Psalm 73
Why do the wicked prosper?
~ ~ ~
Almost every Christian has asked the question:
Why do the wicked prosper?
At one time or another
Almost every Christian has asked:
Why is my life so hard?
Let's look deeper
into these questions.
Why is my life so hard,
and others have an easy life?
In this movie scene,
Dean Cain's character visits his mother
whose memory
has been taken from her.
The above movie clip
has a
huge impact
on me
every time I watch it.
I believe God wants
to be
in your life.
~ ~ ~
Thousands of years ago,
- author of Psalm 73 -
was seeking
an answer
to why the wicked prosper.
Join me as we look
at his journey
toward answers.
Psalm 73
Verse 1
The Blessings of a Pure Heart
Verse 1 - Truly God is good to Israel,
to those whose hearts are pure.
Verse 1 has Asaph sharing his beliefs,
he had had those beliefs for years.
But in the next few verses,
Asaph tells us that
he began to let
- experiences -
that he had
- experiences -
he had seen and heard
take precedence
over his beliefs.
Asaph's faith was slipping
his feet were slipping.
Asaph began
- to envy -
wicked people
who were prospering.
(See the Scripture below.)
2 But as for me, I almost lost my footing.
My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone.
3 For I envied the proud
when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness.
The next few verses give illustrations
of the wicked prospering.
I am - not - including them
(All the verses in Psalm 73 are written at the bottom of this page in several translations.)
Asaph continued to ponder
this subject.
In verses 13-14 (below)
he began to wonder -
"What good has it done me
to keep my heart pure?"
Verses 13-14
written below
are key verses
in Psalm 73
13 Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?
Did I keep myself innocent for no reason?
14 I get nothing but trouble all day long;
every morning brings me pain.
Asaph had been trying hard to do the right thing.
So he began to wonder -
"What good has it done me
to try so hard?"
It would probably be difficult
to find a Christian
who has
the prosperity of the wicked.
Nevertheless, God puts this as our goal.
Proverbs 24:19-20
Don’t envy evil people,
and don’t be jealous of the wicked.
An evil person has nothing to hope for;
the wicked will die like a flame that is put out.
In the next verse - verse 15,
Asaph brings us
- to his present day as he is writing the psalm -
he says that
- if -
he had begun to speak like that
to others,
he would have felt like a traitor to God's people.
15 If I had really spoken this way to others,
I would have been a traitor to your people.
In verse 16,
Asaph takes us
back again
- to his past -
and his past pondering.
16 So I tried to understand why the wicked prosper.
But what a difficult task it is!
Asaph lets us know
that he spent
a lot of time
to understand
why the wicked prosper.
Perhaps he thought,
"It doesn't make sense...
God is in charge
God tells us to do the right thing.
So why do the wicked prosper?"
Asaph was having a difficult time
coming up with an answer.
Verse 17 brings an answer.
Verse 17
17 Then I went into your sanctuary, O God,
and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked.
In verse 17,
Asaph went to a location
where he felt close to God
and there
he sought God with all his heart.
Asaph tells us that he - finally - understood.
During that time,
Asaph finally found
the key for his peace of mind.
For Asaph
the key is to
ponder the
of the wicked.
Eternity is a
- - -
On the other hand,
this earthly life is
*Note that later down the page
I will give some thoughts that
additionally added understanding for me personally.
In the next verse - verse 18,
written below
Asaph gives us some of his
with the Lord
as he was getting his understanding.
Asaph says that
when people walk away from God,
they begin to walk down a slippery slope.
For those who continue that path
and give in
to wickedness,
their path leads right up to
- and then over -
a cliff of destruction.
18 Truly, you put them on a slippery path
and send them sliding over the cliff to destruction.
As wicked people move away from God,
they don't perceive anything wrong
in their life
overtakes them
and often
destruction comes
in an instant.
19 In an instant they are destroyed,
completely swept away by terrors.
In the next verse,
Asaph is speaking about wicked people
who have gone
so far
away from God -
that they not only
openly express
disdain for God
they have begun to
mock and laugh at God.
And sometimes it seems strange to us
but sometimes
God laughs at their puny threats.
See Psalm 2:4 and Psalm 37:12-13.
