A Psalm of Repentance
A Psalm of Restoration of Joy
A Psalm of Purification.
A Psalm of Receiving - God's Peace.
A Psalm of David
David wasn't where he was supposed to be.
David wasn't doing
what he was supposed to be doing.
David sinned.
David had sex with Bathsheba.
Bathsheba was a married woman.
Psalm 51 was written
to show us
to come to God
with our sins
and be
I want to be Clean.
I want to be Right with You.
Forgive me.
I will re-dedicate myself to following you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
God selected Yom Kippur as the
holiest day of the year.
Here is a Rabbi who believes in Jesus
and he is giving a great sermon
on this subject.
Jump to 1 hour 34 minutes...
Yeshua is Hebrew for Jesus.
And the author of 1 Corinthians:
Saul/Paul is called Rabbi Shol
Create in me a Clean Heart - Transform me
God's Great Forgiveness
Lyrics at the very bottom of the page
Below is
David's advice
in how to live
Peace with God.
Psalm 139:23-24 TLB
David said:
Search me, O God, and know my
heart; test my thoughts.
Point out anything
you find in me
that makes you sad,
and lead me
along the path of everlasting life.
Repentance is not just a one-time thing
done when you first accept
Jesus as your Savior.
Some false prophets are telling you it is.
This psalm shows us the truth.
"Repentance and Re-dedication"
When we sin,
- Repentance with Re-dedication"
is the only thing
that will bring us
Peace with God.
Psalm 51 and Psalm 32
explain to us
the way to forgiveness
and the
road to peace with God.
Both are posted below in an easy - reading version.
Psalm 51:
A psalm of David
written after
God supernaturally told Nathan the prophet
what David had done
and then God sent Nathan to David
- to expose David's sin -
with Bathsheba.
Psalm 51 ERV
God, be merciful to me
because of your faithful love.
Because of your great compassion,
all the wrongs I have done.
2 Scrub away my guilt.
me clean from my sin.
3 I know I have done
remember that sin all the time.
4 I did what you said is
are the one I have sinned against.
I say this so that people will know
I am wrong and you are right.
you decided is fair.
5 I was born to do wrong,
sinner before I left my mother’s womb.
6 You want me to be
completely loyal,
put true wisdom deep inside of me.
7 Remove my sin and make me pure.
me until I am whiter than snow!
8 Let me hear sounds of
joy and happiness again.
the bones you crushed be happy again.
9 Don’t look at my sins.
them all.
10 God, create a pure heart in me,
make my spirit strong again.
11 Don’t push me away
take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Your help made me so
me that joy again.
my spirit strong and ready to obey you.
13 I will teach the guilty how you want them to live,
then sinners will come back to you.
14 God, spare me from
the punishment of death.
God, you are the one who saves me!
Let me sing about all the good things you do for me!
15 My Lord,
I will open my mouth and sing your praises!
16 You don’t really want
I would give them to you.
17 The sacrifice that
God wants is a humble spirit.
God, you will not turn away someone who comes with a
humble heart and is willing to obey you.
18 God,
please be good to Zion.
the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then you can enjoy
the kind of sacrifices you want.
will receive whole burnt offerings,
people will again offer bulls on your altar.
Previously on this page, I had a great sermon by
Michael Youssef's son on the subject of Psalm 51 - and
their church took it off youtube. They told me it only
available on their website. :-(
(800) 538-7677
Verse 19
Actually, the Hebrew is very clear in verse 19
that we are supposed
to live our life
with sacrifices of righteousness.
In a literal translation,
David says in verse 19,
"Then you will be delighted with the sacrifices of
Many people are running away
from trying to live a holy life
while thinking
they can still be right with God.
We will never be perfect, but we are supposed to
try to please God.
(John 14:15 and John 14:23 and 1 John 2:3)
The Bible tells us:
Worship the Lord with the beauty of holy lives.
Psalm 96:9 TLB
Psalm 32:5
David wrote:
So I confessed my sins
and told them all to you.
