In 2024 in the Christian world....
Prophets and Teachers are offering
Hidden Knowledge!
Amazing Supernatural Experiences!
Friendly, Polite, Funny, Entertaining people -
sound knowledgeable....
but are they doing things
forbidden by God?
God tells us to test the prophets and teachers.
This page will help you test them.
God tells us to beware of
false prophets and false teachers.
Matthew 24:11 NKJV says,
"Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many."
2 Peter 2:1 a NKJV says,
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you,
who will secretly bring in destructive heresies.
Galatians 1:8 warns us that angel encounters
can be demonic angels
pretending they are coming with a message from God.
Some new, famous prophets have
- without God's permission -
changed the definition of
New Prophets have changed the
Old and New Testament definition of
"a prophet" -
the new definition says a prophet
must not say anything negative.
See 2 Timothy 4:3
The Price of a True Prophet
Prophets and Apostles
Roberta Morrison
Link to the above -
AND ANOTHER GREAT video from Roberta Morrison
Some Christians are fooled
because a prophet or teacher tells them
truthful things.
The devil does NOT ALWAYS lie.
He will give hidden truths in order to
further his agenda.
Truths are given to hook you and draw you
further into his realm.
See Acts 16:16-19
where the woman practicing divination
is giving true information to Paul.
Further down the page are
videos from a former
New Ager
who gives us valuable insights.
I want to emphasize that
EVEN IF a person has talked to an angel.....
EVEN IF a person has seen someone
who said he was Jesus....
EVEN IF a person said he or she went to heaven....
EVEN IF that person is very likeable and seems sincere
That does not mean
that person had an experience from God.
SATAN and his demons provide
counterfeit supernatural experiences!
Almost all the new prophets talk of their
numerous experiences with
angels and Jesus and going to heaven!!!
They try to tempt you by making you think...
"You are missing out on something wonderful!"
I'm a senior citizen.
I've been a devoted Christian since I was a little child.
I have never personally met a Christian
who had
supernatural encounters of
talking to angels or a visible Jesus
I HAVE met people in the New Age who have frequently
had these types of encounters.
Let me be clear -
Christians who enter New Age / Occult practices
- willingly or because they are deceived -
can have these types of encounters
and think these encounters are coming from God.
It is not unusual for
people who
delve into
New Age practices
to have numerous encounters
with angels and someone who calls himself Jesus!
Many people are being deceived
thinking they are
getting messages from God
but note - - - the devil is a master at deception.
( 2 Corinthians 11:14 )
God tells us
to check
against the Bible.
2 Timothy 3:16
If someone changes
the definition of prophet or repentance, etc.
that is a RED FLAG of warning!!!
Many in the church are trying to
people who are warning of error that is
slipping into the church.
See our page on righteous Judging.
The Bible says we need to examine and test.
Many current prophets and teachers
are adding New Age techniques and doctrines.
Warren B. Smith
used to be in the New Age.
He will tell us how
The New Age
has crept into the church.
Purple Notes
from the video above
The above video talks about "Jesus Calling" and "A Course in Miracles."
Warren B. Smith's book which discusses Sarah Young's book "Jesus Calling". Sarah Young's book was inspired by the book "God calling" which was written by 2 women in the 1930's. The New Age Movement says that "God Calling" was channeled
From the link above
The Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, published by Harvest House Christian publishers, specifically describes God Calling as a channeled New Age book. In their lengthy chapter on channeling and spiritual dictation, authors/apologists John Weldon and John Ankerberg explain that channeling is a form of New Age “mediumship” and according to the Bible it “is a practice forbidden (Deuteronomy 18:9-12).”4 Under the subheading titled “Impersonations of Christianity,” the authors describe God Calling as a New Age book “replete with denials of biblical teaching”5 as it “subtly encourages psychic development and spiritistic inspiration under the guise of Christ’s personal guidance . . . and often misinterprets Scripture.”6 Yet Sarah Young wrote that it was God Calling that inspired her to receive her own messages from “Jesus.” In her original introduction to Jesus Calling, Young praised God Calling as “a treasure to me”:
We must be alert and seek to be humble....
If you think that you could never be deceived....
you are already deceived.
~ ~ ~ ~
I am going to name a false prophet.
But first, I remind you that
Paul modeled for us to call others out
who call themselves Christians yet they are in error.
Paul called out "true Christians" who were in error.
How much more should we call out False Prophets who are taking people into things God calls evil.
See the section on Paul below.
Paul taught us
that is good to call people out
when there is doctrinal error or sin involved.
Here are 2 examples...
In Galatians 2 starting in verse 11 -
Paul publicly judges Peter's error.
Philippians 4:2-3
Here is a good article on this topic
Paul also called out 2 women publicly in Philippians 4:2-3.
Please read our "Judge Not" page
if you are having a problem with this section.
Bill Johnson of Bethel Church
is a major leader of the new prophetic movement.
Bill Johnson
has publicly said that Christians should explore the
New Age and its practices.
(He uses the exact words "New Age.")
God calls New Age practices evil.
Bill encourages New Age practices.
Bill takes it upon himself
to say that
what God said is evil
is actually good.
Isaiah 5:20 says:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.
I want to show you
an example of
Bill Johnson
explaining what being a prophet looks like.
Note: Bill Johnson's church is taking children to heaven each Sunday in Sunday school.
Be careful what is being taught in your Sunday school.
Next, I am paraphrasing what Bill said in the video...
Bill had a group of people sit in a circle. He went around the room and asked "What you think Jesus would say to us today?"
After everyone had spoken, Bill joyfully announced,
"We have just prophesied for the Lord!"
Beth says -
No, they did not just show an example of prophecy.
They gave their opinions!!!
This is the kind of ridiculous exercises and ideas
that these men are foisting on an unsuspecting world.
And I remind you that
accuracy in their "art of prophecy"
is of no interest to these "prophets."
Bill says that "hearing from the spirit"
is more important than
what the Bible says.
False Prophets
create excitement
with their stories
and then they tempt people by saying,
"I can teach YOU how to do what I do."
These false prophets
are getting rich from teaching this stuff!
Also note that
Graham Cooke
writes books
teaching people
to give prophecies by using their imagination.
He admits it and is proud of it.
See our page: Graham Cooke
Warren B. Smith said - soon after becoming a Christian -
"Churches are going
the thing
( the New Age )
that I just left."
A Course in Miracles at 12 minutes 30 sec
In Matthew 24,
She pointed this out in her own words with her own emphasis.....
In Matthew 24 when the disciples asked Jesus,
"What will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?"
Jesus answered, "Deception"
"Watch out that no one deceives you."
Revelation 2:2
Jesus complimented
the church members of Ephesus by saying...
“I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil.
And you have
those who say
they are apostles
and are not,
and have found them liars,"
Jesus says
we are to TEST those in the church
who lead us and teach us.
Jeremiah 14:14 NKJV
And the Lord said to me,
“The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them,
commanded them, nor spoken to them;
they prophesy to you
a false vision, divination,
a worthless thing, and the
deceit of their heart.
Jump to the top of False Prophets
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