20 When you arise, O Lord,
you will laugh at their silly ideas
as a person laughs at dreams in the morning.
In Psalm 73,
Asaph addresses the arrogance of the wicked.
Mocking and laughing at God
When I (Beth) was growing up and in my young adult years,
I never heard people mocking God
laughing at God.
But now
I find that it is a common occurrence.
The world I live in has become more
rebellious against God.
* * *
At this point in reading Psalm 73
Asaph takes us to the time
when he realized the
- bitterness -
that had taken root in his heart.
it came from thoughts of the wicked prospering.
In addition,
I believe that
he had developed bitterness for those
who mock and laugh at his God.
Verse 21
written below
is another key verse in Psalm 73.
It addresses
Asaph's bitterness.
21 Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
and I was all torn up inside.
Asaph's bitterness was making him
22 I was so foolish and ignorant—
* Asaph is addressing God.
As Asaph dealt with his bitterness,
he realized how
foolish and ignorant he was.
He should have never
the wicked.
Asaph felt embarrassed
by his previous thoughts and attitudes.
Verse 23 below is
Asaph's next step
in his spiritual growth:
Asaph's next phase in his spiritual growth
took him -
straight into the arms of God.
God calls all of us into his arms.
God loves ALL of us.
God even loves those who are very wicked,
he wants them
to repent
and therefore go to heaven when they die.
John 3:16
Matthew 23:37
tells us
that God even wants to hug the wicked -
but they
won't let him.
God is a trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are all God - one God in three persons.
In John 14:9 Jesus said,
"If you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
If you want more understand about the Trinity click:
Asaph realizes that the love of God had never left him. |
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Asaph now felt loved and accepted.
Asaph felt like a
beloved child of God
he felt like he
belonged in God's family.
23 Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
Asaph realized that God
was still
holding his hand and guiding him.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Asaph could now easily see the hand of God guiding him.
Asaph began to get a glimpse
of the glorious destiny God had for him.
In verse 25 below
Asaph is letting us know
that he now realizes that
God is the best gift in life.
That means
- that God himself -
The Best Gift...
being able to talk with God
live for God
God gives us.
So Asaph happily declares that,
"I desire you more than anything on earth."
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire you more than anything on earth.
Asaph declares that
God is the most important thing in his life.
~ ~ ~ ~
Then in verse 26
Asaph says,
26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever!
Asaph has solidified his heart toward God.
Asaph explains in verse 27
what happens to those
who abandon God...
27 Those who desert him will perish,
for you [God] destroy those who abandon you.
Many people desert and abandon God,
when they see the wicked prosper.
those people do not
come back to God and get right with God
before they die,
they will perish and go to hell.
- - -
So Asaph wants us to get our heart right with God.
Asaph urges us
in this psalm
and David urges us in a related psalm (Psalm 37)
Fret not thyself because of evildoers,
neither be envious against the workers of iniquity,
For they shall soon
be cut down like the grass,
wither as the green herb.
Trust in the Lord, and do good.
Psalm 37:1-3a
In the last verse of Psalm 73,
Asaph wisely proclaims to all of us:
"I am going to get close to God
try to stay close to God.
God is my sovereign Lord and my shelter.
tell everyone
about the wonderful things that God does."
28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God!
I have made The Sovereign Lord my shelter,
and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.
The Sovereign Lord
When we look at the wicked prospering
and when we look at
our difficulties
and our upsetting emotions -
it doesn't seem fair.
when God encouraged me to look at it from
God's Fathering Heart
I (Beth) understood.
My Personal Journey
God designed Psalm 73 to be a significant help
to us
each of us may still need some
personalized understanding.
As I went through this journey, and as I pondered
Asaph's words, I was helped a lot. Yet...
as I continued
to seek God
- as Asaph did -
I gained personalized help from God.
One of the greatest things
God revealed to me
was a deep revelation
that God has
Heart of a Loving Father.
Opening my Eyes
Most of us accept the idea that God loves us.
we don't think about how much
God loves
EACH person
no matter Good or Bad.
We read about the depth of God's love in
Psalm 139.
In Psalm 139 God lovingly created
one of us.
He sees each of us as HIS CHILD.
When I think like a mother,
I can understand
God's love for his kids - even his wicked kids.
