Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
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A Daily Devotional
Beth McLendon
Monday - Friday Devotionals
Psalm 103
Verses 8 - 22
Inspiration and Prayers
Psalm 103
Verse by Verse Power Devotionals
The Living Bible
I read Psalm 103 often.
I am eager to share
some of the treasures of Psalm 103 that I have found.
This page begins with
verse 8.
Here are pages
for the first 7 verses...
Psalm 103
verse 8
Part A
He [God] is merciful and tender
toward those who don’t deserve it.
As we read the Bible,
we learn more and more about God.
Please join me in this
Heavenly Father,
Your Word says...
You are merciful and tender toward me
when I don't deserve it.
If I am honest with myself,
I will realize that
you have been merciful and tender toward me
many times when I did not deserve it.
In fact,
I have often been given abundant mercy.
This includes
you protected me
I did not have to endure
the consequences of
the sinful things or unwise things
that I have done.
Help me to remember these thoughts
when others do unkind things to me.
Help me
to be merciful and tender
toward people who don't deserve it.
I want a heart like Jesus.
In the Merciful Name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Psalm 103
verse 8
Part B
in referring to God...
You are slow to get angry and full of kindness and love.
That verse is a "Good News" verse!
God is full of Amazing Love.
I invite you
to join me in prayer.
Heavenly Father,
Your love is Amazing.
It blesses me to know that you are slow to get angry.
It inspires me to know that you are full of kindness and love.
Thank you for your lovingkindness to me
when I did things that were wrong.
I do not want to take you for granted.
When I come before you
to repent and ask for forgiveness
for something I have done,
I want to
do it in a genuine way
and not in a rushed and disrespectful way.
I will intentionally be inspired by you
to be
slow to get angry and full of kindness and love to others.
I pray in Jesus' name,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Repentance and Cleansing
Food for Thought
religious speakers
are saying
that you only have to ask God to forgive you
once in your life.
That is false.
Here is ONE of many reasons why it is false...
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray,
Jesus gave them the Lord's prayer.
That prayer is not just a one-time prayer.
That is a prayer to pray OFTEN.
In the prayer it says,
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us."
We are to OFTEN ask the Lord to forgive us of our sins.
we are always
to forgive others
in the same manner that we want God to forgive us.
Forgiveness is not always easy.
If you need help with that,
we have lots of PRACTICAL Help.
tills the soil of our heart.
author unknown
God wants us to keep our heart
tender toward God
and tender toward
His Scriptures.
If you are struggling,
this video.
Verse 9
You never bear a grudge nor remain angry forever.
This verse helps us understand God better.
This verse is related to 1 John 1:9.
In First John,
God tells us that
he is Faithful and Just
to forgive us of our sins when we ask with a genuine heart.
That is Good News!
Heavenly Father,
You are Merciful.
You are Compassionate.
You are Life - Blessing.
Thank you that as 1 John 1:9 tells me -
You forgive me when I repent.
I praise you for your goodness.
I will
allow you to inspire and guide me.
I will never hold a grudge.
I will not remain angry but forgive.
In fact,
I will learn to quickly forgive.
I will be a man / woman of forgiveness.
I pray these things in the Powerful name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
If you have had very hurtful things happen to you
or your loved ones
and you are stuck in unforgiveness,
to help you through those things
so that you can be right with God.
The Lord's Prayer
teaches us to say,
"Forgive me my sins as I forgive others."
If Jesus was serious,
and of course he was,
then we need to take forgiving others seriously
and as a priority in our life.
The Lord even tells us
holding our anger overnight
- can -
give the devil a foothold in our life.
( Ephesians 4:26 )
Dear Lord,
I want
the mind of Christ and the emotions of Christ.
I will allow you to teach me to forgive
quickly and fully.
In Jesus' name I pray,
The rest of the days are shorter.
Verse 10
You have not punished us as we deserve
for all our sins.
God in his mercy
does not give us what we deserve.
Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge
that you have not punished me as I deserve for all my sins.
Thank you
that you have had mercy on me.
Thank you
that I have never gotten
the punishment that I truly deserve
for the wrong things I have done.
Your mercy inspires me to be more merciful.
I will
intentionally practice being more merciful.
I pray in the Life - Blessing name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Verse 11
For his mercy
toward those
who fear and honor him
is as great as
the height of the heavens above the earth.
This verse is a spectacularly inspirational verse.
What a blessed promise!
Note that
it does have a condition...
It is a promise for those who
fear and honor him.
We have a page to teach you
it means to
Fear the Lord.
