Energizing and Heartfelt
Prayers for Revival
5 Days of Prayer
This page began and is a result of
a close friend of mine asking me to pray for revival
for her church.
She is on the prayer team,
and they have been praying for many weeks for a revival.
I adapted the prayers I prayed,
so that they would fit with you praying for your church.
Day 1
Prayer to our Heavenly Father
Dear God of the 2024 Revival....
I ask you to move on my church for revival.
Move on Pastor _____ and the pastoral staff. Move on the music team. Move on our church leadership. Move on them, Lord.
Let them know that you do not want this upcoming Sunday service to be an average church day. You have plans. You want to touch hearts and change lives forever. You are a life-transforming God, and you are ready to bless your people.
I pray for the sanctuary. Cleanse and bless the sanctuary. Pour over it your protection. Pour over it Power.... Mighty life-changing Power. May our church be a place of life-changing Power. May our church be a place of agape love - the God kind of love. May our church be a place of open hearts to you. May we be teachable and ready to humble ourselves before you.
Do a new work of purifying our pastors and our music team - all our paid staff and all the volunteers. Bring them a desire for purity and closeness with you.
Bring a powerful desire to our pastoral staff for purity. Draw their hearts toward Righteousness and Holiness.
Each morning when they get up, prepare a table before them to receive the nourishment that they need to be leaders in our church. Begin now. Begin today. Begin the work today. Begin anointing them today for the revival that you have planned. Begin the anointing process afresh and anew each morning. Fill our pastoral staff and the music team with fresh fire, fresh manna, fresh dedication, fresh guidance, fresh love for their family members, and fresh love for our church congregation.
Lord, draw our pastoral staff and all our leadership down a path to fresh, new repentance before you. May they become even more open and teachable before you. I pray that your ministry toward them will go deep inside them and produce deep and sustaining motivation to do your will more closely.
I pray for the sermon. I pray that you would give your words of teaching, love, and instruction to our pastor. Go deep into the pastor's soul. Go deep into his heart and produce life.... abundant life..... and... new, fresh, abundant dedication to you.
Lead him to produce sermons that will
cut through and penetrate
the bone and marrow -
and cooperate with you
to create life-transforming experiences.
Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
I pray for revival.
I pray for rededications.
I pray for transformations.
I pray for salvations.
I pray for an awakening to the wonders and glories of God.
I pray for an awakening of godly love and godly wisdom.
This Sunday, may the glory of the Lord fill the sanctuary and bring godly conviction that leads to godly sorrow that leads to godly repentance that leads to godly salvation just as
2 Corinthians 7:10 explains.
Stir up Right Thoughts. Stir up Right Intentions - And create Right Results in this revival.
I not only ask for a revival, I lean into it. I assume it. I position myself with you to create it. I partner with you to create it. I position my heart to receive the revival that you want for our church. And I pray that all the leadership of our church will do the same.
In Jesus' Powerful Name I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Additional Prayer if your church has a prayer team
Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would touch the prayer team and draw their hearts toward revival.
I pray that you would speak to them and enable them to pray the heart of God for the services. Move on them to have a deeper heart for revival. Move on them to have a deeper heart for following you closely.
In the Life - Transforming Name of Jesus, I pray,
Day 2 Prayer for Revival
Father God,
I call out today for revival. Bring revival to our pastoral staff, the music team, and all of the foundational leadership of the church.
Bring a touch from the Holy Spirit. Draw their hearts toward you. May they drop to their knees in response to the anointing of God this very day. Purify them. Purify your church, Lord.
I call out today for the staff and leadership to seek to purify their hearts. Move on their hearts, Lord.
I pray they will begin to call out for purity. Move on their family members to come before you in submission, repentance, and renewal.
Draw them to their knees. Draw them to the cross. Draw them to purity, righteousness, humbleness, and holiness. Draw them to unify their heart with greater integrity, greater love for others, greater hunger for your Word, greater hunger for prayer time... and may they hunger to be God - centered.... all day every day.
May they cry out with a desire for you to help them with greater obedience. May their hearts unite with you more fully.
May they hunger.
May they hunger to minister kindness and love to others. May they hunger to share the Gospel. May they hunger to feed others - physical food and spiritual food.
May their desires for the world
- and the things in the world -
and may their desire to follow you become prominent
in their day - all day.
May the things of this world fade and may the
things of you be fresh and exciting.
May their fleshly desires fade and pale
in comparison to
their spiritual desires.
May they cry out for the salvation or re-dedication of their family members and the members of their church.
May they cry out for more of you manifesting in their life.
In Jesus' Miraculous Name I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Prayer for the Washing of the Word
Heavenly Father,
I pray for my church.
Your Word tells us to wash ourselves from our sinful ways.
2 Corinthians 7:1, James 4:8, Isaiah 1:16, and 1 John 3:2-3 are among the verses that tell us to wash ourselves.
And you tell us in Ephesians 5:26 that your Word washes us.
