Prayers for Making Decisions



Making Decisions


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How to Hear God

Recently I had a major decision to make.

Going into the situation,

I had no idea which path to take.

Both choices seemed filled

with problems and large challenges.

Both choices had something compelling to offer.

What should I do?

The following prayers

helped me to hear God's voice.


I prayed them daily until I heard from God.


These prayers also helped me

to solidify myself

in following through

on the things

I needed to do

so that God's will was done.


they will help you



Dear Lord,

I want to do your will. I want to follow you.

I do not want to give safe harbor to feelings of fear, anxiety, or worry.

I want to make my decisions based entirely on whether something is your will.

Help me, Lord, to hear your voice.


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Almighty God,

I’m asking that you


every giant mountain


every grain of sand

that comes against

the plans

you have for me.

May your will be done.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Heavenly Father,

You lift me up and enable me

to do

Amazing Things

because I love and serve an

Amazing God.


Copyright © 2005 Beth McLendon of

Shepherd of my heart,

You are perfect love. You have perfect wisdom. You give perfect guidance.

Only your love, your power, and your wisdom can enable me to correctly decide what to do.

I will intentionally open my heart to your words of guidance. Help me to hear you more clearly.

Thank you for your answers.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of

Full Armor of God Prayer

Ephesians chapter 6

tells us

to put on the

Full Armor of God

so we can be


Full Armor Prayer


Making Good Decisions

Dear Lord,

With all my heart, I have decided to follow you.

Lord, your Word says that your sheep hear your voice.

I am your sheep, and you are my shepherd.

Help me to hear your voice clearly.

I put on the Helmet of Salvation.

Thank you that it is your will that I am saved from the deceitful tactics and lies of the enemy of my soul and his demonic forces.

I ask that you muffle their voices and hinder their influence in this situation.

I put on the Belt of Truth.

Thank you that in your Bible, you freely give me Words of Truth.

I will follow Truth.

Thank you that your Truth will expose the lies the enemy is trying to use against me to trip me up.

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

Thank you that I am made righteous by the blood of Jesus.

Thank you that I have the Righteousness of Christ through his sacrifice and atonement for me.

My love for you propels me to desire to please you and do what is right.

I will follow your will for me in this situation.

I put on the Shoes of Peace.

Thank you that it is your will that I walk in a miraculous peace -  a peace that ministers calmness to my soul - a peace that passeth all understanding.*

Teach me how to position myself to receive more and more of that peace.

I will allow your godly peace to help direct me toward your will.

I will follow the godly peace that you give me in my heart that helps me choose right things.

I pick up the Shield of Faith.

Thank you that you give me your Shield to protect me.

Thank you that your desire is for my Shield to extinguish every doubt dart, fear dart, and worry dart that the enemy fires at me.

I will pick up my Shield of Faith and defeat the enemy's plans. I will reject worry and fear and doubt. I will not commune with or entertain those thoughts.

My Shield is a Shield of Confidence in your love for me and in the ultimate goodness of your plans for my life.

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit

which is the Word of God.

I will pick up your Word and read it.

I will speak out your Word.

Your Word lights up the right path for me in order to show me the right way to go.

Your Word protects me from being deceived by the enemy's lies.

Your Word strengthens me and motivates me to stay close to you.

Your Word equips me


conquer every obstacle,

move through

every difficult situation,


overcome every evil ploy

of the forces of darkness.

You lift me up to do great things for your glory.

You assure me that if it is necessary - in order to do your will - I can even walk on water.

I pray this prayer in the



in the name of



Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

* Philippians 4:7 KJV says, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

The results of our choices

 - can be -

Life-changing moments.

Heavenly Father,

I stand on the truth that

no matter   what   the challenges

- if I seek your help -

I am more than able to do whatever you are calling me to do.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Father God,

I will obey you


a much-loved child



much-loved father!


Based on Ephesians 5:1
in The Living Bible


In the past, I've been at a fork in the road, and I've chosen incorrectly.

Forgive me for giving safe harbor to the ships of fear, worry, and doubt in you.

I will be strong in you.

I will think like a Champion of Christ.

I will act like a Champion of Christ.


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Below is a prayer I prayed

when I was pretty sure

I knew what God wanted me to do.

Heavenly Father,

I think I hear your will for me in this situation.

And I proclaim to you,

If it - is - your will,

then it is my will to follow you.

I am asking for your clarification.

If I continue to think it is your will, I will step out.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

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