Psalm 103 verse 7  Prayer

Psalm 103 verse 7 Prayer

Also consider our   Psalm 103:7 Devotional

Note: I have a complete commentary for Psalm 103.

See bottom of page for link.


Psalm 103:7 TLB says,

God revealed
his will and nature
to Moses
the people of Israel.


I invite you to join me in 


Heavenly Father,

It is by your Bible Words
that we are taught
the important things of life. 

It is by your Bible Words that we are guided toward blessings and away from danger and unnecessary troubles. 

It is by your Bible Words that we come to know you and love you and become best friends with you.

Your Scriptures say,

"God revealed his will and nature


Moses and the people of Israel." 

Thank you that you revealed your will and nature to Moses and the children of Israel.

Thank you that you had Moses write down revelations and instructions so they ( and those after them ) could know you and follow you.

And now I can read my Bible - 


I can know you


I can know how to follow you. 

Thank you

for revealing yourself to me in the

Old Testament and the New Testament

and for continuing to

unfold revelations

about yourself to me

so that

I can know you better


enjoy your friendship more deeply,


worship you more fully. 

Through your Scriptures,

I learn  HOW  to live


what this life is all about. 

I ask that

you would reveal

your will and nature

to my loved ones

so that

they will

more deeply appreciate you and value you.

May they grow spiritually every day


live for you every day. 

I pray

these things

in the Life-Changing name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2025 Beth McLendon of

After verse 7

which says...

He reveals his will and nature to Moses and the people of Israel.


in verses 8-19

God does some insightful revealing of his will and nature...

See below...


God describes himself...

He [God]  is

merciful and tender

toward those who don’t deserve it;

he is slow to get angry and full of kindness and love.

He never bears a grudge, nor remains angry forever.

10 He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins, 11 for his mercy

toward those who fear and honor him

is as great as

the height of the heavens above the earth.

12 He has removed our sins

as far away from us as the east is from the west.

13 He is like a father to us,

tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him.

14 For he knows we are but dust

15 and that our days are few and brief,

like grass, like flowers,

16 blown by the wind and gone forever.

17-18 But the loving-kindness of the Lord is from

everlasting to everlasting

to those who reverence him;

his salvation is to children’s children

of those who are faithful to his covenant

and remember

to obey him!

19 The Lord has made the heavens his throne;

from there he rules over everything there is.


Beth says...

I have written a complete commentary on Psalm 103.

Here are the first 5 verses - Click Here

Here is verse 6 - Click Here

Here is verse 7 - Click Here

Here is verse 8 and following -  Click Here

Also consider our Psalm 103 Healing Prayers

Jump to the top of Psalm 103 verse 7 Prayers

Psalm 103 verse 7 Prayer was posted in February 2025.

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