Psalm 15
A Psalm of David
A Psalm of
with words to inspire us to
create better priorities
make better choices.
Psalm 24:3-5 is related to Psalm 15.
Consider visiting our Psalm 24 page: Psalm 24
Check out all our psalm pages: here
Take note: I am using NASB translation for the first two verses. I am using ICB translation for the last three verses.
I encourage you to read this psalm
in many different translations
so you can get even more insights into this psalm.
O Lord, who may abide in Your tent?
Who many dwell on Your holy hill?
This psalm starts out asking the questions:
Who are those
who dwell close to God?
What is God looking for in a person?
Verse 2 answers the question
and the rest of the Psalm
adds specifics for us.
He who walks with integrity,
and works righteousness,
And speaks truth in his heart.
We read in verse 2 about
a person who
sincerely tries to
obey God
daily shows
godly character
in words and actions.
He speaks truth to himself in his heart.
So, if this person messes up,
he asks God for forgiveness and then
re-focuses on obeying God.
This person shows the world
- what Jesus would do -
Here are verses
that relate to verse 2
"And whatever you do or say,
let it be as a
representative of the Lord Jesus."
Colossians 3:17 TLB
You are living a brand new kind of life
that is continually learning
more and more of what is right,
and trying constantly
to be more and more like Christ
who created this new life within you.
Colossians 3:10 TLB
Psalm 15
He must not tell lies about others.
He must do no wrong to his neighbors.
He must not gossip.
How we treat people tells a lot about our
God wants us to see every person
as important and worthy of being treated
in a godly way.
Our choice of words
is important
to God.
Kind words are like honey--
they cheer you up and make you feel strong.
Proverbs 16:24 CEV
Your own soul is nourished
when you are kind;
it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Proverbs 11:17 TLB
What exactly is Gossip?
The best definition I have heard is...
If I am speaking about someone
and that person overheard me,
and he or she would feel
angry or hurt
at what they hear me say...
then it is gossip.
Many times Christians will gossip
as they share a prayer request.
Let's be careful with our words.
Will you join me in the prayer below
about this topic?
Dear Lord,
Remind me to
only speak about others
and to others
in ways that
honors others and shows love.
He must not respect hateful people.*
He must honor those who honor the Lord.
He must keep his promises to his neighbor,
even when it hurts. **
* The first part of the verse
doesn't mean that we disrespect certain people.
It means
we do not
admire and esteem
people who oppose God's principles.
The JUB Bible translation of Psalm 15 explains :
4 In whose eyes the vile person is not esteemed;
but he honours those that fear the LORD.
He that swears to his own hurt and does not change.
** This part of the verse
means that
we keep our promises
even if
after making a promise
we change our mind.
the verse is referring to the promises
we make
not only to neighbors
but to family, co-workers, etc.
God is teaching us not to make promises lightly.
That is an area that many Christians need to improve.
Below I will elaborate.
God does not want us to easily make promises
and then neglect to fulfill them.
Some of the most important examples are
when we promise our children something.
For example...
a promise to be
somewhere at a specific time and we don't show up.
That hurts the heart of a child.
Some parents realize that they aren't going to be at a specific event
(for example they know they can't get off work - or they know they aren't going to go because they would feel uncomfortable at the event)
but they say they will be there because it makes their child happy right now. They are cowards who only think about right now - and they don't want to see disappointment in their child right now.
So they choose the easy path of promising
instead of
the hard path of living with integrity.
And that deeply hurts their child.
Many children take that pain into adulthood.
This verse emphasizes to us that we are to
honor our commitments
EVEN if it COSTS us something!
Many times we make a commitment
and then
when the time
comes to fulfill it -
we don't feel like fulfilling it.
Our flesh doesn't want to fulfill it.
There is often a cost to fulfilling promises
that we don't want to pay.
we choose to do something more fun or less stressful.
God wants us to honor our commitments
EVEN if it COSTS us!
Some of you are hearing God convict you of this.
Some of you
regularly break your commitments.
God is speaking to you.
Will you repent and promise God to
fulfill your promises?
You do not have to promise people things.
You can always say,
"I'll think about doing it."
Or... "I'll consider it."
Or... "Maybe"
Or.... you could say, "No, I am not going to do that."
If you are a parent whose profession is full of emergencies, then tell your child you can't go
and if
you find that you can go -
surprise your child and be there!
Temporarily pleasing people by making promises
is not a good idea.
Instead we need to stir up godly character.
We need to focus on pleasing God.
If someone has hurt YOU by not keeping promises,
then God is calling you to forgive.
Consider getting practical help here: Forgiveness
I will speak to the overachievers.
- the people who never break their promises -
Some of you really, really try
to honor your commitments
and you are worried
about the time you didn't honor your commitment
because you were sick in bed.
It haunts you with regret.
You think you should
have gotten up and gone anyway.
God is not speaking to you.
God is not convicting you.
When God says it COSTS you something,
he doesn't mean
you have to get up from
your sick bed.
It definitely doesn't mean
that you should commit a crime
because you have committed to do it with a friend.
It also doesn't mean that you keep a secret -
from someone's parents or
from the proper authorities -
just because you made a commitment to a secret.
God is not telling us
to do
the wrong thing.
He is always telling us
to do
the right thing.
Fulfilling your Promises
means things like:
You may have to forgo some fun activity that came up.
You might have to leave some fun activity early to honor your commitment.
You might have to get less sleep to honor your commitment.
You might make friends upset if you honor your commitment.
You might have to work late another night if you honor your commitment.
You might have to show up to an event where you will not feel comfortable - where you will feel "out of place" if you honor your commitment.
Your commitment may cost you more money or more time than you realized when you made the promise.
If you feel that you made a wrong promise
or you have to break your promise,
consider the seriousness as God would see it
truly humble yourself and
sincerely apologize to the people involved.
Also note:
You have to honor your commitment
even if your
aren't interested in honoring your commitment.
That includes marriage.
Even if you aren't that interested in staying married, God wants you to "GET INTERESTED" and get on your knees and start praying and start being the best spouse you can be even though it is not what you want to do.
He must not charge interest on money
he lends.
And he must not
take money to hurt innocent people.
Whoever does
all these things
will never be destroyed.
God wants our views on money to reflect
integrity, compassion, and
respect for God's principles.
In understanding the last sentence of Psalm 15,
look at these other translations.
KJV says -
He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
NASB says -
He who does these things will never be shaken.
CEV says -
Those who do these things will always stand firm.
If this psalm makes us feel uncomfortable
or feel convicted of our sins
- which it will for most of us -
then God invites us to ask forgiveness
of our sins and re-dedicate our life to Jesus.
Important Note:
We cannot achieve perfection
but we can daily seek to
practice obedience to God
and when we fail,
we can repent and ask for forgiveness.
See: 1 John 1:9 below:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
AND did you know that if you love yourself
it will make it easier to work on your weak areas?
Consider our page: Developing a healthy self-concept
and a Devotional: Here
People who will love themselves unconditionally
and embrace a good self-concept,
have an easier time
working on their weak areas!
Jump to the top of Psalm 15
Psalm 15 was posted in September 2020
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