11

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