Heavenly Father,
You are Awesome and Worthy to be praised.
I want to fear and honor you properly.
I will be teachable.
Thank you
for your amazing mercy.
You give mercy to all
but you give
your most awesome blessings
those who fear and honor you.
Thank you
for teaching me truth.
Thank you for
guiding me toward closeness with you.
In the Wondrous Name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Proverbs 3:7b - 8 says,
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
It will be
healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.
Verse 12
God has removed our sins
as far away as the east is from the west.
Before we repent
and ask forgiveness of our sins -
our sins are there
glaring at the Lord who is pure and holy.
After we repent,
God puts our sins as far away as the east is from the west.
He moves them out of the way.
Hebrews 10:17 KJV says,
And their sins and iniquities
will I remember no more.
That verse
does not mean
that God cannot literally remember them.
What God means
he does not set our sins before his eyes
in judgment
we have repented of our sins to him.
Repentance brings peace with God.
Greater understanding is given below.
Some people incorrectly teach
that God
cannot remember our sins.
I will explain below
why that interpretation is incorrect.
Number 1
If that interpretation were so, then God could never help us
with our addictions and repeated sin patterns.
Number 2
If that interpretation were so, then God wouldn't be God.
He wouldn't KNOW everything.
Number 3
If that were so,
then you could remember things that God couldn't.
Number 4
If that were so,
then God could not know
all your thoughts.
(Psalm 139 says he knows ALL our thoughts.)
If God literally could not remember your sins,
when YOU think about your past sins,
God couldn't hear those thoughts.
And the reasons go on and on.
Holy Father,
You are Merciful and True,
I praise you for you know everything.
You know all my thoughts and all my actions.
You are the only one who could be my very best friend.
You are the only one
who knows more about me than I know about myself.
Thank you
that you forgive me
every time I sincerely ask you to.
You are Wisdom.
You are Truth.
You are Lord God above all.
I pray, in the Wondrous name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Verse 13
He is like a father to us,
tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him.
God wants us to see him as our heavenly
God is a Perfect Father.
Our heavenly Father who doesn't have the flaws that our
earthly father had.
He is a tender and sympathetic Father
to those who
reverence him.
God wants us to love him and follow him
in the same way
that a child would respond to a loving Father,
This is explained in
Ephesians 5:1 TLB
Follow God’s example
in everything you do
just as a much loved child
imitates his father.
Verses 14 - 16
For he knows
we are but dust
and that
our days are few and brief,
like grass,
like flowers,
blown by the wind and gone forever.
God is eternal but man had a beginning in time.
The New Living Translation of these verses
Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
The wind blows, and we are gone —
as though we had never been here.
Man is frail and mortal.
And all of us
one day leave this earth and face God.
And while we are on this earth,
we are in desperate need of a guide.
Psalm 119 verses 18-20
Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word.
I am but a pilgrim here on earth:
how I need a map -
and your
commands are my chart and guide.
I long for your
instructions more than I can tell.
Psalm 119:12-16
Blessed Lord,
teach me your rules.
I have recited your laws and rejoiced in them
more than in riches.
I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect.
I will delight in them and not forget them.
- Note -
In the Bible, the word "meditate" means
consider, speak out, sing, or
think about in earnest.
In modern days,
the New Age Occult Movement
- and some false Christian teachers -
use the word
to mean sitting in a quiet place and
saying a word or phrase over and over -
and clearing your mind to not think of anything.
This kind of ungodly meditating
opens us up
to demonic entities communicating with us.
Even if
you are clearing your mind
thinking of nothing
and saying the word "Jesus" over and over -
that is not a Christian practice.
It is occultic and leads to harm.
See our
Contemplative Prayer page and our page Meditation-Caution.
Part A
But the loving-kindness of the Lord
is from
everlasting to everlasting
to those who reverence him.
Every time I read those words,
I can't help but think...
"Those are some of the most beautiful and refreshing words
that God ever wrote to us."
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your lovingkindness to me.
I do reverence you -
but I need to reverence you even more.
I need to show you
the respect and obedience that you deserve.
Remind me.
I will read your Word
and grow in my understanding of your will.
Guide me.
I pray these things,
in the Life - Blessing name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Part B
His salvation
is to children’s children
of those
who are faithful to his covenant
remember to obey him!
These words remind me
that parents
can bring blessings from God
to their children
by being faithful and obedient
to the Word of God.
Parents and Grandparents
Step-parents and Step-grandparents
Please consider saying this with me:
My walk with God affects my children (grandchildren).