I said, “I’ll tell the Lord
each one of my sins.”
Then you forgave me
and took away my guilt.
Psalm 32:5 CEV
Psalm 32 ERV
(a maskil of David which means "teaching of David")
It is a great blessing
when people are forgiven for the wrongs they have done,
when their sins are erased.
2 It is a great blessing
when the Lord says they are not guilty,
when they don’t try to hide their sins.
3 Lord, I prayed to you again and again,
but I did not talk about my sins.
So I only became weaker and more miserable.
4 Every day you made life harder for me.
I became like a dry land in the hot summertime. Selah**
5 But then I decided
to confess my sins to the Lord.
I stopped hiding my guilt
told you about my sins.
And you forgave them all!
(**Selah means pause and think about that.)
6 That is why your loyal followers pray to you while there is still time.
Then when trouble rises like a flood, it will not reach them.
7 You are a hiding place for me.
You protect me from my troubles.
You surround me and protect me,
so I sing about the way you saved me. Selah
8 The Lord says, “I will teach you
and guide you in the way you should live.
I will watch over you and be your guide.
9 Don’t be like a stupid horse or mule that will not come to you
unless you put a bit in its mouth and pull it with reins.”
10 Many pains will come to the wicked,
but the Lord’s faithful love will surround those who trust in
11 Good people, rejoice and be very happy in the Lord.
All you who want to do right, rejoice!
Footnotes: Psalm 32:1 a erased Or “covered over” or “atoned.”
Psalm 51 and Psalm 32 were written to teach us
how to get right with God.
Psalm 32 is even posted as a
"maskil of David" which means "teaching of David."
Here is one of the verses in the
New Testament
that expresses these thoughts.
Acts 3:19 NCV
So you must change your hearts and lives!
Come back to God, and he will forgive your sins.
Then the Lord will send the time of rest.
And here it is in another translation:
Acts 3:19 AMP
So repent
[change your inner self—your old way of thinking,
regret past sins]
and return
[to God—seek His purpose for your life],
so that your sins may be wiped away
[blotted out, completely erased],
so that times of refreshing
may come from the presence of the Lord
[restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day].
Also note that Jesus' last words
to the churches
were written in the book of
chapters 2 and 3.
In those chapters,
Jesus calls out over and over
to believers
and says,
For more insights into David - click David
For a list of all our Psalm pages:
Psalm 51 tells us that
The pain of sin can be dealt with
and we can feel clean again!
"Forgive Me"
Like many water falls I cry,
Like something deep inside has died;
Oh the hurt, the guilt, the pain,
To know I broke Your heart again.
And like a hurricane that blows
A thunderstorm inside my soul;
So can you speak unto the wind
And renew my life again?
Forgive me, I have sinned;
I am guilty of the nails that pierced Your hands,
I'm cryin' out, purify,
Rid me of this guiltiness I feel inside;
I'm beggin' please - forgive me.
I can't describe what's in my soul,
I feel ashamed to let You know;
Oh the burden, oh the weight
That I've carried from that day.
But You were there, You saw it all,
Every detail, great and small;
And yet You love me just the same,
And You remind me that You came; Lord You came to....
Forgive me, I have sinned;
I am guilty of the nails that pierced Your hands,
I'm cryin' out, purify,
Rid me of this barrenness I feel inside;
I'm beggin' please.
Create in me a clean heart;
Renew my spirit too.
Restore to me joy, real joy.
Make me more like You, more like You, yeah!
Forgive me, I have sinned;
I am guilty of the nails that pierced Your hands,
I'm cryin' out, purify,
Rid me of this brokenness I feel inside;
Oh, I'm beggin' please.
Forgive me, I have sinned;
I am guilty of the nails that pierced Your hands;
I know I'm guilty, I'm guilty.
But when I cry out, You purify
And heal me of this brokenness I feel inside;
And faithfully You hear my plea;
You faithfully,
You forgive me.
Jesus You forgive me.
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