Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.

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A Daily Devotional


Beth McLendon

For the week of October 16, 2023.

I really hope most of you

will be able to read this page

in one setting

and then ponder it for the rest of the week.

Last Week: The Falling Away 

New Topic: 

Psalm 103:7

A Power Devotional


Psalm 103

Verse 7

A Power Devotional

using mainly

The Living Bible


Part 1

Psalm 103 verse 7 TLB

says about God...

"He revealed

his will and nature

to Moses and the people of Israel."


The KJV version

puts it this way

" He made known his ways unto Moses,

his acts unto the children of Israel. "

A person's


and a person's 


and a person's


and a person's


all show

a person's heart.


God wants us to know his heart.

God wants us to know

his will and ways

so that

we can have the best life on earth

and a perfect life in heaven. 


Psalm 103 is one of my favorite psalms,


I read it out-loud regularly.


I always speeded by

verse 7.

One day

I stopped to think about that verse.


I came to realize

that this verse

is a

key verse in the Bible.


This verse

reminds us


God has

REVEALED himself.

Think about that.

The God of ALL Creation -


himself to Moses


Moses wrote HIS words down.


God revealed himself to others,

and they wrote God's words down.

Now we have our Bible to read!

A Bible in which

God reveals himself.


God graciously lets us KNOW about his nature,

his character,

his WAYS.

And implied in that is ......

He wants us to


But Why?


Three reasons

popped into my head.

First Reason

First Reason -

God WANTS fellowship with us.

He wants to have a relationship with us. 

Ephesians 5:1

tells us how God wants us to think about him...

(as a much loved child who wants to please him).

Follow God’s example

in everything you do

just as a much loved child imitates his father. 

Ephesians 5:1 TLB


Ephesians 5:10-11 

also reveals that

he wants us to learn as we go along

(as we read the Bible)

what pleases him and then obey him

so we develop a close relationship with him.

 Learn as you go along what pleases the Lord.

Take no part in the

worthless pleasures of evil and darkness,

but instead, rebuke and expose them.  

Ephesians 5:10 TLB


Heavenly Father,

Thank you that I can read about

your will and nature

from reading the words of Moses


the other books of your Bible.

Thank you that I can gain closeness as I read.

In Jesus' name I pray,



Part 2

Second Reason

Second Reason -

God WANTS to save us

from unnecessary trials and problems.


Some trials and problems are part of God's process for

growing us up and maturing us.

So yes,

God tells us that we must face

some trials and problems.

But often we unnecessarily cause ourselves grief. 


God loves us and he wants to save us

from many of the problems

that we would otherwise encounter.

Proverbs 1:31

tells us

that if we do not follow God,

we will have to


the bitter fruit of having our own way.


In the Book of Proverbs,

God tells us that he gave us the

Book of Proverbs



us to become wise

and thus avoid many problems and trials. 


Moreover, God gave us the whole Bible.

The Bible is a SUPERnatural book.

speaking scriptures

There is POWER released

as we read the Bible and as we speak it out. 


Any person can live naturally.

God wants to teach us to live



Don't just think of snazzy displays of miracles.

I want to encourage you

to think about 


handling stress,


temptations to anger, 

addiction temptations,

and temptations of all kinds.

God wants to help us with our 



The Bible is full of life-changing POWER.


 We rarely hear about


to change our perspectives and thus change our life.

God's Word reveals truth.

God's Word

guides us toward


which means


thoughts and choices. 


And praying

and speaking out God's Word

in prayer

for other people

can and often does

change other people

as we pray for them

and as we grow in

our Agape love for them.

As we grow closer to God,

our motives are purified

and our heart grows in compassion

for the needs of others. 


In Part 4

there are

prayers to re-enforce this page.

But first,

The Third Reason -

Part 3

Third Reason

The Third Reason -

There is a hell.

In Matthew 7:13,

Jesus tells us

that most people go to hell.

“Heaven can be entered only through the

narrow gate!

