Psalm 103
Healing Prayer and Inspiration
Healing Power,
of this
Powerful Psalm
We have several devotional pages on Psalm 103 - Click Here
This page contains
based on the 103 rd Psalm.
Psalm 103
is a special psalm to me.
It is the main Scripture I turn to for healing.
When I am having a physical problem,
I always turn to Psalm 103
to speak out the first 6 verses as a prayer to God.
I have found that many times
I can directly relate
speaking those words over and over
with feeling better and better.
God's word isn't magic.
But it does contain
that is available
to those who live their life
devoted to Jesus.
God's word contains living power
that is released
as we speak out
His Words.
God uses his Words
- and our faith -
to do great things
in our body.
I have seen amazing miracles.
I have also seen times
when I didn't get healed of something.
I realize that walking in perfect health
is only available in heaven.
much better health
is available
as we speak out his Word
and stand with faith in his promises.
~ ~ ~
Sometimes healing comes and it comes so slowly that at the beginning - it is almost imperceptible.
Sometimes healing comes so quickly that it is amazingly miraculous.
When it is imperceptible, I must remind myself that God tells me that his Word IS powerful, so my job is to believe him.
Even if I do not see any results physically after continually praying this psalm for a particular ailment, I still believe that God's Word is blessing me mentally and emotionally - if I do not take offense at not being physically healed.
In Matthew 11:6,
Jesus was speaking about John the Baptist
being in jail and
during that conversation, he says,
And blessed is he,
whosoever shall not be offended in me.
Hebrew Help
Also note that I was once having a physical issue and I played Psalm 103 in Hebrew and felt the healing power of God coming into me.
Here is the one I use:
Comes from this page:
I cannot guarantee any healing results -
I can only share my experiences.
Loving God isn't just about miracles.
Loving God is about delighting in him - not just in times of need - but in every day and multiple moments in that day.
This page will give numerous devotions about the verses in Psalm 103.
This page is like a
mini-devotional prayer book on
Psalm 103 and Healing.
Usually when I pray Psalm 103,
I just speak out the first 6 verses from
the Living Bible translation.
That prayer is my first choice when I need to be healed.
You can find that version at the bottom of the page.
I have taken the first 5 verses
and added my own words
to create a healing prayer
that might be of interest to you
as an additional prayer to pray.
Psalm 103 parts are in
and my additions are in black.
Psalm 103 Prayer...
I will bless the Holy Name of God with all my heart.
Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things he does for me.
He forgives my sins.....
Thank you, Father God, that you planned before the foundation of the world to make a way that we could be right with you and we could live with you for all eternity.
I ask that you forgive me of my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
I pledge today to be a follower of Jesus who tries to please my Lord each and every day - in each and every way.
And I thank you that when I fail, 1 John 1:9 assures me that you are more than ready to forgive me.
He heals me.
Thank you, Lord, that you have made a way of healing for me.
Thank you that your word says, "By his stripes, I am healed."
Thank you that Jesus took stripes of punishment so I could take my healing from a loving God.
He ransoms me from hell.
Lord, your word says...
For there is one God and one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as a ransom for all, revealing God’s purpose at his appointed time. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 NET
He [Jesus] gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time. 1 Timothy 2:6 NLT
Thank you that you paid the price for my sins. Thank you that you have the keys to release me from the chains of sickness that the enemy has put around me.
And thank you for saving me from personal strongholds and generational strongholds.
I will follow what your word says in James 4:7...
I will submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from me.
He surrounds me with loving kindness and tender mercies.
My youth is renewed like the eagles.
Thank you that you have the power to renew my body and even reverse the effects of aging. I will enlarge my ideas of what you can do.
Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever.
I will grow my faith to ask for big miracles.
I will grow my determination to make wise choices concerning my eating and my exercise.
And each day - whether my body is perfect or lacking something - I will continue to love and serve you with the passion of a bride awaiting her much-loved bridegroom on her wedding day.
These things I pray in Jesus' name,
Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
A Prayer for Psalm 103 verse 6
He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly.
Thank you that your Word tells me that you will give me justice from all the things that the devil and his forces have done to me. Thank you that each day you frustrate their plans as you fight for me.