It affects them in a supernatural way.
It also affects them in a natural way.
It affects them as they listen to what I say
and as they watch
what I do.
When I become more like Christ,
I become a living example to my children (grandchildren).
When I am obeying God,
I show forth
what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 KJV says,
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove [ to your children ]**
what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
** I added those words.
We can
prove - show forth - highlight
God's will to our children and grandchildren
as we walk closely with the Lord.
Parents - Grandparents
Step up your obedience
# 1. You love God, and you want to please God.
# 2. You want to bless your children and family.
A Prayer for
Parents and Grandparents
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your Words are Powerful and they are Truth.
You say that
Your salvation
is to children’s children
of those
who are faithful to your covenant
remember to obey you.
I pray
that my life is such that
those words can be used to bless my children.
I want my faithfulness to be used to bless my children.
In the Life - Changing name of Jesus,
I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Verse 19
The Lord has made
the heavens his throne;
from there he rules over everything there is.
God is sovereign.
He can do what he wants.
Some people
read verses like that
come to the conclusion
God's will is always done.
But God's will is not always done
because God gives us
Free Will.
There is
God's Perfect Will
God's Permissive Will.
God will not make us continually obey his Perfect Will.
We are allowed
to choose within his Permissive Will.
there are some things that God will not let us choose.
He shuts the door to those things.
To Gain a Greater Understanding,
please consider our page
Verses 20 - 21
Bless the Lord,
you mighty angels
of his
carry out his orders,
for each of His commands.
bless the Lord,
you armies of his angels
serve him constantly.
Re-look at the verses.
it says
The Angels listen for God's voice -
NOT your voice.
Teachers who tell you to command angels are
The only way we are talk to angels
is indirectly
by quoting
the Scriptures in which God tells us
For example,
Psalm 103:20-21
which we just read...
Psalm 148:1-2
we are allowed to command the angels to
PRAISE the Lord.
That is the ONLY thing we can command them to do.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens!
Praise him from the skies!
2 Praise him, all his angels!
Praise him, all the armies of heaven!
Psalm 148:1-2
Take Note
Satanic fallen angels
when you request
an angel to speak to you.
Satanic angels pretend to be good angels.
God's angels only respond to God's voice.
There are many - even in the church - who are now
trying to contact
Most people NEVER see an angel.
Some may see one once in their life.
(And if you do, be very careful - See Galatians 1:8.)
Many Christians today are being deceived!
Even Christian leaders!!
they are
for supernatural experiences
they put
supernatural experiences
above God's Bible verses!
Satanic beings
give you supernatural experiences.
There have been a
handful of times
of instances where angels
were sent to deliver messages.
They never come to give new Bible information
to add to Scripture.
Again see Galatians 1:8.
Beware of
Christian teachers or prophets
who talk about
frequent angel encounters.
They are deceived by the demonic beings.
I have never seen an angel and never expect to.
Angels do not come to chat with people.
See our Angels and Demons Page
And our False Prophets Page
Also note
Jesus does not appear to people and chat with them.
In Matthew 24:4-5,
Jesus says that
in the last days we must be alert to
Matthew 24:5 NKJV
Jesus said that...
Many will appear and say "I am Jesus."
These false Jesus appearances will deceive many!
Our Page called
The Event
is a page that reveals
one man
who has gotten snared by the devil
and says
he sees and speaks to Jesus in the flesh
multiple times a week.
This type of thing is happening more and more.
This deception will take you down a path toward hell.
Verse 22
Let everything everywhere bless the Lord.
And how I bless him too!
One way to
Bless the Lord
lifting hands to God to honor him.
Raising hands is written about
in many places in the Bible.
For example:
Psalm 134:2 KJV
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.
Psalm 63:3 - 4 KJV
Because thy lovingkindness is better than life,
my lips shall praise thee.
Thus will I bless thee while I live:
I will lift up my hands in thy name.
All the people of the earth were created
to bless the Lord.
I was created to bless the Lord.
You were created to bless the Lord.
I will bless you this day.
I will speak out about your awesomeness.
I will speak about your lovingkindness.
I will speak out
during my day
about your wonderful gifts,
your protections,
your provisions,
Amazing Grace.
May the Words of my mouth
and the
meditations of my heart please you!
I pray, in the Life - Changing name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Psalm 19:14 is quoted in the Prayer.
And the last verse connects to the
First Verse.
The First Verse says...
"I bless the Holy Name of God with all my heart.
Yes, I will bless the Lord,
and not forget
the glorious things he does for me!
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