We are the Bride. The Bride washes herself. She purifies herself. She reads your Word and makes herself more pleasing unto the Bridegroom.
We are the Bride, and Jesus is our Bridegroom.
Revive us to read your Word
Give us a heart for obedience and purity.
I pray in Jesus' Life - Transforming Name,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Day 3 Prayer for Revival
Heavenly Father,
I come to you in prayer
calling out for my church.
I'm calling out for hearts to become more tender.
I pray that our pastor, our pastoral staff, our music team, and all our leadership will be calling out in prayer for more of you.
In John 3:30, John the Baptist said....
"He [Jesus] must increase. I must decrease."
I pray that they will all be calling out for more dedication to you and to your Word.
Psalm 119:9 TLB - "How can a man stay pure? By reading your Word and following its rules."
Father, touch my church. Give life to the dry bones.
Break up the pockets of hardness or lukewarmness found in the hearts of the staff, of the music team, of the volunteers, and of the membership. I'm calling out for hearts to become more tender and more pliable in your hands.
Father touch me.
Change me - revive me.
Cleanse me, Lord.
Guide me to the cross today.
I seek to open my heart to you.
Come and sit on the throne of my heart.
Come and bring needed conviction to my heart.
Save me from allowing my heart to grow weary in well doing. (Galatians 6:9)
Save me from ignoring the little sins that are trying to capture me.
Strengthen me against temptations. Teach me to put on your Full Armor and walk in Ephesians 6:10 which says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the Power of his might. "
Oh, Lord, may my heart pant for you as David's heart did in Psalm 42.
Save me from lukewarmness. Save me from complacency. Save me from a hard heart.
I want my heart on fire for you.
I will intentionally stir up my passion for being with you in prayer, for reading your Word, for serving you, for obeying you.
Change me, and I will be changed.
As the old Sunday school song says, "It's me. It's me. It's me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer."
I bow my head in prayer. And I bow my heart to your leadership.
Lord, pour out your godly passion. Pour it on me, on our pastor, on our staff, on our music team, and on all our volunteers. May revival hit our church.
May revival transform all our church members.
I call out to your mercy, your compassion, and your grace.
I call out to you, and I ask you to - forgive my sins, forgive the sins in my church, send the powerful revival that we need. And send the powerful revival that I need in order to serve you more fully. Help me to be equipped and ready to serve you each day.
In Jesus' Life - Transforming Name I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Day 3 Prayer for revival
Heavenly Father,
I cry out for revival. I cry out for your touch on my church.
I cry out for your touch on those who are visiting my church.
Have mercy on those who will attend our church on Sunday. Stir each heart.
Prepare the congregation this week. Prepare their hearts so that they will be open and ready to hear the Gospel, ready to receive teaching, ready to receive more from you, ready to get on-fire for you.
In pray in the Exciting and Life - Transforming Name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Day 4 Prayer for Revival
Heavenly Father,
I cry out for Revival.
And I cry out for Protection.
Protect us, Lord -
Protect our membership. Protect us from being hindered from attending church on Sunday.
Protect all those who want to be at church on Sunday. Destroy any plans of the enemy to distract, to bring complacency, to bring sickness, to stir up strife among family members - Lord, protect each one from anything that would hinder them from attending church on Sunday - anything that would capture their attention and cause them to stay home.
And protect all of us when we get to church. Protect us from having our mind somewhere else.
Help us to ignore any aches and pains. Help us to ignore any strife. Help us to ignore any negative emotions. Raise us up to be overcomers.
Lord, bring our membership together as one this Sunday. Stir us to be there and be All There mentally - this Sunday.
Inspire each person you want to be in the service Sunday to step over every obstacle or hindrance that would keep him or her from being where you want them to be. I pray each one will get enough sleep - and each one will wake up refreshed and focused on coming to church. I pray that each one will be healthy and feel well.
Bring revival, Lord.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Yes, Lord, we want you to heal our country.
But also, heal the land which represents our heart. .....
You created us from dirt. Our heart is also our land. Soften our hearts toward you and your will. Heal our heart-land.
Bring in those who you want to worship with us this Sunday.
Bring in those
who need a new church.
Bring in those who need a church that feeds them.
Bring in those
who don't know you
need to know you.
Bring in a harvest of souls that you have chosen
to be at our church.
Lord, I pray blessings for each individual who will be in the pews this Sunday.
Bless our visitors and our members.
Bless them, protect them, lead them, and guide them.
Inspire each of them - may they each yield to your inspiration, your leadership, and your guidance. May each one say, "Yes" to you on Sunday. May each one say, "Yes," to whatever you are drawing them toward in their life. May every fiber of their being unite in reverence to your name. (Psalm 86:11 TLB)
I pray that when a person walks into the doors of our church, he or she will feel a supernatural peace that brings calmness and security.
May the peace of God minister to each one.