God aches at the thought of being separated from
his rebellious kids for eternity.
As a mother, it makes
all the sense in the world
to me
that he would want
to allow blessings to the wicked.
As I pondered God - the Loving Father
who LOVES the wicked,
I realized
that it is only on this earth
that he can bless them -
Because the wicked are going to be
Eternally Punished.
That is a LONG Time
I saw that - when - God does allow good things,
it is from a Father's Heart
that aches
at the thought of spending eternity
separated from blessing
his wicked kids in any way.
What about someone you love?
I urge you to think about someone you love
rebellious toward God
heading toward hell.
Doesn't your heart fill with compassion?
Asaph went through this journey
from bitterness
to joy and satisfaction in God.
God encourages us to take that journey also!
That journey is healing to our soul!
Below is a song
that helps us
You are my
Psalm 73
New Living Translation
Truly God is good to Israel,
to those whose hearts are pure.
2 But as for me, I almost lost my footing.
My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone.
3 For I envied the proud
when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness.
4 They seem to live such painless lives;
their bodies are so healthy and strong.
5 They don’t have troubles like other people;
they’re not plagued with problems like everyone else.
6 They wear pride like a jeweled necklace
and clothe themselves with cruelty.
7 These fat cats have everything
their hearts could ever wish for!
8 They scoff and speak only evil;
in their pride they seek to crush others.
9 They boast against the very heavens,
and their words strut throughout the earth.
10 And so the people are dismayed and confused,
drinking in all their words.
11 “What does God know?” they ask.
“Does the Most High even know what’s happening?”
12 Look at these wicked people—
enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply.
13 Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?
Did I keep myself innocent for no reason?
14 I get nothing but trouble all day long;
every morning brings me pain.
15 If I had really spoken this way to others,
I would have been a traitor to your people.
16 So I tried to understand why the wicked prosper.
But what a difficult task it is!
17 Then I went into your sanctuary, O God,
and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked.
18 Truly, you put them on a slippery path
and send them sliding over the cliff to destruction.
19 In an instant they are destroyed,
completely swept away by terrors.
20 When you arise, O Lord,
you will laugh at their silly ideas
as a person laughs at dreams in the morning.
21 Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
and I was all torn up inside.
22 I was so foolish and ignorant—
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
23 Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire you more than anything on earth.
26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever.
27 Those who desert him will perish,
for you destroy those who abandon you.
28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God!
I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,
and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.
God is truly good to Israel,
to those who have pure hearts.
2 But I had almost stopped believing;
I had almost lost my faith
3 because I was jealous of proud people.
I saw wicked people doing well.
4 They are not suffering;
they are healthy and strong.
5 They don’t have troubles like the rest of us;
they don’t have problems like other people.
6 They wear pride like a necklace
and put on violence as their clothing.
7 They are looking for profits
and do not control their selfish desires.
8 They make fun of others and speak evil;
proudly they speak of hurting others.
9 They brag to the sky.
They say that they own the earth.
10 So their people turn to them
and give them whatever they want.
11 They say, “How can God know?
What does God Most High know?”
12 These people are wicked,
always at ease, and getting richer.
13 So why have I kept my heart pure?
Why have I kept my hands from doing wrong?
14 I have suffered all day long;
I have been punished every morning.
15 God, if I had decided to talk like this,
I would have let your people down.
16 I tried to understand all this,
but it was too hard for me to see
17 until I went to the Temple of God.
Then I understood what will happen to them.
18 You have put them in danger;
you cause them to be destroyed.
19 They are destroyed in a moment;
they are swept away by terrors.
20 It will be like waking from a dream.
Lord, when you rise up, they will disappear.
21 When my heart was sad
and I was angry,
22 I was senseless and stupid.
I acted like an animal toward you.
23 But I am always with you;
you have held my hand.
24 You guide me with your advice,
and later you will receive me in honor.
25 I have no one in heaven but you;
I want nothing on earth besides you.
26 My body and my mind may become weak,
but God is my strength.
He is mine forever.
27 Those who are far from God will die;
you destroy those who are unfaithful.
28 But I am close to God, and that is good.
The Lord God is my protection.
I will tell all that you have done.
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