Thank you that one day you will rescue me from ALL their plans totally and permanently.
In the name of Jesus' and with loving devotion I pray,
Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
Also consider our page on Psalm 103 Justice Prayers
Here are important verses found in this Psalm
from the Living Bible translation.
He forgives my sins. verse 3 - God our Savior
Today, Lord, I ask for forgiveness of my sins. I ask for forgiveness of the sins I have done since I asked you last. Thank you for your forgiveness. I love the feeling of being freshly forgiven and freshly cleansed by you.
He heals me. verse 3 - God our Healer
Today, Lord, I ask that you will heal my body. I know that your Word is powerful and that prayer changes things. I will stand on your promises and believe in the goodness of the Lord and in the power of prayer.
He ransoms me from hell. verse 4 - God our Deliverer
Today, Lord, I ask that you will loose me and free me from the habits and strongholds that have become stumbling blocks in my life.
Lord, I ask that you would deliver me from my sins, my sicknesses, diseases, and malfunctions in my body, and that you would deliver me from every evil stronghold that has attached itself to my life.
He fills my life with good things. verse 4
I praise you Lord, And I declare, "The Awesome Creator of all things has touched my life today and I will act like it."
Thank you for the healing blessings
that you have given me as part of my inheritance from you.
The Praise Song below
has the pattern found in Psalm 103:
God our Savior
God our Healer
God our Deliverer
Yes he is!
Yes he is!
Psalm 103 spoken in Hebrew.
There is power in speaking Psalm 103
in English.
I think there may be
even more power
in the Hebrew language.
In either case, it is beautiful to listen to.
Copy the following link and put it in the address bar of your computer browser:
And for an added musical blessing:
is a
Hebrew song
using a few of the verses of Psalm 103...
Bless the Lord, O my soul.
Psalm 103:1a KJV
In Psalm 103, we are taught to say,
"Bless the Lord, O my soul."
My soul is my mind, my will, and my emotions.
To bless the Lord with my mind, I must think about God, read the Bible, and pray to God.
To bless the Lord with my will, I must be obedient to God.
To bless the Lord with my emotions, I must work on self-control. I need to stir up godly emotions and take control over ungodly emotions. I need to be aware that many things can powerfully pull at my emotions.
people I choose to be around,
The circumstances that I allow in my life, and
The entertainment that I choose
will greatly affect
My emotions,
My mind, and My will.
July 12, 2014 Beth's blog
Psalm 103:
Blessed be the Lord who gives me life.
Blessed be the Lord who guides me with his Word.
Blessed be the Lord who protects me and provides for me.
Blessed be the Lord who loves me.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
More Devotionals
April 21, 2014 Beth's blog
"I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.
Yes, I will bless the Lord and
not forget the glorious things
he does for me."
Psalm 103:1-2 TLB
Dear Lord,
You have done many glorious things for me.
Thank you!
Today I will spend some quality time remembering the glorious things you have done for me.
The Hebrew word "Hesed"
(it has several English spellings)
is used 248 times
in the Old Testament.
~ ~ ~
It is used 127 times in Psalms.
It is used 4 times in Psalm 103.
Psalm 103 verses:
4,8,11,and 17.
And it is used 26 times in Psalm 136.
It is found in each of the 26 verses of Psalm 136.
If you would like to know more
about this amazing word
and how it touches our lives
please click on:
And take note that we have another page
about Psalm 103
with some information
that is not on this page and some
repeat information.
A Bible verse in several translations
to consider:
1 Timothy 2:5-6a ERV
There is only one God, and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Christ Jesus, who as a man 6 gave himself to pay for everyone to be free.
1 Timothy 2:5-6 NCV
There is one God and one mediator so that human beings can reach God. That way is through Christ Jesus, who is himself human. He gave himself as a payment to free all people. He is proof that came at the right time.
1 Timonty 2:5-6 GNT -
For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself to redeem the whole human race. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved.
Please see my page: Understanding the Trinity
I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.
2 Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things he does for me.
3 He forgives all my sins.
He heals me.
4 He ransoms me from hell.
He surrounds me with loving-kindness and tender mercies.
5 He fills my life with good things!
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
6 He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly.
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