Daily Inspiration
Bless Your Life
A Monday through Thursday devotional
Inspirational Thoughts
your host Beth McLendon
Psalm 1
about choosing:
The Secret to Success
The Path to Failure
In Psalm 1
God is calling out
to us
some of his best wisdom,
imploring us to listen.
We will be using the King James Version
An easy-to-read translation
is at the bottom
of the page.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the
counsel of the ungodly,
standeth in the way of sinners,
sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
"Blessed is the man that"
"God blesses the man that..."
Blessed is the man who:
1. Refuses to follow what ungodly people tell him to do.
2. Refuses to go down
the paths of sinners
in their sins.
3. Refuses to stand around with sinners listening to their ungodly talk.
4. Refuses to sit around and listen to
conversation that
puts down and belittles
sexual purity,
5. Refuses to choose as his companions -
people who:
mock God, mock the Bible,
and mock...
sexual purity, and wholesomeness.
Consider our page:
Thoughts about Choosing Friends
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord;
and in his law
doth he meditate day and night.
Blessed is the man who:
Learns to enjoy
reading the Bible
thinking about Bible verses night and day.
Blessed is the man who:
Learns to delight in all God's words
those verses that bring conviction.
God lovingly speaks to us
- like a great coach would -
to guide us
away from harm and toward success.
God's Conviction
is used by God to help guide us toward right living.
3 And
he shall be like a tree
planted by the rivers of water,
that bringeth
forth his fruit in his season;
his leaf also shall not wither;
and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
God wants us to be
Trees of Righteousness.
Isaiah 61:3b
Jeremiah 17:7-8
A Blessed man will
yield to God
to one day
look like:
1. A tree that is planted by plenty of water.
2. A strong tree that brings forth abundant, healthy fruit at the right season.
3. A tree whose leaf is healthy - not withered.
4. A person who will see prosperity of all things in its time - including
and the
maturity of his/her personal character.
All this person does
prosper and be fruitful
in God's hands.
The completion
of the
will be shown to us
in heaven.
See also
Romans 8:28.
4 The ungodly are not so:
but are like
the chaff which the wind driveth away.
An ungodly person:
1. Lacks the stability of a strong tree.
2. Lacks the presence of growth rings inside the tree. Lacks maturity.
Meaning -
the person lacks
spiritual maturity.
3. Is weak against temptations to sin.
4. Lacks spiritual health and strength.
5. Is easily blown about with the winds of temptation.
6. Lacks spiritual fruit.
Spiritual fruit is defined as:
Love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23.
7. Lives in the land of drought - instead of - choosing to live in the water of the Word*
This person chooses to live
in spiritual dryness
instead of
opening up the Bible
receiving the nourishing
contained in its pages.
* We learn in Ephesians 5:26-27
Jesus wants to:
cleanse us, correct us, and grow us up
in maturity
through "washing" us with
the water contained in the words of God.
wash us, cleanse us, and change us
as we read and obey
the Words of the Bible.
We must cooperate with Jesus
- by reading the Bible and trying to obey -
in order to
be a growing Christian.
In several places
in the Bible,
God calls Believers "Wheat"
and unbelievers "Chaff."
In Psalm 1:4, we see
unbelievers called "chaff."
"Wheat" spiritually nourishes others.
"Chaff" is not nourishing.
Wheat is planted in the ground
and grows up
become nourishment for people.
Chaff never becomes nourishment.
Only through a born again salvation experience
can a person who is "Chaff"
be transformed into "Wheat."
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not
in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
After we die,
there is a
last judgment.
At that time,
the ungodly will not be standing
with the
righteous ones.
The unsaved will not stand with the
but instead
they will be blown away like
The unsaved will be
separated from the righteous
and from
for all eternity.
They shall dwell in hell.
6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous:
but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
David said to God:
"You know what
I am going to say
even before
I say it, Lord."
Psalm 139:4 NLT
God knows the thoughts of everyone.
God knows the ways of everyone.
God knows
wants to
Please Him.
God knows
those who are seeking
God knows those
who seek sin
but want to
appear to be right with God.
Nothing is hidden from God.
We are getting away with....
Those who
do not
love God and his righteousness
will live in hell.
Jesus said,
"If you love me, you will obey me."
John 14:23
Those who love God and his righteousness
will be blessed for all eternity.
Daniel 12:3b says
And they that
turn many to righteousness
will shine
as the stars of heaven
for ever and ever.
I've known people
have told me,
"I will ask for forgiveness at the end of my life."
God is listening to them and their plan.
God may not
give them the opportunity to turn at that time.
we get hit by a car and die
without ever knowing
we got hit.
Why should
God give you
an opportunity at the end of your life
you mock his gift today?
Please know that I am - not - saying
that a person should
to take
at the end of his life
he has the chance -
God may not give that opportunity.
is the time of Salvation -
God clearly says:
if you will hear His voice;
Do not harden your hearts, as in rebellion."
Psalm 95:7b-8a NKJV
Even though
the righteous suffer many things -
Even though
often appear to be on top of the world -
The truth will come out
righteous justice will be done
in the end.
It WILL be WORTH it!!
ALL will be right in heaven!
Heaven is our REAL Home!
Consider our other pages.....
Psalm 73 - why do the wicked prosper...
Consider reading
another translation of
Psalm 1
given below:
Psalm 1 - The Living Bible
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow
evil men’s advice,
who do not hang around with sinners,
scoffing at the things of God.
2 But they delight in doing everything
God wants them to,
day and night are always meditating
on his laws
thinking about ways
to follow him more closely.
3 They are like trees
along a riverbank
bearing luscious fruit each season without fail.
Their leaves shall never wither,
all they do shall prosper.*
4 But for sinners, what a different story!
They blow away like chaff before the wind.
5 They are not safe on Judgment Day;
they shall not stand
among the godly.
6 For the Lord watches over
all the plans and paths of godly men,
but the paths of the godless lead to doom.
Beth's notes:
* Eventually prosper in God's hands.
*** In verse 6, the word "know" is not just referring to "know all about" the righteous and the wicked.
It is also referring to the fact that there is an intimacy the righteous have with God. And there is a lack of intimacy between the wicked and God because the wicked do not pursue a relationship with God.
That Hebrew word "know" is the same word the Bible uses in Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 - when Adam KNEW his wife intimately.
God wants us to pursue a deep kind of intimate relationship with him.
So God "Knows" the righteous in a special kind of way because the righteous pursue intimacy with God. And the Bible tells us that is it wise to get as close to God as we can - Psalm 73:28.
Jump to the top of Psalm 1 Commentary.
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