Psalm 103

Psalm 103

Prayers and Short Devotions


Also see our Psalm 103 HEALING prayer page.

This page contains



Bible devotions

about Psalm 103.

Bless the Lord, O my soul.

Psalm 103:1a KJV


In Psalm 103, we are taught to say,

"Bless the Lord, O my soul."

My soul


my mind, my will, and my emotions.

To bless the Lord with my mind:

I must think about God,

read the Bible,


pray to God.


To bless the Lord with my will:

I must try to be obedient to God.


To bless the Lord with my emotions:

I need to stir up godly emotions

and try to take control over ungodly emotions.

 I need to be aware

that many things can powerfully

pull at my emotions.

For example:

The people I choose to be around,

The circumstances that I allow in my life, and

The entertainment that I choose

 - will greatly affect -

My emotions.

And it will


My mind, and My will.

Psalm 103 Prayer

Psalm 103:1



I come before you and say:

I will bless the Lord.

Blessed be the Lord who gives me life.

Blessed be the Lord who guides me with his Word.

Blessed be the Lord who protects me and provides for me.

Blessed be the Lord who loves me.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

"I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.

Yes, I will bless the Lord and

not forget the glorious things

he does for me."

Psalm 103:1-2 TLB

Dear Lord,

You have done many glorious things for me. 

Thank you!

Today I will spend some quality time remembering the glorious things you have done for me.


Our Perfect Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father

 - The Perfect Father -

Psalm 103 says:

He is like a father to us,




to those who reverence him.

Psalm 103:13 TLB

Take note:

The word translated "tender" in Psalm 103:13 above

is the Hebrew word racham. 

In Hebrew it means

to love deeply and be compassionate and tender. 

Many of us didn't have


tender and sympathetic father.


many of us are looking for a father

who loves us deeply.


God loves us deeply.

God loves YOU deeply,

and he wants to be

Your Father.

A Great Father is one who

Encourages You

Comforts You

and Coaches You toward Success!


God wants to be your Encourager

who cheers you toward success!


God wants to be your Comforter

who soothes you when you are

in distress.



God wants to be your Coach


shows you how to be a Champion.

Your Heavenly Father wants to be a Coach


directs you away from the snares of the devil.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

God is full of wisdom


he wants to share that wisdom with you.

Dear Loving Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your encouragement.

Thank you for your comfort when I am in distress.

Thank you for your coaching.

Help me to be more aware and in-tune with what you are doing in my life.

In loving devotion I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

Getting to know God as Father

is one of the great joys

of our salvation experience.

Here are some of our pages to help you:

Music for Feeling God's Love

God's Love

Feeling like God's beloved child

Creating closeness with God

God's Lovingkindness

The word translated


in Psalm 103:4



the Hebrew word


which can be spelled several different ways in English.

When translators see Hesed,

they translate it

by choosing one of several different English words.

For example, sometimes they use



sometimes they use other words like

goodness, or kindness, or mercy.


In Hebrew, the word is filled

to the brim

with emotion -

but in English

the amount of emotion doesn't come through

as clearly.

Hesed is used 248 times

in the Old Testament.


is written

4 times in Psalm 103.


Psalm 103 verses:

4,8,11, and 17.

In Psalm 103 in the King James Bible:

verse 4 is translated - Lovingkindness

verses 8, 11, and 17 are translated - Mercy

Hesed is used 127 times in Psalms.

Hesed is used 16 times in Psalm 136.

Hesed is found in each of the 26 verses of Psalm 136.

If you would like to know more

about this amazing word

and how it touches our lives

please click on:

Psalm 136


The Beginning and the End

Bless the Lord O my Soul

Verses 1 and 22


Psalm 103 KJV

The beginning of Psalm 103


the ending of Psalm 103




can be simple words such as:

"Lord, I praise you."


Praise can be enthusiastic!


Praise can be musical!

Psalm 103 teaches us


Praise God.


When thinking about the beginning and ending verse

of Psalm 103

I am guided to think

of the wisdom

of praising God

at the beginning and the ending of my day.


Take note that

Psalm 92 teaches us

that pattern.


Psalm 92 says:

It is good to say, "Thank you" to the Lord,

to sing praises to the God who is above all gods.

Every morning tell him,

"Thank you for your kindness,"

and every evening


in all his faithfulness.

Sing his praises,

accompanied by music

from the harp and lute and lyre.

You have done so much for me, O Lord.

No wonder I am glad!

I sing for joy.

O Lord, what miracles you do!

And how deep are your thoughts!

Psalm 92:1-5 TLB

We invite you to our page:

Psalm 150

The Fun Psalm

Audio of Psalm 103 in Hebrew

Psalm 103 spoken in Hebrew.

The Hebrew language

is the


of the

Old Testament.

Would you like to hear

Psalm 103

in Hebrew?

To listen -

Copy the following link and

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