Psalm 108

This page features Psalm 108:1.


to steady

our commitment to the Lord.

Our Featured Verse says:

My heart is FIXED -

on you,



O God, my heart is fixed;

I will sing and give praise, even with my glory.

Verse 1 KJV


And another Bible verse echoes:

My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed:

I will sing and give praise.

Psalm 57:7 KJV

Many of our problems are caused


we have our heart  fixed on  something

other than God.

We are wise when we


and intentionally

put God on the throne of our life.

In order to please God and live the best kind of life,

we must surrender our days

to our Lord - Jesus Christ.

So teach us to number our days,
that we

may gain

a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12 NKJV

If God is "sometimes" on the throne of our heart,

then we are a double-minded man or woman.

James 1:8 tells us

that a double-minded man is unstable.


Perhaps you have seen people

who focus on God

on Sunday

but during the week, their mind is fixed

on other things.


A fixed heart is a stable heart.

That person habitually communes
with God
throughout the day.

Pray without Ceasing

The Bible says:

Rejoice evermore.

Pray without ceasing.

In every thing give thanks:


this is the will of God in Christ Jesus



1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV

Pray without ceasing


we work toward


continually aware

of the

presence of God


we talk with him

throughout the day -

just as if

he was a real person


was with us throughout the day.

That is also


abiding in him.

To elaborate:

This means

being aware of God in each moment


 - including him and welcoming him -

in all our moments.


Leaning on him throughout the day


Seeking his wisdom throughout the day.


In order to walk closely with Jesus, 

we need 

to purify our heart from 




pull us away from God.

The closer you walk

with God, 

the less room

for anything to come between.

Unknown author

O God, my heart is fixed;

I will sing

and give praise,

even with my glory.

Words to Strengthen Us

I have fixed my heart on the Lord - and I shall not be moved!

Psalm 16:8 KJV says - 

I have set the Lord always before me:

because he is at my right hand,

I shall not be moved.

Psalm 62:6 KJV says - 

He only is my rock and my salvation:

he is my defence;

I shall not be moved.

A Steadfast Heart wants to Please God.

Below is a great song to motivate us!

Romans 16:19 says:

Be excellent at what is good.

Be innocent of evil.

The above song is a great one to share

with your children and grandchildren.

Multiple Translations

Psalm 108 verse 1

O God, my heart is steadfast. NKJV

O God, my heart is fixed (steadfast, in the confidence of faith) AMPC

O God, my heart is steadfast [with confident faith];  AMP

God, my heart is steady. NCV

 Prepared is my heart, YLT

My Heart is....

My heart is...

Firmly established

Firmly committed.

See section below for more words to include.

Hebrew Translation Insights

The phrase "is fixed" in Psalm 108:1

comes from the

Hebrew word Kun.

Strong's 3559 

One of its main definitions is  - to be firm.

Exodus 23:20 uses the word Kun

and is translated in the KJV as "which I have prepared".

Here is a list of the meanings of Kun

in ABC order:

aim (1), appointed (1), carried (1), certain (2), certainty (1), confirm (2), confirmed (1), consider (1), could (1), counted (1), definitely (1), determined (1), direct (3), direct your right (1), directed (1), directs (1), establish (15), established (52), establishes (2), fashion (1), fashioned (1), firm (1), firmly established (3), formed (1), founds (1), full (1), get yourself ready (1), installed (1), made it ready (1), made preparations (1), made provision (1), made...preparations (1), made...ready (1), maintain his position (1), make preparation (1), make ready (2), make...sure (1), makes his sure (1), makes ready (1), making my firm (1), ordained (1), ordered (1), place (1), prepare (21), prepared (37), prepares (5), provide (1), provided (5), provides (1), ready (7), reliable (1), rested (1), rests (1), right (3), set (10), set the in order (1), steadfast (6), strengthen (1), took (1).

Taken from

Wisdom Defined

Wisdom is knowing and doing right.

Proverbs 3:21 TLB

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