Prayers for Osteoporosis

Prayers for Osteoporosis

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This page is to bless those fighting osteoporosis.


While studying

Healing Scriptures,

I have noticed that the Bible emphasizes our bones

when talking about our health.


most of us do not pray for our bones.

On this page - we will pray!!


This page is full of Bible verses to stand on and

healing prayers to pray.


There is no total guarantee of healing

until heaven....

 - BUT - 

I know by experience

that I get a lot more healing in my body

if I will

rise up in FAITH

to pray and to speak Scriptures.


The Bible says in James 4:2 b
we "get not" because we ask not -

So let's ask!!


As we grow older,

our body and our bones naturally age.

But.... followers of Jesus have access to 

supernatural power.

Let's Speak out

God's Supernatural Words


Let's Pray!


Prayers for Osteoporosis

Scriptures and Scripture Prayers

The Scriptures below

show that our bones are vital to our health. 

Notice that it is our bones that God emphasizes for health.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb,

sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

Proverbs 16:24 KJV

* * * 

Do not be wise in your own eyes;

Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It will be health to your flesh,

And strength to your bones. 

Proverbs 3:7-8 NKJV


These Scriptures tell us that

certain things that we do will ACTUALLY bless our body.  


So whether we realize it or not

- whether we see a change or not -


we will obey the written conditions

( and daily read and speak out healing Scriptures )

we can be assured that


in our body is being improved


something is being kept from getting worse.


By faith we know that we are

healthier and stronger


we pray and speak out Scriptures 

than if we don't.


Let's Pray God's Word...

Proverbs 16:24

Heavenly Father,

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,

sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

I thank you that you are taking

the pleasant words I speak

and you are bringing

sweetness to my soul and good health to my bones.

Whether I see it or not,

I trust that you are blessing my bones.

I pray these things,

in the Miraculous Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


A Second Prayer from Proverbs 16:24

Heavenly Healer,

I thank you for your Words of Supernatural Power.

By faith, I will believe your Words and stand on your Words.

I will believe that each time I speak pleasant words, you are blessing my bones and nourishing my soul.

I pray in the Healing Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Let's Pray God's Word...

Proverbs 16:3:7-8 NKJV


For understanding

"Fear of the Lord" click here.

Heavenly Father,

I will not be wise in my own eyes.

I will trust your Scriptures instead of what I think.

I will fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It will be health to my flesh and

strength to my bones.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing my body.

I pray these things,

in the Miraculous Name of Jesus, 


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


More Prayers for Osteoporosis


What are some

prayer points

for praying for our bones?


A key one is 


Praying for Strength

We want strong bones.

We need strength in our bones. 

Let's Praise God for all the strength we have in our body..,


Speak out Scriptures that talk about giving us strength.

Great Scripture to speak out...

Psalm 18:1 KJV

"I will love thee, O Lord, my strength."



Psalm 105:4 

"Seek the Lord, and his strength: seek his face evermore."

Let's pray

Psalm105:4 KJV

Heavenly Healer,

I will seek you, and I will seek your strength!

Thank you for all your good gifts.



Let's pray

Psalm 68:35 b NKJV

Heavenly Healer,

Psalm 68:35 b NKJV says,

"The God of Israel is He who gives

strength and power to His people." 

Lord, I praise you

for you are the one who gives us

the strength and power

that we use in our everyday life. 

Thank you for the promises in your Word.

I will speak those promises out


and stand on them,

because this pleases you and

this energizes your promises.

Thank you, God,

that you will give strength to my bones

and all of my body.

Thank you that you will give me power.

I praise your Word.

I praise your Name!

I pray in the

Healing Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


I believe in miraculous healing from God.

Sometimes it happens quickly and sometimes slowly.

I also believe

it is wise to do healthy things

such as exercise and proper eating

along with prayer and Scripture reading.


Below are some friendly reminders

and then

we end with some additional Scriptures.

Friendly Reminders

When you sit down, do it gently.

Falling into a chair can break a bone.



I encourage you to do research on osteoporosis

before you start taking drugs. 

Being informed is wise.

For example, some of the drugs damage your jaw.

And unusual fractures can happen on the drugs.

Some people on Youtube say

they have improved their osteoporosis

without drugs.

I have no idea if that is true.

Additional Scriptures

Other Scriptures

you might want to speak out and pray.

** Proverbs 4:20-22

Psalm 77:14

Proverbs 17:22

Psalms 107:20

Acts 17:28

Isaiah 40:29

Psalm 34:19-20

And consider our Helpful Healing Steps page.

Consider our

Psalm 81 How to Gain Physical Strength from the Lord.

Click to jump to the top of  Prayers for Osteoporosis.

Prayers for Osteoporosis was posted

May 2023.

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