Lord, I pray that any wall between you and them would fall just as the Jericho walls fell on that Amazing day.
In the Miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Day 5 - Presented after Scripture
I love you, Lord; you are my strength.
Psalm 18:1 NLT
The Lord will give strength to his people.
The Lord will bless his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11 NKJV
He gives Power to the weak,
and to those who have no might,
he increases strength.
Isaiah 40:29 NKJV
Day 5 Prayer for Revival
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all your gifts, protections, and grace.
I will rise up and grow stronger in you.
I will become the overcomer that you created me to be.
I will rise up in the Power of Jesus Christ.
I am becoming a Mighty Follower of God.
I can move mountains. I can step over hindrances. I can mow down obstacles. I can be all that God wants me to be through the Power of Jesus Christ.
As John 3:30 teaches me to say, "Jesus will increase in my life, and I will decrease. "
No one is perfect, but I will stir up my heart to be the Mighty Follow of Jesus that you created me to be.
And I will pray that my church will become the Mighty Beacon of Hope and Healing that you created it to be.
I pray that worship this Sunday will not be ( for me and for the music team and for my fellow members ) just a routine activity that we do on Sunday. Instead, I pray that we will create intimacy with you.
I pray that the music team will be worshipping out of a deep personal desire to worship their Lord and Savior. May the worship come forth out of the depths of their being. May it be a calling out to you from a heart of repentance, dedication, and passion. May the worship come out of a heart of thanksgiving and praise for the God who is worthy of all our praise.
May the music team create an opportunity
for themselves and others
to have a time of total surrender
to you
and to your purposes and plans.
Father, I pray for your Word as it comes forth Sunday.
I pray that the service will stir up in each person a love for the Word of God.
Lord, your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psalm 119:105)
May each of us realize that without daily refreshment and instruction from your Word - we are stumbling around without the fullness of light that we need.
Only God's Word can light up the areas we need to address each day.
Only God's Word can equip us for the tasks of the day and the temptations we will face.
Only God's Word can feed us the nourishment that we will need today.
Only God's Word can wash us and make us truly clean and released from the sins that so easily beset us.
We need food each day. We need Scripture each day.
I want to partner with you
and help create fertile ground for revival.
May revival break out in me and my life. And may that revival splash out to the world.
Lord, do a life-changing work in me.
Do a life-changing work in my church.
Deepen our heart cry. Deepen our devotion. Deepen the surrender that we desire in our personal life. Deepen the compassion that we have for others. Deepen our revelations from you. Deepen our humility. Deepen our desire to read your Word.
Deepen our love for you and your Word.
I call out to you today -
Touch Pastor ______. Touch the pastoral staff. Touch the music team. Touch all the paid staff and volunteer staff.
Awaken all our leadership. Awaken them in areas where they have fallen asleep. Awaken them to new levels of thankfulness and praise to you.
Come, Lord, and do a life-cleansing work. Clean out old patterns of behavior. Clean out reliance on past dedication to you.
Bring fresh fire.
Bring fresh dedication, fresh devotion, fresh motivation, and fresh enthusiasm for the things of God.
We were made to worship. May we cry out with new passion for you as we worship and praise you this Sunday.
In the Life - Transforming Name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Day 5 Second Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Today I want to lift up those in our congregation who have begun to grow toward lukewarmness.
I pray that you would begin to stir them up this very day.
Help them to focus their attention on you this Sunday morning. Help them to focus their determination on pursuing the things of God. Capture their attention and unite their determination to follow you more closely.
In Luke 9:23, Jesus said, "Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me."
Father, bring a freshness into those who have started to become stale.
This very day, I pray that you will begin to create new expectancy in each of these. As they prepare to come this Sunday, create expectancy of a good day, create expectancy of good fellowship, create expectancy that they may encounter a life-changing experience with you. May they begin to open their heart to what you want to do this Sunday. I pray that each one will come with an open heart. But however they come - touch them with your everlasting love after they arrive.
Reveal your love to each one more fully this Sunday.
May they receive your Words of Life through song, through Scripture, and through the sermon.
You want to give them life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10 b)
Reveal your heart to them. May they rejoice in the opportunity that you give them each Sunday to know you better and learn to serve you more fully.
Bring to our church a new, fresh season of focusing on you.
Examine our hearts, Lord. May we cooperate with you in melting any hardness that is in our hearts.
May each of us re-dedicate ourselves to you.
May Your will be done in our church.
I pray in the Life - Transforming Name of my Savior and Lord - Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Ephesians 5:14-21 NASB
“Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.
15 So then, be careful how you walk,
not as unwise people but as wise,
16 making the most of your time,
because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be foolish,
but understand what the will of the Lord is.
18 And do not get drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
19 speaking to one another in
psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody
with your hearts
to the Lord;
20 always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father;
21 and subject yourselves to one another
in the fear of Christ."
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Prayers for Revival
was first presented in early 2023.
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