The highway to hell is broad,

and its gate is wide enough for

all the multitudes who choose its easy way.

Matthew 7:13 TLB

Hell is not God's will for us.

But God's will is not always done.

See our page - God's will is not always done


God wants all to repent,

turn away from sin and follow him as best they can.

John 3:16

does not

just mean "believe" God is real.

The devil believes God is real.

It means

believe in God so much

that you live the way the Bible tells you to live.

Jesus said,

"If you love me, you will obey me."

John 14:23


Even as we are sincerely following God,
we sometimes sin.

In the short 5-chapter book of

1 John,

God tells us not to "practice" sin.

We are told

not allow sin to become a lifestyle.

For example, for some people lying or sexual sin has become a lifestyle.

We are told to practice righteousness.

Practice righteousness

like you are practicing a

musical instrument -

getting better and better at it.


And note,

when we do sin,

we go to

1 John 1:9

and repent and sincerely try to do better.


We need to be "at war" with sin

instead of

surrendering to sin.

We need to

surrender to Jesus


resist sin.


I surrender

to you.


To understand

how to get right with God,

click: Understanding Salvation

Part 4

Two Prayers

First Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I come before you today to say,

thank you.

Thank you that I can read your Word and come to know you.

Thank you that I can continue to grow

in closeness with you

and deeper satisfaction

in my relationship with you.

And as my time comes

and as I pass from this world -

I know I will walk in the heavenly perfection

of knowing you

in the endless fellowship of eternity.


I pray for my loved ones.

I ask that you will reveal your will and nature

in fullness

as my loved ones read your word


as they observe nature and ponder the greatness of you.

I pray that they will continually find themselves

in the pages of your Word -

growing stronger and more dedicated to you.

I ask you these things for  ________, _______,

________, and ________.

In the name of my Savior and Lord,

I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com


Heavenly Father,

I find joy in knowing that

you want a close relationship with me.

As I read your Word,

you reveal your will and nature to me.

Thank you for honoring me by desiring

to fellowship with me and to walk closely with me each day. 

I find security in knowing that

you want to help me and guide me through this life.

Thank you

that you want to reveal

your will and nature to me in order to guide me each day.

Thank you for wanting to protect me

from dealing with unnecessary trials and troubles.

You have given me the book of


to keep me from

unnecessary trials and troubles.

And in fact, you have given me all 66 books of the Bible

to help me

grow wise


develop my common sense

so that I will not endure unnecessary problems. 

I celebrate your love and kindness to me.

And Lord,

I pray about the trials and tribulations

that you have deemed necessary

in my life

to grow me up and mature me

and make me

ready for

each part of my destiny.

I pray that you will nudge me

as you speak to me

with instructions

on how to move through

each problem or challenge.

I want to hear your voice


I want to follow your instructions.

And I will remind myself to have a teachable attitude.

I will remind myself

to be determined

to follow you.

I will remind myself

that I have dedicated my life to you. 

And I pray that you would

draw my loved ones

to your Word.

I pray that they will yield to you and come to know

your will and nature better.

I pray that

they will grow each day

to learn more about you and to understand

your desire for fellowship with them

and your desire to teach them

how to avoid unnecessary pitfalls in life.

In the Wonderful name of Jesus',

I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com

Consider our pages:

Psalm 103 - First Five Verses

Psalm 103 - Verse 6 - Justice Prayers

Morning Scripture 

Jump to the top of Psalm 103 verse 7

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Newest Page:

Prayers for Stepchildren

Daily Inspiration

Birthday Prayer for Aging Parents

Praying for Young Children

Valentine Fun for kids


Valentine Romance 


New Page:

What is the Unpardonable sin?

NEW Page:

Prayers for Medical Tests

NEW Page:

Purgatory disproved

NEW Page:

Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah

A Page for Skeptical Jews


Updated Page:

Hebrew Language


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Victory, Power Prayer

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Increasing JOY


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Opposites attract and then...




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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms