Psalm 43
Prayer to God
Times of Trouble
A Psalm
Dealing with Emotions
and with
Faith in God
- New King James Version -
Vindicate me, O God,
And plead my cause against an ungodly nation;
Oh, deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man!
The meaning for this verse
is clearer
when we look at
The New Century Version.
It says:
God, defend me. Argue my case
against those
who don’t follow you.
Save me from liars and those who do evil.
Here the psalmist is
trapped by the ungodly actions
of people around him.
In this psalm and throughout the Bible
God teaches us to
him for what we want and need.
God can see our situations.
He knows what we need.
But he still - tells us to ask.
In this Psalm,
we are being taught
to take our problems and bring them
to God in prayer.
When we sincerely ask God, we honor him.
When we ignore prayer
or distain prayer
casually think that
God should be a mind-reader,
we dishonor God.
God teaches us to ask him
for what we desire.
James 4:2b tells us - You get not because you ask not.
James 4:3 tells us - You get not because you ask amiss.
Think of the implications.
Some didn't ask, and therefore,
some didn't get.
Some asked with the wrong heart,
therefore, they didn't get.
Many people
camp on their idea of God's love
allowing the fullness of God
and his love
to be understood.
Some of those are people who
always want God to
read their mind
and then they want God to
proceed to give them what they want.
They think it is
unnecessary and a bother
to pray.
Psalm 26:1 is a related verse to Psalm 43:1.
For You are the God of my strength;
Why do You cast me off?
Why do I go mourning
because of the oppression of the enemy?
Here we see the Psalmist
sharing all his emotional distress
with God.
And God invites us to share
all the
our distress.
God wants us to share
what we are thinking and feeling.
He wants to be our best friend.
Think about this:
The God of the Universe
wants to be OUR Best Friend.
In our closest relationships,
God wants our words
to be containers of intimacy.
3 Oh, send out Your light and Your truth!
Let them lead me;
Let them bring me to Your holy hill
And to Your tabernacle.
sends out
his light and truth
through his
Reading this verse
reminds me that
Psalm 119
tells us that God's word is a lamp.
And of course we know that God's word is truth.
it is not only that
we need to read God's Word.
It implies that
we also need
God to
"highlight" things to us
we read.
We have all had the experience
of reading a Bible verse or section
for the umteenth time
and all of a sudden
this time
something NEW jumps out at us.
It may be a joyful revelation
or it may be a convicting message.
When I am reading the Bible,
I remind myself that
God will often
SHINE his light
on whatever truth I need to see
contained within his Word.
- IF -
I read the Bible with a teachable heart.
In Psalm 43:3,
the word "shine" is not implied in that Hebrew word,
but the following translation
does express the idea
that I am trying to convey.
We could even make it into a prayer. . .
O my God,
shine Your light and truth
to help me see clearly.
Psalm 43:3 a The Voice translation
4 Then I will go to the altar of God,
To God my exceeding joy;
And on the harp I will praise You,
O God, my God.
God is
My Exceeding Joy!
There is joy in knowing God!
Psalm 21:6 b
is a related verse.
It is talking about the king -
we can put ourselves
in the position of the king in this psalm.
Psalm 21:6 b says...
For You make him
to be blessed and a blessing forever;
You make him
exceedingly glad with the joy
of Your presence.
Psalm 26:1 AMPC
We joyfully
Praise God
in songs!
The song below is based on Psalm 43.
5 Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God;
For I shall yet praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God.
Verse 5 in the NCV translation:
Why am I so sad?
Why am I so upset?
I should put my hope in God
and keep praising him,
my Savior and my God.
Psalm 43 verse 5
teaches us to say
wise words to ourselves
during times of discouragement.
It is wise to keep some
encouraging Scriptures
"in our back pocket"
and pull them out for times of discouragement.
It is also wise to have some songs
ready to sing
during times of discouragement.
Here is one that I like.
Jesus is hidden in Psalm 43:5.
For I shall yet praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God.
The Strong's Hebrew word # 3444
is translated
in English in
The New King James version.
It is the Hebrew word:
Yeshua means Salvation.
help = Hebrew word # 3444 = Yeshua = salvation
Jesus' name
in Hebrew.
When the disciples called him by name,
they said, "Yeshua!"
KJV translates this word as "health" in Psalm 43:5.
KJV translates # 3444
61 times.
KJV translates # 3444
4 times.
The KJV also translates # 3444 as:
deeds of deliverance (1),
deliverance (6),
prosperity (1), save (1), saving (1), security (1),
victories (1), victory (1)
take note:
Psalm 43:5
is the same as
Psalm 42:5 and Psalm 42:11.
This song ministers to us when we are in
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