Psalm 52
Addresses evil
while proclaiming the blessings of
those who follow God.
Highlighted Verse
Verse 8...
"But I am like a sheltered olive tree
protected by the Lord himself.
I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever."
These first 7 verses speak about
and the
futility of following evil.
Specifically these verses talk
about an evil man named
Note that Doeg could have chosen to ask God
to forgive him and then follow God.
Since Doeg refused repentance and dedication to God,
his future was an eternal punishment.
Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man?
The goodness of God endures continually.
2 Your tongue devises destruction,
Like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
3 You love evil more than good,
Lying rather than speaking righteousness. Selah
4 You love all devouring words,
You deceitful tongue.
5 God shall likewise destroy you forever;
He shall take you away, and pluck you out of your dwelling place,
And uproot you from the land of the living. Selah
6 The righteous also shall see and fear,
And shall laugh at him, saying,
7 “Here is the man who did not make God his strength,
But trusted in the abundance of his riches,
And strengthened himself in his wickedness.”
Verses 8 - 9 speak of
David and his blessings from God.
The verses say...
But I am like a
green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.
9 I will praise You forever,
Because You have done it;
And in the presence of Your saints
I will wait on Your name, for it is good.
The Key Verse
for this page
Verse 8
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.
What is David trying to convey
in verse 8?
First Point
Olives and olive oil
are very healthy.
~ ~ ~
The olive tree is
a symbol of
in the Bible.
~ ~ ~
We see this concept in
Psalm 128:3 NKJV
Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
In the very heart of your house,
your children like olive plants all around your table.
Psalm 128 describes healthy children.
Psalm 52
is giving us thoughts of
God bringing
is going to wither and perish
David will experience health blessings from God
on earth
and perfection of health in heaven.
there is
the idea that
David has been kept unharmed
and will one day be in heaven.
Doeg is headed toward destruction.
Note also that
olives were used in Bible times for
This medicinal application also stirs up the idea
that olives
The Hebrew word
Hebrew Strong's # 7488
The KJV translates
Strong's H7488
in the following manner:
green (18 times) fresh (1 time) flourishing (1 time)
The NASB Bible translated that word
fresh (1), green (12), luxuriant (5), very green (1).
So the color
gives the idea of healthy and flourishing.
Yet added meaning comes from examination.
The word and its context
bring to mind
such ideas as
vigor, youthfulness, energy, health, strength,
For Psalm 52,
the word "green" refers more to the vigor and
flourishing than to the color obviously.
If you would like to see how various translations
translate Psalm 52:8, then cut and paste the link below.
Another fact of olive trees
is that
they live a long time.
Olive trees live a L-O-N-G time.
Some olive trees on the Mount of Olives
are believed to be 2,000 years old.
So Psalm 52:8
also gives the idea
of the
eternal life that David will have with God.
While Doeg
will experience eternal damnation.
Olive oil is used for anointing priests and kings.
When David was anointed king,
olive oil was used.
Olive oil was poured over his head.
Psalm 133:2 describes it.
"For harmony is as precious
as the
fragrant anointing oil
was poured
over Aaron’s head
ran down onto his beard
onto the border of his robe."
David was anointed to do the work of a king. |
You and I are anointed
for various works for God.
We do not get olive oil poured over our head.
But we do get a spiritual anointing for
serving the Lord.
Olive oil
was used in lamps
to bring light.
In John 8:12 Jesus said,
“I am the light of the world.
He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness,
but have the light of life.”
And Jesus told us
Matthew 5:16 NKJV,
Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven.
I am reminded of the famous Christian song
This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine.
We are
olive trees
of God
that produce light.
Also see Philippians 2:15 b and Proverbs 13:9.
A final thought
In order to produce oil
for lamps
the olives must be crushed.
And in order
for us
to produce
beautiful light for Jesus
we often must be crushed.
Have you ever felt that
life experiences and personal challenges
are crushing you?
As you watch the following video,
I ask you
picture yourself being
an olive
getting crushed.
And as you seek to stay devoted to God,
precious oil is released.
I encourage you to think of the
wonderfully healthy oil that is released.
By watching the video below,
you can get a better idea
of what is happening to you
as difficult times in life
crush you.
It doesn't feel good to be crushed.
Yet it does
produce some wonderful results.
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